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Epry/commands/code_collectorE EE save-fileEInput and OutputE-Export to a file using content from the REPL.E+ Usage: save-file [OPTIONS] --to [FILE] Export to a file using content from the REPL. save-file my_method --to hello.rb save-file -i 1..10 --to hello.rb --append save-file show-method --to my_command.rb save-file sample_file.rb --lines 2..10 --to output_file.rb  EoptionsDESpecify the output file pathEFEAppend output to fileEprocessEFound no code to save.E file_nameGE save_fileEblock in save_fileE successfully savedEdisplay_contentE0 -- Please use `--to FILE` to export to a file.ENo file saved! -- EmodeEaEwEPryECommandE ClassCommandESaveFileE CodeCollectorEoptEinject_optionsEonE@ccE CommandErrorEargsEoptsE_pry_EnewEcontentEempty?EraiseE!E[]EFileEfEputsEopenEoutputEpresent?EmatchEgroupE descriptionEbannerEcore#define_methodECommandsE add_commandErequireEto=EaEappendEtoYe5Yv & A M } !!8!D!P!m!!!!!-"R"^"v""""""#/#F#h#~######$0$J$c$x$$$$$$%!%:%S%r%%%%%&&4&N&