require 'spec_helper' describe Riak::Serializers do shared_examples_for "a serializer" do |type, deserialized, serialized| context "for #{type}" do it "serializes #{deserialized} to #{serialized}" do expect(described_class.serialize(type, deserialized)).to eq(serialized) end it "deserializes #{serialized} to #{deserialized}" do expect(described_class.deserialize(type, serialized)). to eq(deserialized) end it "round trips properly" do str = described_class.serialize(type, deserialized) expect(described_class.deserialize(type, str)).to eq(deserialized) end end end it_behaves_like "a serializer", "text/plain", "a string", "a string" it_behaves_like "a serializer", "application/json", { "a" => 7 }, '{"a":7}' it_behaves_like "a serializer", "application/x-ruby-marshal", { a: 3 }, Marshal.dump({ a: 3 }) described_class::YAML_MIME_TYPES.each do |mime_type| it_behaves_like "a serializer", mime_type, { "a" => 7 }, YAML.dump({ "a" => 7 }) end %w[ serialize deserialize ].each do |meth| describe ".#{meth}" do it 'raises an IOError when given an unrecognized content type' do expect { described_class.send(meth, "application/unrecognized", "string") }.to raise_error(IOError) end end end describe "plain text serializer" do it 'calls #to_s to convert the object to a string' do expect(described_class.serialize('text/plain', :a_string)). to eq('a_string') end end describe "JSON serializer" do it "respects the max nesting option" do # Sadly, this spec will not fail for me when using yajl-ruby # on Ruby 1.9, even when passing the options to #to_json is # not implemented. Riak.json_options = {:max_nesting => 51} h = {} p = h (1..50).each do |i| p['a'] = {} p = p['a'] end s = h.to_json(Riak.json_options) expect { described_class.serialize('application/json', h) }.to_not raise_error expect { described_class.deserialize('application/json', s) }.to_not raise_error end end describe "a custom serializer" do let(:custom_serializer) do do |o| def o.dump(string) "The string is: #{string}" end def o.load(string) string.sub(/^The string is: /, '') end end end it 'can be registered' do described_class['application/custom-type-1'] = custom_serializer expect(described_class['application/custom-type-1']). to be(custom_serializer) # fail end it_behaves_like "a serializer", "application/custom-type-a", "foo", "The string is: foo" do before(:each) do described_class['application/custom-type-a'] = custom_serializer end end after(:each) do # Make sure to clean up the registered serializer %w{application/custom-type-1 application/custom-type-a}.each do |ctype| described_class.send(:serializers).delete(ctype) end end end it_behaves_like "a serializer", "application/json; charset=UTF-8", { "a" => 7 }, '{"a":7}' it_behaves_like "a serializer", "application/json ;charset=UTF-8", { "a" => 7 }, '{"a":7}' end