# frozen_string_literal: true module ActionPolicy module Policy # Adds callback-style checks to policies to # extract common checks from rules. # # class ApplicationPolicy < ActionPolicy::Base # authorize :user # pre_check :allow_admins # # private # # Allow every action for admins # def allow_admins # allow! if user.admin? # end # end # # You can specify conditional pre-checks (through `except` / `only`) options # and skip already defined pre-checks if necessary. # # class UserPolicy < ApplicationPolicy # skip_pre_check :allow_admins, only: :destroy? # # def destroy? # user.admin? && !record.admin? # end # end module PreCheck # Single pre-check instance. # # Implements filtering logic. class Check attr_reader :name, :policy_class def initialize(policy, name, except: nil, only: nil) if !except.nil? && !only.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Only one of `except` and `only` may be specified for pre-check" end @policy_class = policy @name = name @blacklist = Array(except) unless except.nil? @whitelist = Array(only) unless only.nil? rebuild_filter end def applicable?(rule) return true if filter.nil? filter.call(rule) end def call(policy) ; policy.send(name); end def skip!(except: nil, only: nil) if !except.nil? && !only.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Only one of `except` and `only` may be specified when skipping pre-check" end if except.nil? && only.nil? raise ArgumentError, "At least one of `except` and `only` must be specified when skipping pre-check" end if except @whitelist = Array(except) @whitelist -= blacklist if blacklist @blacklist = nil else # only @blacklist += Array(only) if blacklist @whitelist -= Array(only) if whitelist @blacklist = Array(only) if filter.nil? end rebuild_filter end # rubocop: enable # rubocop: enable def dup self.class.new( policy_class, name, except: blacklist&.dup, only: whitelist&.dup ) end private attr_reader :whitelist, :blacklist, :filter def rebuild_filter @filter = if whitelist proc { |rule| whitelist.include?(rule) } elsif blacklist proc { |rule| !blacklist.include?(rule) } end end end class << self def included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end end def run_pre_checks(rule) self.class.pre_checks.each do |check| next unless check.applicable?(rule) check.call(self) end yield if block_given? end def __apply__(rule) run_pre_checks(rule) { super } end module ClassMethods # :nodoc: def pre_check(*names, **options) names.each do |name| # do not allow pre-check override check = pre_checks.find { _1.name == name } raise "Pre-check already defined: #{name}" unless check.nil? pre_checks << Check.new(self, name, **options) end end def skip_pre_check(*names, **options) names.each do |name| check = pre_checks.find { _1.name == name } raise "Pre-check not found: #{name}" if check.nil? # when no options provided we remove this check completely next pre_checks.delete(check) if options.empty? # otherwise duplicate and apply skip options pre_checks[pre_checks.index(check)] = check.dup.tap { _1.skip!(**options) } end end def pre_checks return @pre_checks if instance_variable_defined?(:@pre_checks) @pre_checks = if superclass.respond_to?(:pre_checks) superclass.pre_checks.dup else [] end end end end end end