require File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), 'env.rb' describe Geoloqi::Config do describe 'with redirect_uri' do it 'returns authorize url' do Geoloqi.config :client_id => CLIENT_ID, :client_secret => CLIENT_SECRET, :redirect_uri => 'http://blah.blah/test' authorize_url = Geoloqi.authorize_url 'test' expect { authorize_url == "#{Geoloqi.oauth_url}?"+ 'response_type=code&'+ "client_id=#{Rack::Utils.escape 'test'}&"+ "redirect_uri=#{Rack::Utils.escape 'http://blah.blah/test'}" } end end it 'displays log information if logger is provided' do stub_request(:get, api_url('account/username?cats=lol')). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>'OAuth access_token1234'}). to_return(:body => {'username' => 'bulbasaurrulzok'}.to_json) io = Geoloqi.config :client_id => CLIENT_ID, :client_secret => CLIENT_SECRET, :logger => io Geoloqi.get ACCESS_TOKEN, 'account/username', :cats => 'lol' expect { io.string =~ /Geoloqi::Session/ } end it 'displays log information if logger is provided and query is nil' do stub_request(:get, api_url('account/username')). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>'OAuth access_token1234'}). to_return(:body => {'username' => 'bulbasaurrulzok'}.to_json) io = Geoloqi.config :client_id => CLIENT_ID, :client_secret => CLIENT_SECRET, :logger => io Geoloqi.get ACCESS_TOKEN, 'account/username' expect { io.string =~ /Geoloqi::Session/ } end it 'correctly checks booleans for client_id and client_secret' do [:client_id, :client_secret].each do |k| expect { Geoloqi.config(k => '').send("#{k}?") == false } expect { Geoloqi.config(k => nil).send("#{k}?") == false } expect { Geoloqi.config(k => 'lol').send("#{k}?") == true } end end end