require "data_active/version" module DataActive def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def ensure_unique(name) begin self[name] = yield end while self.class.exists?(name => self[name]) end VALID_FROM_XML_OPTIONS = [:sync, :create, :update, :destroy, :fail_on_invalid] module ClassMethods def many_from_xml(source_xml, options = []) @data_active_options = options many_from root_node_in source_xml end def one_from_xml(source_xml, options = []) @data_active_options = options current_node = root_node_in source_xml if # Load or create a new record pk_node = current_node.xpath self.primary_key.to_s active_record = find_record_based_on(pk_node) unless active_record.nil? # Process the attributes if options.include? :update or options.include? :sync or options.include? :create assign_attributes_from current_node, :to => active_record if options.include? :fail_on_invalid and !active_record.valid? messages = {|attribute, messages| "#{attribute} #{{|message| message }.join(', ')}"}.join(', ') raise "Found an invalid #{} with the following errors: #{messages}. Source: #{current_node.to_s}" end end # Save the record if options.include? :sync # Doing complete synchronisation with XML elsif options.include?(:create) and active_record.new_record? elsif options.include?(:update) and not active_record.new_record? end # Check through associations and apply sync appropriately self.reflect_on_all_associations.each do |association| foreign_key = foreign_key_from(association) klass = association.klass case when association.macro == :has_many, association.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many instances = instances_for association, :from => current_node, :for => active_record child_ids = [] instances.each do |instance| new_record = klass.one_from_xml(instance, options) if new_record != nil child_ids << new_record[klass.primary_key] active_record.__send__( << new_record end end unless active_record.new_record? if options.include?(:sync) or options.include?(:destroy) if child_ids.length > 0 klass.destroy_all [klass.primary_key.to_s + " not in (?) and #{foreign_key} = ?", child_ids.collect, active_record.attributes[self.primary_key.to_s]] else klass.destroy_all end end end when association.macro == :has_one pk_value = active_record.new_record? ? 0 : active_record.attributes[self.primary_key.to_s] single_objects = current_node.xpath("//#{}[#{self.primary_key}=#{pk_value}]/#{}") klass = association.klass record = klass.where(foreign_key => active_record.attributes[self.primary_key.to_s]).all if single_objects.count == 1 # Check to see if the already record exists if record.count == 1 db_pk_value = record[0][klass.primary_key] xml_pk_value = Integer(single_objects[0].element_children.xpath("//#{}/#{klass.primary_key}").text) if db_pk_value != xml_pk_value # Different record in xml if options.include?(:sync) or options.include?(:destroy) # Delete the one in the database klass.destroy(record[0][klass.primary_key]) end end elsif record.count > 1 raise "Too many records for one to one association in the database. Found #{record.count} records of '#{}' for association with '#{}'" end if options.include?(:create) or options.include?(:update) or options.include?(:sync) new_record = klass.one_from_xml(single_objects[0], options) if new_record != nil new_record[foreign_key.to_sym] = active_record[self.primary_key.to_s]! end end elsif single_objects.count > 1 # There are more than one associations raise "Too many records for one to one association in the provided XML. Found #{single_objects.count} records of '#{}' for association with '#{}'" else # There are no records in the XML if record.count > 0 and options.include?(:sync) or options.include?(:destroy) # Found some in the database: destroy then klass.destroy_all("#{foreign_key} = #{active_record.attributes[self.primary_key.to_s]}") end end when association.macro == :belongs_to else raise "unsupported association #{association.macro} for #{ } on #{}" end end end active_record else raise "The supplied XML (#{}) cannot be mapped to this class (#{})" end end private def xml_node_matches_class(xml_node) if xml_node.attributes['type'].blank? == else xml_node.attributes['type'].value.underscore == end end def find_record_based_on(pk_node) ar = nil if pk_node begin ar = find pk_node.text rescue # No record exists, create a new one if @data_active_options.include?(:sync) or @data_active_options.include?(:create) ar = end end else # No primary key value, must be a new record if @data_active_options.include?(:sync) or @data_active_options.include?(:create) ar = end end ar end def assign_attributes_from(current_node, options) record = options[:to] record.attributes.each do |name, value| attribute_nodes = current_node.xpath name.to_s if attribute_nodes.count == 1 if attribute_nodes[0].attributes['nil'].try(:value) record[name] = nil else record[name] = attribute_nodes[0].text end elsif attribute_nodes.count > 1 raise "Found duplicate elements in xml for active record attribute '#{name}'" end end end def instances_for(association, options) current_node = options[:from] active_record = options[:for] # Attempt to find instances which are in the following format # <books> # <book> # ... # </book> # <book> # ... # </book> # </books> if active_record.new_record? results = current_node.xpath("//#{}[#{self.primary_key}=#{current_node.xpath(self.primary_key.to_s).text}]/#{}") else results = current_node.xpath("//#{}[#{self.primary_key}=#{active_record.attributes[self.primary_key.to_s]}]/#{}") end if results.count.eql? 0 # Attempt to find instances which are in the following format # <book> # ... # </book> if active_record.new_record? results = current_node.xpath("//#{}[#{self.primary_key}=#{current_node.xpath(self.primary_key.to_s).text}]/#{}") else results = current_node.xpath("//#{}[#{self.primary_key}=#{active_record.attributes[self.primary_key.to_s]}]/#{}") end else results = results.first.element_children end results end def foreign_key_from(association) if ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection.method_defined? :foreign_key # Support for Rails 3.1 and later foreign_key = association.foreign_key elsif ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection.method_defined? :primary_key_name # Support for Rails earlier than 3.1 foreign_key = association.primary_key_name else raise "Unsupported version of ActiveRecord. Unable to identify the foreign key." end foreign_key end def root_node_in(source_xml) if source_xml.is_a?(String) doc = Nokogiri::XML(source_xml) doc.children.first else source_xml end end def remove_records_not_in(recorded_ids) if @data_active_options.include?(:sync) if recorded_ids.length > 0 self.destroy_all [self.primary_key.to_s + " not in (?)", recorded_ids.collect] end elsif @data_active_options.include?(:destroy) if recorded_ids.length > 0 self.destroy_all [self.primary_key.to_s + " not in (?)", recorded_ids.collect] else self.destroy_all end end end def many_from_rails_xml(current_node) records = [] recorded_ids = [] current_node.element_children.each do |node| record = self.one_from_xml(node, @data_active_options) if record recorded_ids << record[primary_key.to_sym] records << record end end remove_records_not_in recorded_ids records end def many_from_ms_xml(current_node) records = [] recorded_ids = [] current_node.element_children.each do |node| if record = self.one_from_xml(node, @data_active_options) if record recorded_ids << record[primary_key.to_sym] records << record end end end remove_records_not_in recorded_ids records end def many_from(current_node) case when many_from_rails_xml current_node when ('dataroot') \ and { |ns| ns.href }.include?('urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata')) # Identified as data generated from Microsoft Access many_from_ms_xml current_node when raise "The supplied XML (#{}) is a single instance of '#{}'. Please use one_from_xml" else raise "The supplied XML (#{}) cannot be mapped to this class (#{})" end end end end class ActiveRecord::Base include DataActive end