# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. require 'spec_helper' describe Elasticsearch::Model::Adapter::Mongoid, if: test_mongoid? do before(:all) do connect_mongoid('mongoid_test') Elasticsearch::Model::Adapter.register \ Elasticsearch::Model::Adapter::Mongoid, lambda { |klass| !!defined?(::Mongoid::Document) && klass.respond_to?(:ancestors) && klass.ancestors.include?(::Mongoid::Document) } MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.create_index! force: true MongoidArticle.delete_all MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.client.cluster.health wait_for_status: 'yellow' end after do clear_indices(MongoidArticle) clear_tables(MongoidArticle) end describe 'searching' do before do MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Test' MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Testing Coding' MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Coding' MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end let(:search_result) do MongoidArticle.search('title:test') end it 'find the documents successfully' do expect(search_result.results.size).to eq(2) expect(search_result.records.size).to eq(2) end describe '#results' do it 'returns a Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Result' do expect(search_result.results.first).to be_a(Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Result) end it 'retrieves the document from Elasticsearch' do expect(search_result.results.first.title).to eq('Test') end it 'retrieves all results' do expect(search_result.results.collect(&:title)).to match(['Test', 'Testing Coding']) end end describe '#records' do it 'returns an instance of the model' do expect(search_result.records.first).to be_a(MongoidArticle) end it 'retrieves the document from Elasticsearch' do expect(search_result.records.first.title).to eq('Test') end it 'iterates over the records' do expect(search_result.records.first.title).to eq('Test') end it 'retrieves all records' do expect(search_result.records.collect(&:title)).to match(['Test', 'Testing Coding']) end describe '#each_with_hit' do it 'yields each hit with the model object' do search_result.records.each_with_hit do |r, h| expect(h._source).not_to be_nil expect(h._source.title).not_to be_nil end end it 'preserves the search order' do search_result.records.each_with_hit do |r, h| expect(r.id.to_s).to eq(h._id) end end end describe '#map_with_hit' do it 'yields each hit with the model object' do search_result.records.map_with_hit do |r, h| expect(h._source).not_to be_nil expect(h._source.title).not_to be_nil end end it 'preserves the search order' do search_result.records.map_with_hit do |r, h| expect(r.id.to_s).to eq(h._id) end end end end end describe '#destroy' do let(:article) do MongoidArticle.create!(title: 'Test') end before do article MongoidArticle.create!(title: 'Coding') article.destroy MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end it 'removes documents from the index' do expect(MongoidArticle.search('title:test').results.total).to eq(0) expect(MongoidArticle.search('title:code').results.total).to eq(1) end end describe 'updates to the document' do let(:article) do MongoidArticle.create!(title: 'Test') end before do article.title = 'Writing' article.save MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end it 'indexes updates' do expect(MongoidArticle.search('title:write').results.total).to eq(1) expect(MongoidArticle.search('title:test').results.total).to eq(0) end end describe 'DSL search' do before do MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Test' MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Testing Coding' MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Coding' MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end let(:search_result) do MongoidArticle.search(query: { match: { title: { query: 'test' } } }) end it 'finds the matching documents' do expect(search_result.results.size).to eq(2) expect(search_result.records.size).to eq(2) end end describe 'paging a collection' do before do MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Test' MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Testing Coding' MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Coding' MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end let(:search_result) do MongoidArticle.search(query: { match: { title: { query: 'test' } } }, size: 2, from: 1) end it 'applies the size and from parameters' do expect(search_result.results.size).to eq(1) expect(search_result.results.first.title).to eq('Testing Coding') expect(search_result.records.size).to eq(1) expect(search_result.records.first.title).to eq('Testing Coding') end end describe 'importing' do before do 97.times { |i| MongoidArticle.create! title: "Test #{i}" } MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.create_index! force: true MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.client.cluster.health wait_for_status: 'yellow' end context 'when there is no default scope' do let!(:batch_count) do batches = 0 errors = MongoidArticle.import(batch_size: 10) do |response| batches += 1 end MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! batches end it 'imports all the documents' do expect(MongoidArticle.search('*').results.total).to eq(97) end it 'uses the specified batch size' do expect(batch_count).to eq(10) end end context 'when there is a default scope' do around(:all) do |example| 10.times { |i| MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Test', views: "#{i}" } MongoidArticle.default_scope -> { MongoidArticle.gt(views: 3) } example.run MongoidArticle.default_scoping = nil end before do MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.import MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end it 'uses the default scope' do expect(MongoidArticle.search('*').results.total).to eq(6) end end context 'when there is a default scope and a query specified' do around(:all) do |example| 10.times { |i| MongoidArticle.create! title: 'Test', views: "#{i}" } MongoidArticle.default_scope -> { MongoidArticle.gt(views: 3) } example.run MongoidArticle.default_scoping = nil end before do MongoidArticle.import(query: -> { lte(views: 4) }) MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end it 'combines the query and the default scope' do expect(MongoidArticle.search('*').results.total).to eq(1) end end context 'when the batch is empty' do before do MongoidArticle.delete_all MongoidArticle.import MongoidArticle.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end it 'does not make any requests to create documents' do expect(MongoidArticle.search('*').results.total).to eq(0) end end end end