require 'spec_helper' describe Mongo::Collection::View do let(:filter) do {} end let(:options) do {} end let(:view) do, filter, options) end before do authorized_collection.delete_many end describe '#==' do context 'when the other object is not a collection view' do let(:other) { 'test' } it 'returns false' do expect(view).to_not eq(other) end end context 'when the views have the same collection, filter, and options' do let(:other) do, filter, options) end it 'returns true' do expect(view).to eq(other) end end context 'when two views have a different collection' do let(:other_collection) do authorized_client[:other] end let(:other) do, filter, options) end it 'returns false' do expect(view).not_to eq(other) end end context 'when two views have a different filter' do let(:other_filter) do { 'name' => 'Emily' } end let(:other) do, other_filter, options) end it 'returns false' do expect(view).not_to eq(other) end end context 'when two views have different options' do let(:other_options) do { 'limit' => 20 } end let(:other) do, filter, other_options) end it 'returns false' do expect(view).not_to eq(other) end end end describe 'copy' do let(:view_clone) do view.clone end it 'dups the options' do expect(view.options).not_to be(view_clone.options) end it 'dups the filter' do expect(view.filter).not_to be(view_clone.filter) end it 'references the same collection' do expect(view.collection).to be(view_clone.collection) end end describe '#each' do let(:documents) do (1..10).map{ |i| { field: "test#{i}" }} end before do authorized_collection.delete_many authorized_collection.insert_many(documents) end context 'when a block is not provided' do let(:enumerator) do view.each end it 'returns an enumerator' do enumerator.each do |doc| expect(doc).to have_key('field') end end end describe '#close_query' do let(:options) do { :batch_size => 1 } end let(:cursor) do view.instance_variable_get(:@cursor) end before do if ClusterConfig.instance.fcv_ish < '3.2' cursor.instance_variable_set(:@cursor_id, 1) end end it 'sends a kill cursors command for the cursor' do expect(cursor).to receive(:close).and_call_original view.close_query end end describe 'collation' do context 'when the view has a collation set' do let(:options) do { collation: { locale: 'en_US', strength: 2 } } end let(:filter) do { name: 'BANG' } end before do authorized_collection.insert_one(name: 'bang') end let(:result) do view.limit(-1).first end context 'when the server selected supports collations' do min_server_fcv '3.4' it 'applies the collation' do expect(result['name']).to eq('bang') end end context 'when the server selected does not support collations' do max_server_version '3.2' it 'raises an exception' do expect { result }.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::UnsupportedCollation) end context 'when a String key is used' do let(:options) do { 'collation' => { locale: 'en_US', strength: 2 } } end it 'raises an exception' do expect { result }.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::UnsupportedCollation) end end end end context 'when the view does not have a collation set' do let(:filter) do { name: 'BANG' } end before do authorized_collection.insert_one(name: 'bang') end let(:result) do view.limit(-1).first end it 'does not apply the collation' do expect(result).to be_nil end end end end describe '#hash' do let(:other) do, filter, options) end it 'returns a unique value based on collection, filter, options' do expect(view.hash).to eq(other.hash) end context 'when two views only have different collections' do let(:other_collection) do authorized_client[:other] end let(:other) do, filter, options) end it 'returns different hash values' do expect(view.hash).not_to eq(other.hash) end end context 'when two views only have different filter' do let(:other_filter) do { 'name' => 'Emily' } end let(:other) do, other_filter, options) end it 'returns different hash values' do expect(view.hash).not_to eq(other.hash) end end context 'when two views only have different options' do let(:other_options) do { 'limit' => 20 } end let(:other) do, filter, other_options) end it 'returns different hash values' do expect(view.hash).not_to eq(other.hash) end end end describe '#initialize' do context 'when the filter is not a valid document' do let(:filter) do 'y' end let(:options) do { limit: 5 } end it 'raises an error' do expect do view raise_error(Mongo::Error::InvalidDocument) end end context 'when the filter and options are standard' do let(:filter) do { 'name' => 'test' } end let(:options) do { 'sort' => { 'name' => 1 }} end it 'parses a standard filter' do expect(view.filter).to eq(filter) end it 'parses standard options' do expect(view.options).to eq(options) end it 'only freezes the view filter, not the user filter' do expect(view.filter.frozen?).to be(true) expect(filter.frozen?).to be(false) end it 'only freezes the view options, not the user options' do expect(view.options.frozen?).to be(true) expect(options.frozen?).to be(false) end end context 'when the filter contains modifiers' do let(:filter) do { :$query => { :name => 'test' }, :$comment => 'testing' } end let(:options) do { :sort => { name: 1 }} end it 'parses a standard filter' do expect(view.filter).to eq('name' => 'test') end it 'parses standard options' do expect(view.options).to eq('sort' => { 'name' => 1 }, 'comment' => 'testing') end end context 'when the options contain modifiers' do let(:filter) do { 'name' => 'test' } end let(:options) do { :sort => { name: 1 }, :modifiers => { :$comment => 'testing'}} end it 'parses a standard filter' do expect(view.filter).to eq('name' => 'test') end it 'parses standard options' do expect(view.options).to eq('sort' => { 'name' => 1 }, 'comment' => 'testing') end end context 'when the filter and options both contain modifiers' do let(:filter) do { :$query => { 'name' => 'test' }, :$hint => { name: 1 }} end let(:options) do { :sort => { name: 1 }, :modifiers => { :$comment => 'testing' }} end it 'parses a standard filter' do expect(view.filter).to eq('name' => 'test') end it 'parses standard options' do expect(view.options).to eq( 'sort' => { 'name' => 1 }, 'comment' => 'testing', 'hint' => { 'name' => 1 } ) end end end describe '#inspect' do context 'when there is a namespace, filter, and options' do let(:options) do { 'limit' => 5 } end let(:filter) do { 'name' => 'Emily' } end it 'returns a string' do expect(view.inspect).to be_a(String) end it 'returns a string containing the collection namespace' do expect(view.inspect).to match(/.*#{authorized_collection.namespace}.*/) end it 'returns a string containing the filter' do expect(view.inspect).to match(/.*#{filter.inspect}.*/) end it 'returns a string containing the options' do expect(view.inspect).to match(/.*#{options.inspect}.*/) end end end end