require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'moped' module Pupa class Runner attr_reader :options, :actions # @param [Pupa::Processor] a processor class # @param [Hash] defaults change any default options def initialize(processor_class, defaults = {}) @processor_class = processor_class @options ={ actions: [], tasks: [], output_dir: File.expand_path('scraped_data', Dir.pwd), cache_dir: File.expand_path('web_cache', Dir.pwd), expires_in: 86400, # 1 day pipelined: false, validate: true, host_with_port: 'localhost:27017', database: 'pupa', dry_run: false, level: 'INFO', }.merge(defaults)) @actions = { 'scrape' => 'Scrapes data from online sources', 'import' => 'Imports scraped data into a database', }.map do |name,description| name, description: description) end end # @param [Hash] attributes the action's attributes # @option attributes [String] :name the action's label # @option attributes [String] :description a description of the action def add_action(attributes) @actions << end # Returns the command-line option parser. # # @return [OptionParser] the command-line option parser def opts @opts ||= do |opts| opts.program_name = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) opts.banner = "Usage: #{opts.program_name}" opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Actions:' names = padding = @actions.each do |action| opts.separator " #{} #{action.description}\n" end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Tasks:' @processor_class.tasks.each do |task_name| opts.separator " #{task_name}" end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Specific options:' opts.on('-a', '--action ACTION', names, 'Select an action to run (you may give this switch multiple times)', " (#{names.join(', ')})") do |v| options.actions << v end opts.on('-t', '--task TASK', @processor_class.tasks, 'Select a scraping task to run (you may give this switch multiple times)', " (#{@processor_class.tasks.join(', ')})") do |v| options.tasks << v end opts.on('-o', '--output_dir PATH', 'The directory or Redis address (e.g. redis://localhost:6379/0) in which to dump JSON documents') do |v| options.output_dir = v end opts.on('-c', '--cache_dir PATH', 'The directory or Memcached address (e.g. memcached://localhost:11211) in which to cache HTTP requests') do |v| options.cache_dir = v end opts.on('-e', '--expires_in SECONDS', "The cache's expiration time in seconds") do |v| options.expires_in = v end opts.on('--pipelined', 'Dump JSON documents all at once') do |v| options.pipelined = v end opts.on('--[no-]validate', 'Validate JSON documents') do |v| options.validate = v end opts.on('-H', '--host HOST:PORT', 'The host and port to MongoDB') do |v| options.host_with_port = v end opts.on('-d', '--database NAME', 'The name of the MongoDB database') do |v| options.database = v end opts.on('-n', '--dry-run', 'Show the plan without running any actions') do options.dry_run = true end opts.on('-v', '--verbose', 'Show all messages') do options.level = 'DEBUG' end opts.on('-q', '--quiet', 'Show only warning and error messages') do options.level = 'WARN' end opts.on('-s', '--silent', 'Show no messages') do options.level = 'UNKNOWN' end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Common options:' opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opts exit end opts.on_tail('-v', '--version', 'Show version') do puts Pupa::VERSION exit end end end # Runs the action. # # @example Run from a command-line script # # # # @example Override the command-line options # #, expires_in: 3600) # 1 hour # # @param [Array] args command-line arguments # @param [Hash] overrides any overridden options def run(args, overrides = {}) rest = opts.parse!(args) @options = if options.actions.empty? options.actions = %w(scrape import) end if options.tasks.empty? options.tasks = @processor_class.tasks end processor =, cache_dir: options.cache_dir, expires_in: options.expires_in, pipelined: options.pipelined, validate: options.validate, level: options.level, options: Hash[*rest]) options.actions.each do |action| unless action == 'scrape' || processor.respond_to?(action) abort %(`#{action}` is not a #{opts.program_name} action. See `#{opts.program_name} --help` for a list of available actions.) end end if %w(DEBUG INFO).include?(options.level) puts "processor: #{@processor_class}" puts "actions: #{options.actions.join(', ')}" puts "tasks: #{options.tasks.join(', ')}" end if options.level == 'DEBUG' %w(output_dir cache_dir expires_in host_with_port database level).each do |option| puts "#{option}: #{options[option]}" end unless rest.empty? puts "options: #{rest.join(' ')}" end end exit if options.dry_run report = { plan: { processor: @processor_class, options: Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(options)).to_h, arguments: rest, }, start:, } Pupa.session =[options.host_with_port], database: options.database) if options.actions.delete('scrape') report[:scrape] = {} options.tasks.each do |task_name| report[:scrape][task_name] = processor.dump_scraped_objects(task_name) end end options.actions.each do |action| processor.send(action) if report.update(action.to_sym =>[action.to_sym]) end end if %w(DEBUG INFO).include?(options.level) report[:end] = report[:time] = report[:end] - report[:start] puts JSON.dump(report) end end end end