# -*- encoding: binary -*- require 'logger' module Pitchfork # Implements a simple DSL for configuring a pitchfork server. # # See https://github.com/Shopify/pitchfork/tree/master/examples/pitchfork.conf.rb and # https://github.com/Shopify/pitchfork/tree/master/examples/pitchfork.conf.minimal.rb # example configuration files. # # See the docs/TUNING.md document for more information on tuning pitchfork. class Configurator include Pitchfork # :stopdoc: attr_accessor :set, :config_file, :after_load # used to stash stuff for deferred processing of cli options in # config.ru. Do not rely on # this being around later on... RACKUP = { :host => Pitchfork::Const::DEFAULT_HOST, :port => Pitchfork::Const::DEFAULT_PORT, :set_listener => false, :options => { :listeners => [] } } # Default settings for Pitchfork DEFAULTS = { :soft_timeout => 20, :cleanup_timeout => 2, :timeout => 22, :logger => Logger.new($stderr), :worker_processes => 1, :after_worker_fork => lambda { |server, worker| server.logger.info("worker=#{worker.nr} gen=#{worker.generation} pid=#{$$} spawned") }, :after_mold_fork => lambda { |server, worker| server.logger.info("mold gen=#{worker.generation} pid=#{$$} spawned") }, :after_worker_exit => lambda { |server, worker, status| m = if worker.nil? "repead unknown process (#{status.inspect})" elsif worker.mold? "mold pid=#{worker.pid rescue 'unknown'} gen=#{worker.generation rescue 'unknown'} reaped (#{status.inspect})" else "worker=#{worker.nr rescue 'unknown'} pid=#{worker.pid rescue 'unknown'} gen=#{worker.generation rescue 'unknown'} reaped (#{status.inspect})" end if status.success? server.logger.info(m) else server.logger.error(m) end }, :after_worker_ready => lambda { |server, worker| server.logger.info("worker=#{worker.nr} gen=#{worker.generation} ready") }, :after_worker_timeout => nil, :after_request_complete => nil, :early_hints => false, :refork_condition => nil, :check_client_connection => false, :rewindable_input => true, :client_body_buffer_size => Pitchfork::Const::MAX_BODY, } #:startdoc: def initialize(defaults = {}) #:nodoc: self.set = Hash.new(:unset) @use_defaults = defaults.delete(:use_defaults) self.config_file = defaults.delete(:config_file) set.merge!(DEFAULTS) if @use_defaults defaults.each { |key, value| self.__send__(key, value) } Hash === set[:listener_opts] or set[:listener_opts] = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = {} } Array === set[:listeners] or set[:listeners] = [] load(false) end def load(merge_defaults = true) #:nodoc: if merge_defaults && @use_defaults set.merge!(DEFAULTS) if @use_defaults end instance_eval(File.read(config_file), config_file) if config_file parse_rackup_file RACKUP[:set_listener] and set[:listeners] << "#{RACKUP[:host]}:#{RACKUP[:port]}" end def commit!(server, options = {}) #:nodoc: skip = options[:skip] || [] if ready_pipe = RACKUP.delete(:ready_pipe) server.ready_pipe = ready_pipe end if set[:check_client_connection] set[:listeners].each do |address| if set[:listener_opts][address][:tcp_nopush] == true raise ArgumentError, "check_client_connection is incompatible with tcp_nopush:true" end end end set.each do |key, value| value == :unset and next skip.include?(key) and next server.__send__("#{key}=", value) end end def [](key) # :nodoc: set[key] end def logger(obj) %w(debug info warn error fatal).each do |m| obj.respond_to?(m) and next raise ArgumentError, "logger=#{obj} does not respond to method=#{m}" end set[:logger] = obj end def after_worker_fork(*args, &block) set_hook(:after_worker_fork, block_given? ? block : args[0]) end def after_mold_fork(*args, &block) set_hook(:after_mold_fork, block_given? ? block : args[0]) end def after_worker_ready(*args, &block) set_hook(:after_worker_ready, block_given? ? block : args[0]) end def after_worker_timeout(*args, &block) set_hook(:after_worker_timeout, block_given? ? block : args[0], 3) end def after_worker_exit(*args, &block) set_hook(:after_worker_exit, block_given? ? block : args[0], 3) end def after_request_complete(*args, &block) set_hook(:after_request_complete, block_given? ? block : args[0]) end def timeout(seconds, cleanup: 2) soft_timeout = set_int(:soft_timeout, seconds, 3) cleanup_timeout = set_int(:cleanup_timeout, cleanup, 2) set_int(:timeout, soft_timeout + cleanup_timeout, 5) end def worker_processes(nr) set_int(:worker_processes, nr, 1) end def early_hints(bool) set_bool(:early_hints, bool) end # sets listeners to the given +addresses+, replacing or augmenting the # current set. def listeners(addresses) # :nodoc: Array === addresses or addresses = Array(addresses) addresses.map! { |addr| expand_addr(addr) } set[:listeners] = addresses end def listen(address, options = {}) address = expand_addr(address) if String === address [ :umask, :backlog, :sndbuf, :rcvbuf, :tries ].each do |key| value = options[key] or next Integer === value or raise ArgumentError, "not an integer: #{key}=#{value.inspect}" end [ :tcp_nodelay, :tcp_nopush, :ipv6only, :reuseport ].each do |key| (value = options[key]).nil? and next TrueClass === value || FalseClass === value or raise ArgumentError, "not boolean: #{key}=#{value.inspect}" end unless (value = options[:delay]).nil? Numeric === value or raise ArgumentError, "not numeric: delay=#{value.inspect}" end set[:listener_opts][address].merge!(options) end set[:listeners] << address end def rewindable_input(bool) set_bool(:rewindable_input, bool) end def client_body_buffer_size(bytes) set_int(:client_body_buffer_size, bytes, 0) end def check_client_connection(bool) set_bool(:check_client_connection, bool) end # Defines the number of requests per-worker after which a new generation # should be spawned. # # +false+ can be used to mark a final generation, otherwise the last request # count is re-used indefinitely. # # example: #. refork_after [50, 100, 1000] #. refork_after [50, 100, 1000, false] # # Note that reforking is only available on Linux. Other Unix-like systems # don't have this capability. def refork_after(limits) set[:refork_condition] = ReforkCondition::RequestsCount.new(limits) end # expands "unix:path/to/foo" to a socket relative to the current path # expands pathnames of sockets if relative to "~" or "~username" # expands "*:port and ":port" to "" def expand_addr(address) #:nodoc: return "{address}" if Integer === address return address unless String === address case address when %r{\Aunix:(.*)\z} File.expand_path($1) when %r{\A~} File.expand_path(address) when %r{\A(?:\*:)?(\d+)\z} "$1" when %r{\A\[([a-fA-F0-9:]+)\]\z}, %r/\A((?:\d+\.){3}\d+)\z/ canonicalize_tcp($1, 80) when %r{\A\[([a-fA-F0-9:]+)\]:(\d+)\z}, %r{\A(.*):(\d+)\z} canonicalize_tcp($1, $2.to_i) else address end end private def set_int(var, n, min) #:nodoc: Integer === n or raise ArgumentError, "not an integer: #{var}=#{n.inspect}" n >= min or raise ArgumentError, "too low (< #{min}): #{var}=#{n.inspect}" set[var] = n end def canonicalize_tcp(addr, port) packed = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(port, addr) port, addr = Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(packed) addr.include?(':') ? "[#{addr}]:#{port}" : "#{addr}:#{port}" end def set_path(var, path) #:nodoc: case path when NilClass, String set[var] = path else raise ArgumentError end end def check_bool(var, bool) # :nodoc: case bool when true, false return bool end raise ArgumentError, "#{var}=#{bool.inspect} not a boolean" end def set_bool(var, bool) #:nodoc: set[var] = check_bool(var, bool) end def set_hook(var, my_proc, req_arity = 2) #:nodoc: case my_proc when Proc arity = my_proc.arity (arity == req_arity) or \ raise ArgumentError, "#{var}=#{my_proc.inspect} has invalid arity: " \ "#{arity} (need #{req_arity})" when NilClass my_proc = DEFAULTS[var] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid type: #{var}=#{my_proc.inspect}" end set[var] = my_proc end # This only parses the embedded switches in .ru files # (for "rackup" compatibility) def parse_rackup_file # :nodoc: ru = RACKUP[:file] or return # we only return here in unit tests # :rails means use (old) Rails autodetect if ru == :rails File.readable?('config.ru') or return ru = 'config.ru' end File.readable?(ru) or raise ArgumentError, "rackup file (#{ru}) not readable" # it could be a .rb file, too, we don't parse those manually ru.end_with?('.ru') or return /^#\\(.*)/ =~ File.read(ru) or return RACKUP[:optparse].parse!($1.split(/\s+/)) end end end