require 'ipaddr' require 'sypex_geo/version' module SypexGeo TYPE_COUNTRY = 0 TYPE_REGION = 1 TYPE_CITY = 2 COUNTRY_CODES = %w[ AP EU AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AN AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BM BN BO BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR FX GA GB GD GE GF GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IN IO IQ IR IS IT JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PS PT PW PY QA RE RO RU RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR ST SV SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TM TN TO TL TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT RS ZA ZM ME ZW A1 A2 O1 AX GG IM JE BL MF ] class DatabaseError < StandardError end class Database attr_reader :version def initialize(path) @file =, 'rb') setup! end def lookup(ip, full = false) if seek = search(ip) read_location(seek, full) end end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:0x#{object_id} @version=#{@version}>" end protected def setup! if header = id, @version, @time, @type, @charset, @b_idx_len, @m_idx_len, @range, @db_items, @id_len, @max_region, @max_city, @region_size, @city_size, @max_country, @country_size, @pack_size = header.unpack('a3CNCCCnnNCnnNNnNn') end raise, 'Wrong file format' unless id == 'SxG' @pack ="\0") @b_idx_arr = * 4).unpack('N*') @m_idx_arr = * 4).scan(/.{1,4}/m) @block_len = 3 + @id_len @db_begin = @file.tell @regions_begin = @db_begin + @db_items * @block_len @cities_begin = @regions_begin + @region_size end def search(ip) ip1n = ip.to_i return if ip1n == 0 or ip1n == 127 or ip1n >= 224 ipn = blocks_min, blocks_max = @b_idx_arr[ip1n - 1], @b_idx_arr[ip1n] if blocks_max - blocks_min > @range part = search_idx(ipn, blocks_min / @range, (blocks_max / @range) - 1) min = part > 0 ? part * @range : 0 max = part > @m_idx_len ? @db_items : (part + 1) * @range min = blocks_min if min < blocks_min max = blocks_max if max > blocks_max else min = blocks_min max = blocks_max end search_db(ipn, min, max) end def search_idx(ipn, min, max) idx = @m_idx_arr while max - min > 8 offset = (min + max) >> 1 if ipn > idx[offset] min = offset else max = offset end end while ipn > idx[min] break if min >= max min += 1 end min end def search_db(ipn, min, max) len = max - min @file.pos = @db_begin + min * @block_len search_db_chunk( * @block_len), ipn, 0, len - 1) end def search_db_chunk(data, ipn, min, max) block_len = @block_len if max - min > 1 ipn = ipn[1, 3] while max - min > 8 offset = (min + max) >> 1 if ipn > data[offset * block_len, 3] min = offset else max = offset end end while ipn >= data[min * block_len, 3] min += 1 break if min >= max end else min += 1 end data[min * block_len - @id_len, @id_len].unpack('H*').first.hex end def read_data(seek, limit, type) @file.pos = (type == TYPE_REGION ? @regions_begin : @cities_begin) + seek Pack.parse(@pack[type], end def read_country(seek) read_data(seek, @max_country, TYPE_COUNTRY) end def read_region(seek) read_data(seek, @max_region, TYPE_REGION) end def read_city(seek) read_data(seek, @max_city, TYPE_CITY) end def read_location(seek, full = false) region = nil city = nil country = nil if seek < @country_size country = read_country(seek) elsif city = read_city(seek) region_seek = city.delete(:region_seek) country_id = city.delete(:country_id) country = { id: country_id, iso: COUNTRY_CODES[country_id - 1] } end if full and region_seek region = read_region(region_seek) country = read_country(region.delete(:country_seek)) end { city: city, region: region, country: country } end end class MemoryDatabase < Database def setup! super @db = * @block_len) @regions_db = if @region_size > 0 @cities_db = if @city_size > 0 end def search_db(ipn, min, max) search_db_chunk(@db, ipn, min, max) end def read_data(seek, limit, type) raw = (type == TYPE_REGION ? @regions_db : @cities_db)[seek, limit] Pack.parse(@pack[type], raw) end end module Pack def self.parse(pack, data) result = {} pos = 0 pack.split('/').each do |p| type, name = p.split(':') if data.nil? or data.empty? result[name] = type[0] =~ /b|c/ ? '' : 0 else if type[0] == 'b' len = data.index("\0", pos) - pos val = data[pos, len].force_encoding('UTF-8') len += 1 else len = type_length(type) val = unpack(type, data[pos, len]) end result[name] = val.is_a?(Array) ? val[0] : val pos += len end end Hash[{ |k, v| [ k.to_sym, v ] }] end protected def self.type_length(type) case type[0] when /t|T/ then 1 when /s|S|n/ then 2 when /m|M/ then 3 when 'd' then 8 when 'c' then type[1..-1].to_i else 4 end end def self.unpack(type, val) case type[0] when 't' then val.unpack('c') when 'T' then val.unpack('C') when 's' then val.unpack('s') when 'S' then val.unpack('S') when 'm' then (val + (val[2].ord >> 7) > 0 ? "\xFF" : "\0").unpack('l') when 'M' then (val + "\0").unpack('L') when 'i' then val.unpack('l') when 'I' then val.unpack('L') when 'f' then val.unpack('f') when 'd' then val.unpack('d') when 'n' then val.unpack('s')[0] / (10 ** type[1].to_i) when 'N' then val.unpack('l')[0] / (10 ** type[1].to_i) when 'c' then val.rstrip end end end end