require 'rbkb/cli' require 'rbkb/plug' # Copyright 2009 emonti at # See README.rdoc for license information # # blit is for use with any of the "plug" tools such as telson, feed, blitplug. # It is used to send data over a socket via their OOB blit listener. class Rbkb::Cli::Blit < Rbkb::Cli::Executable attr_accessor :blit_msg def initialize(*args) super(*args) { :b_addr => Plug::Blit::DEFAULT_IPADDR, :b_port => Plug::Blit::DEFAULT_PORT, :bp_proto => :TCP, :b_peeridx => 0, }.each {|k, v| @opts[k] ||= v} end def make_parser() super() add_std_file_opt(:indat) arg = @oparse arg.banner += " " arg.on("-t", "--trans-protocol=PROTO", "Blit transport protocol TCP/UDP") do |t| @opts[:b_proto] = t.upcase.to_sym end arg.on("-S", "--starttls", "Start TLS handshake for the peer index (-i)") do |s| @blit_msg = Plug::Blit.make_starttls(@opts[:b_peeridx]) end arg.on("-b", "--blitsrv=ADDR:PORT", "Where to send blit messages") do |b| unless(m=/^(?:([\w\.]+):)?(\d+)$/.match(b)) bail "invalid blit address/port" end @opts[:b_port] = m[2].to_i @opts[:b_port] = m[1] if m[1] end arg.on("-i", "--peer-index=IDX", Numeric, "Index for remote peer to receive") do |i| @opts[:b_peeridx] = i end arg.on("-l", "--list-peers", "Lists the peer array for the target") do @blit_msg = Plug::Blit.make_list_peers end arg.on("-k", "--kill", "Stops the remote event loop.") do @blit_msg = Plug::Blit.make_kill end return arg end def parse(*args) super(*args) unless @blit_msg if @opts[:indat].nil? @opts[:indat] = (@argv.length > 0)? @argv.join(" ") : end @blit_msg = Plug::Blit.make_sendmsg(@opts[:b_peeridx], @opts[:indat]) end end def go(*args) super(*args) begin Plug::Blit.blit_init( :addr => @opts[:b_addr], :port => @opts[:b_port], :protocol => @opts[:b_proto] ) Plug::Blit.blit_raw(@blit_msg) rescue bail($!) end self.exit(0) end end