module Resourceful
# This module contains various methods
# that are available from actions and callbacks.
# Default::Accessors and Default::URLs are the most useful to users;
# the rest are mostly used internally.
# However, if you want to poke around the internals a little,
# check out Default::Actions, which has the default Action definitions,
# and Default::Responses.included, which defines the default response_for[link:classes/Resourceful/Builder.html#M000061] blocks.
module Default
# This module contains all sorts of useful methods
# that allow access to the resources being worked with,
# metadata about the controller and action,
# and so forth.
# Many of these accessors call other accessors
# and are called by the default make_resourceful actions[link:classes/Resourceful/Default/Actions.html].
# This means that overriding one method
# can affect everything else.
# This can be dangerous, but it can also be very powerful.
# make_resourceful is designed to take advantage of overriding,
# so as long as the new methods accomplish the same purpose as the old ones,
# everything will just work.
# Even if you make a small mistake,
# it's hard to break the controller in any unexpected ways.
# For example, suppose your controller is called TagsController,
# but your model is called PhotoTag.
# All you have to do is override current_model_name:
# def current_model_name
# "PhotoTag"
# end
# Then current_model will return the PhotoTag model,
# current_object will call PhotoTag.find,
# and so forth.
# Overriding current_objects and current_object is particularly useful
# for providing customized model lookup logic.
module Accessors
# Returns an array of all the objects of the model corresponding to the controller.
# For UsersController, it essentially runs User.find(:all).
# However, there are a few important differences.
# First, this method caches is results in the @current_objects instance variable.
# That way, multiple calls won't run multiple queries.
# Second, this method uses the current_model accessor,
# which provides a lot of flexibility
# (see the documentation for current_model for details).
def current_objects
@current_objects ||= current_model.find(:all)
# Calls current_objects and stores
# the result in an instance variable
# named after the controller.
# This is called automatically by the default make_resourceful actions.
# You shouldn't need to use it directly unless you're creating a new action.
# For example, in UsersController,
# calling +load_objects+ sets @users = current_objects.
def load_objects
instance_variable_set("@#{instance_variable_name}", current_objects)
# Returns the object referenced by the id parameter
# (or the newly-created object for the +new+ and +create+ actions).
# For UsersController, it essentially runs User.find(params[:id]).
# However, there are a few important differences.
# First, this method caches is results in the @current_objects instance variable.
# That way, multiple calls won't run multiple queries.
# Second, this method uses the current_model accessor,
# which provides a lot of flexibility
# (see the documentation for current_model for details).
# Note that this is different for a singleton controller,
# where there's only one resource per parent resource.
# Then this just returns that resource.
# For example, if Person has_one Hat,
# then in HatsController current_object essentially runs Person.find(params[:person_id]).hat.
def current_object
@current_object ||= if !parent? || plural?
current_model.find(params[:id]) if params[:id]
# Calls current_object and stores
# the result in an instance variable
# named after the controller.
# This is called automatically by the default make_resourceful actions.
# You shouldn't need to use it directly unless you're creating a new action.
# For example, in UsersController,
# calling +load_object+ sets @user = current_object.
def load_object
instance_variable_set("@#{instance_variable_name.singularize}", current_object)
# Creates a new object of the type of the current model
# with the current object's parameters.
# +current_object+ then returns this object for this action
# instead of looking up a new object.
# This is called automatically by the default make_resourceful actions.
# You shouldn't need to use it directly unless you're creating a new action.
# Note that if a parent object exists,
# the newly created object will automatically be a child of the parent object.
# For example, on POST /people/4/things,
# build_object
# #=> 4
def build_object
@current_object = if current_model.respond_to? :build
else do |obj|
if singular? && parent?
obj.send("#{parent_name}_type=", parent_object.class.to_s) if polymorphic_parent?
def namespaced_model_name
[self.class.model_namespace, current_model_name].compact.join('::')
# The string name of the current model.
# By default, this is derived from the name of the controller.
def current_model_name
# An array of namespaces under which the current controller is.
# For example, in Admin::Content::PagesController:
# namespaces #=> [:admin, :content]
def namespaces
@namespaces ||='::').slice(0...-1).map(&:underscore).map(&:to_sym)
# The name of the instance variable that load_object and load_objects should assign to.
def instance_variable_name
# The class of the current model.
# Note that if a parent object exists,
# this instead returns the association object.
# For example, in HatsController where Person has_many :hats,
# current_model #=> Person.find(params[:person_id]).hats
# This is useful because the association object uses duck typing
# to act like a model class.
# It supplies a find method that's automatically scoped
# to ensure that the object returned is actually a child of the parent,
# and so forth.
def current_model
if !parent? || singular?
# Returns the hash passed as HTTP parameters
# that defines the new (or updated) attributes
# of the current object.
# This is only meaningful for +create+ or +update+.
def object_parameters
params['/', '_')]
# Returns a list of the names of all the potential parents of the current model.
# For a non-nested controller, this is [].
# For example, in HatsController where Rack has_many :hats and Person has_many :hats,
# parents #=> ["rack", "person"]
# Note that the parents must be declared via Builder#belongs_to.
def parent_names
# Returns true if an appropriate parent id parameter has been supplied.
# For example, in HatsController where Rack has_many :hats and Person has_many :hats,
# if params[:rack_id] or params[:person_id] is given,
# parent? #=> true
# Otherwise, if both params[:rack_id] and params[:rack_id] are nil,
# parent? #=> false
# Note that parents must be declared via Builder#belongs_to.
def parent?
# Returns true if no parent id parameter can be found _and_ a belongs_to
# relationship on this controller was declared with a parent for shallow
# routing.
def shallow?
self.class.shallow_parent &&
(parent_name.nil? || parent_name == self.class.shallow_parent)
# Returns whether the parent (if it exists) is polymorphic
def polymorphic_parent?
# Returns the name of the current parent object if a parent id is given,
# or nil otherwise. For example, in HatsController where Rack has_many
# :hats and Person has_many :hats, if params[:rack_id] is
# given,
# parent_name #=> "rack"
# If params[:person_id] is given,
# parent_name #=> "person"
# If both params[:rack_id] and params[:person_id] are
# nil,
# parent_name #=> nil
# There are several things to note about this method. First,
# make_resourceful only supports single-level model nesting. Thus, if
# neither params[:rack_id] nor params[:rack_id] are
# nil, the return value of +parent_name+ is undefined.
# Second, don't use parent_name to check whether a parent id is given.
# It's better to use the more semantic parent? method.
# Third, parent_name caches its return value in the
# @parent_name variable, which you should keep in mind if
# you're overriding it. However, because @parent_name == nil
# could mean that there is no parent _or_ that the method hasn't been
# run yet, it uses defined?(@parent_name) to do the caching
# rather than @parent_name ||=. See the source code.
# Finally, note that parents must be declared via Builder#belongs_to.
# FIXME - Perhaps this logic should be moved to parent?() or another
# init method
def parent_name
return @parent_name if defined?(@parent_name)
@parent_name = parent_names.find { |name| params["#{name}_id"] }
if @parent_name.nil?
# get any polymorphic parents through :as association inspection
names = params.keys.inject({}) do |hsh, key|
hsh[key] = key.chomp("_id") if key.to_s =~ /_id$/
names.each do |key, name|
klass = name.camelize.constantize
if association = klass.reflect_on_all_associations.detect { |association| association.options[:as] && parent_names.include?(association.options[:as].to_s) }
@parent_name = name
@polymorphic_parent_name = association.options[:as].to_s
@parent_class_name = name.camelize
@parent_object = klass.find(params[key])
@parent_class_name = params["#{parent_name}_type"]
@polymorphic_parent = !@parent_class_name.nil? # NEVER USED
def polymorphic_parent_name
# Returns the class name of the current parent.
# For example, in HatsController where Person has_many :hats,
# if params[:person_id] is given,
# parent_class_name #=> 'Person'
# Note that parents must be declared via Builder#belongs_to.
def parent_class_name
parent_name # to init @parent_class_name
@parent_class_name ||= parent_name.nil? ? nil : parent_name.camelize
# Returns the model class of the current parent.
# For example, in HatsController where Person has_many :hats,
# if params[:person_id] is given,
# parent_models #=> Person
# Note that parents must be declared via Builder#belongs_to.
def parent_model
parent_class_name.nil? ? nil : parent_class_name.constantize
# Returns the current parent object for the current object.
# For example, in HatsController where Person has_many :hats,
# if params[:person_id] is given,
# parent_object #=> Person.find(params[:person_id])
# Note that parents must be declared via Builder#belongs_to.
# Note also that the results of this method are cached
# so that multiple calls don't result in multiple SQL queries.
def parent_object
@parent_object ||= parent_model.nil? ? nil : parent_model.find(params["#{parent_name}_id"])
# Assigns the current parent object, as given by parent_objects,
# to its proper instance variable, as given by parent_name.
# This is automatically added as a before_filter.
# You shouldn't need to use it directly unless you're creating a new action.
def load_parent_object
instance_variable_set("@#{parent_name}", parent_object) if parent?
instance_variable_set("@#{polymorphic_parent_name}", parent_object) if polymorphic_parent?
# Renders a 422 error if no parent id is given.
# This is meant to be used with before_filter
# to ensure that some actions are only called with a parent id.
# For example:
# before_filter :ensure_parent_exists, :only => [:create, :update]
def ensure_parent_exists
return true if parent?
render :text => 'No parent id given', :status => 422
return false
# Returns whether or not the database update in the +create+, +update+, and +destroy+
# was completed successfully.
def save_succeeded?
# Declares that the current databse update was completed successfully.
# Causes subsequent calls to save_succeeded? to return +true+.
# This is mostly meant to be used by the default actions,
# but it can be used by user-defined actions as well.
def save_succeeded!
@save_succeeded = true
# Declares that the current databse update was not completed successfully.
# Causes subsequent calls to save_succeeded? to return +false+.
# This is mostly meant to be used by the default actions,
# but it can be used by user-defined actions as well.
def save_failed!
@save_succeeded = false
# Returns whether or not the current action acts upon multiple objects.
# By default, the only such action is +index+.
def plural_action?
# Returns whether or not the current action acts upon a single object.
# By default, this is the case for all actions but +index+.
def singular_action?
# Returns whether the controller is a singleton,
# implying that there is only one such resource for each parent resource.
# Note that the way this is determined is based on the singularity of the controller name,
# so it may yield false positives for oddly-named controllers and need to be overridden.
# TODO: maybe we can define plural? and singular? as class_methods,
# so they are not visible to the world
def singular?
instance_variable_name.singularize == instance_variable_name
# Returns whether the controller is a normal plural controller,
# implying that there are multiple resources for each parent resource.
# Note that the way this is determined is based on the singularity of the controller name,
# so it may yield false negatives for oddly-named controllers.
# If this is the case, the singular? method should be overridden.
# TODO: maybe we can define plural? and singular? as class_methods,
# so they are not visible to the world
def plural?