module Api::V2::RhCloud class CloudRequestController < ::Api::V2::BaseController layout false KNOWN_DIRECTIVES = { 'playbook-sat' => :handle_run_playbook_request, 'foreman_rh_cloud' => :handle_run_playbook_request, } def update handler = KNOWN_DIRECTIVES[directive] unless handler render json: { :message => "No valid handler is found for directive: #{directive}", }, status: :bad_request return end send(handler) render json: { :message => "Handled #{directive} by #{handler}", } end private def metadata params['metadata'] end def content # the content received as base 64 of the string in double quotes Base64.decode64(params['content']).tr('"', '') end def directive params['directive'] end def handle_run_playbook_request logger.error("API token is not set, unable to fetch data from the cloud") && return if Setting[:rh_cloud_token].empty? logger.error("Playbook URL is not valid: #{content}") && return unless valid_url?(content) logger.error("Reporting URL is not valid: #{metadata['return_url']}") && return unless valid_url?(metadata['return_url']) hosts = metadata['hosts'].split(',') host_ids = host_ids(hosts) logger.warn("Some hosts were not found. Looked for: #{hosts}, found ids: #{host_ids}") unless host_ids.length == hosts.length logger.error("sat_org_id is not present in the metadata") && return unless metadata['sat_org_id'] org_id = metadata['sat_org_id'].to_i organization = Organization.find(org_id) composer = nil Organization.as_org(organization) do composer = ::JobInvocationComposer.for_feature( :rh_cloud_connector_run_playbook, host_ids, { playbook_url: content, report_url: metadata['return_url'], report_interval: metadata['response_interval'].to_i, correlation_id: metadata['correlation_id'], } ) composer.trigger! end composer.job_invocation end def valid_url?(url) parsed = URI(url) ForemanRhCloud.cloud_url_validator.match( end def host_ids(hosts) InsightsFacet.where(uuid: hosts).pluck(:host_id) end end end