# Awsstack AWS CloudFormation stack creation helper ## Building Clone this repository and run gem build awsstack.gemspec This will create `awsstack-.gem` you can then install this gem [sudo] gem install awsstack-.gem ## Usage awsstack --help /usr/local/bin/awsstack [OPTION] -h, --help: show help -r, --role IAM role to use. From ~/.aws/config -o, --operation Operation to perform on the template. (...) Operations : check Check a template on AWS create Create a stack update Update a stack delete Delete a stack -s, --stackname Stackname to operate on. -t, --templatefile Template file to use. (JSON format) -p, --paramfile Optional Parameter file. (JSON format) -e, --environment Execution environment. (dev, stag, prod, ...) -d, --debug [level]: Debug level. ( Todo: Debug Level is not implemented ) ### example use awsstack -r vrt-dpc-sandbox-admin -t output/aem_author.json -e dev -s Aemsecuritydev -o create ### params file To pass parameters to the CFN with this script, create a json file with the same name as the template file but in the directory /output/params//