require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) begin require 'tilt/erb' require 'tilt/string' rescue LoadError warn "tilt not installed, skipping render plugin test" else describe "render plugin" do before do app(:bare) do plugin :render, :views=>"./spec/views" route do |r| r.on "home" do view("home", :locals=>{:name => "Agent Smith", :title => "Home"}, :layout_opts=>{:locals=>{:title=>"Home"}}) end r.on "about" do render("about", :locals=>{:title => "About Roda"}) end r.on "inline" do view(:inline=>"Hello <%= name %>", :locals=>{:name => "Agent Smith"}, :layout=>nil) end r.on "path" do render(:path=>"./spec/views/about.erb", :locals=>{:title => "Path"}, :layout_opts=>{:locals=>{:title=>"Home"}}) end r.on "content" do view(:content=>'bar', :layout_opts=>{:locals=>{:title=>"Home"}}) end end end end it "default actions" do body("/about").strip.should == "

About Roda

" body("/home").strip.should == "Roda: Home\n



Hello Agent Smith

" body("/inline").strip.should == "Hello Agent Smith" body("/path").strip.should == "


" body("/content").strip.should == "Roda: Home\nbar" end it "with str as engine" do app.plugin :render, :engine => "str" body("/about").strip.should == "

About Roda

" body("/home").strip.should == "Roda: Home\n



Hello Agent Smith

" body("/inline").strip.should == "Hello <%= name %>" end it "with str as ext" do app.plugin :render, :ext => "str" body("/about").strip.should == "

About Roda

" body("/home").strip.should == "Roda: Home\n



Hello Agent Smith

" body("/inline").strip.should == "Hello Agent Smith" end it "custom default layout support" do app.plugin :render, :layout => "layout-alternative" body("/home").strip.should == "Alternative Layout: Home\n



Hello Agent Smith

" end it "using hash for :layout" do app.plugin :render, :layout => {:inline=> 'a<%= yield %>b'} body("/home").strip.should == "a



Hello Agent Smith

\nb" end end describe "render plugin" do it "simple layout support" do app(:bare) do plugin :render route do |r| render(:path=>"spec/views/layout-yield.erb") do render(:path=>"spec/views/content-yield.erb") end end end body.gsub(/\n+/, "\n").should == "Header\nThis is the actual content.\nFooter\n" end it "views without default layouts" do app(:bare) do plugin :render, :views=>"./spec/views", :layout=>false route do |r| view("home", :locals=>{:name=>"Agent Smith", :title=>"Home"}) end end body.strip.should == "



Hello Agent Smith

" end it "layout overrides" do app(:bare) do plugin :render, :views=>"./spec/views" route do |r| view("home", :locals=>{:name=>"Agent Smith", :title=>"Home" }, :layout=>"layout-alternative", :layout_opts=>{:locals=>{:title=>"Home"}}) end end body.strip.should == "Alternative Layout: Home\n



Hello Agent Smith

" end it "inline layouts and inline views" do app(:render) do view({:inline=>'bar'}, :layout=>{:inline=>'Foo: <%= yield %>'}) end body.strip.should == "Foo: bar" end it "inline renders with opts" do app(:render) do render({:inline=>'<%= bar %>'}, {:engine=>'str'}) end body.strip.should == '<%= bar %>' end it "template renders with :template opts" do app(:bare) do plugin :render, :views => "./spec/views" route do render(:template=>"about", :locals=>{:title => "About Roda"}) end end body.strip.should == "

About Roda

" end it "template renders with :template_class opts" do app(:render) do @a = 1 render(:inline=>'i#{@a}', :template_class=>::Tilt[:str]) end body.should == "i1" end it "template cache respects :opts" do c = do def initialize(path, _, opts) @path = path @opts = opts end def render(*) "#{@path}-#{@opts[:foo]}" end end app(:render) do |r| "a" do render(:inline=>"i", :template_class=>c, :opts=>{:foo=>'a'}) end "b" do render(:inline=>"i", :template_class=>c, :opts=>{:foo=>'b'}) end end body('/a').should == "i-a" body('/b').should == "i-b" end it "template cache respects :template_opts" do c = do def initialize(path, _, opts) @path = path @opts = opts end def render(*) "#{@path}-#{@opts[:foo]}" end end app(:render) do |r| "a" do render(:inline=>"i", :template_class=>c, :template_opts=>{:foo=>'a'}) end "b" do render(:inline=>"i", :template_class=>c, :template_opts=>{:foo=>'b'}) end end body('/a').should == "i-a" body('/b').should == "i-b" end it "render_opts inheritance" do c = c.plugin :render sc = c.render_opts.should_not equal(sc.render_opts) c.render_opts[:layout_opts].should_not equal(sc.render_opts[:layout_opts]) c.render_opts[:template_opts].should_not equal(sc.render_opts[:template_opts]) c.render_opts[:cache].should_not equal(sc.render_opts[:cache]) end it "render plugin call should not override options" do c = c.plugin :render, :layout=>:foo c.plugin :render c.render_opts[:layout].should == :foo end it "with caching disabled" do app(:bare) do plugin :render, :views=>"./spec/views", :cache=>false route do |r| view(:inline=>"Hello <%= name %>: <%= render_opts[:cache] %>", :locals=>{:name => "Agent Smith"}, :layout=>nil) end end body("/inline").strip.should == "Hello Agent Smith: false"[:cache].should == false end end end