module Trailblazer class Operation module Contract # result.contract = {..} # result.contract.errors = {..} # Deviate to left track if optional key is not found in params. # Deviate to left if validation result falsey. def self.Validate(skip_extract: false, name: "default", representer: false, key: nil) # DISCUSS: should we introduce something like Validate::Deserializer? params_path = "contract.#{name}.params" # extract_params! save extracted params here. extract = key: key, params_path: params_path ).freeze validate = name: name, representer: representer, params_path: params_path ).freeze # Build a simple Railway {Activity} for the internal flow. activity = do extend Activity::Railway() step extract, id: "#{params_path}_extract" unless skip_extract || representer step validate, id: "contract.#{name}.call" end # activity, _ = activity.decompose # DISCUSS: use Nested here? { task: activity, id: "contract.#{name}.validate", outputs: activity.outputs } end class Validate # Task: extract the contract's input from params by reading `:key`. class Extract def initialize(key:nil, params_path:nil) @key, @params_path = key, params_path end def call( ctx, params:, ** ) ctx[@params_path] = @key ? params[@key] : params end end def initialize(name:"default", representer:false, params_path:nil) @name, @representer, @params_path = name, representer, params_path end # Task: Validates contract `:name`. def call( ctx, ** ) validate!( ctx, representer: ctx["representer.#{@name}.class"] ||= @representer, # FIXME: maybe @representer should use DI. params_path: @params_path ) end def validate!(options, representer:false, from: :document, params_path:nil) path = "contract.#{@name}" contract = options[path] # this is for 1.1-style compatibility and should be removed once we have Deserializer in place: options["result.#{path}"] = result = if representer # use :document as the body and let the representer deserialize to the contract. # this will be simplified once we have Deserializer. # translates to contract.("{document: bla}") { .. } contract.(options[from]) { |document| } else # let Reform handle the deserialization. contract.(options[params_path]) end result.success? end end end end # Operation end