#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Created by Luke Kanies on 2006-11-07. # Copyright (c) 2006. All rights reserved. $:.unshift("../lib").unshift("../../lib") if __FILE__ =~ /\.rb$/ require 'puppettest' require 'puppet/util/feature' class TestFeatures < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest def setup super @libdir = tempfile() Puppet[:libdir] = @libdir @path = File.join(@libdir, "features") @features = Puppet::Util::Feature.new("features") end def test_new redirect assert_nothing_raised do @features.add(:failer) do raise ArgumentError, "nopes" end end assert(@features.respond_to?(:failer?), "Feature method did not get added") assert_nothing_raised("failure propagated outside of feature") do assert(! @features.failer?, "failure was considered true") end # Now make one that succeeds $succeeds = nil assert_nothing_raised("Failed to add normal feature") do @features.add(:succeeds) do $succeeds = true end end assert($succeeds, "Block was not called on initialization") assert(@features.respond_to?(:succeeds?), "Did not add succeeding feature") assert_nothing_raised("Failed to call succeeds") { assert(@features.succeeds?, "Feature was not true") } end def test_libs assert_nothing_raised do @features.add(:puppet, :libs => %w{puppet}) end assert(@features.puppet?) assert_nothing_raised do @features.add(:missing, :libs => %w{puppet no/such/library/okay}) end assert(! @features.missing?, "Missing lib was considered true") end def test_dynamic_loading # Make sure it defaults to false assert_nothing_raised("Undefined features throw an exception") do assert(! @features.nosuchfeature?, "missing feature returned true") end $features = @features cleanup { $features = nil } # Now create a feature and make sure it loads. FileUtils.mkdir_p(@path) nope = File.join(@path, "nope.rb") File.open(nope, "w") { |f| f.puts "$features.add(:nope, :libs => %w{nosuchlib})" } assert_nothing_raised("Failed to autoload features") do assert(! @features.nope?, "'nope' returned true") end # First make sure "yep?" returns false assert_nothing_raised("Missing feature threw an exception") do assert(! @features.yep?, "'yep' returned true before definition") end yep = File.join(@path, "yep.rb") File.open(yep, "w") { |f| f.puts "$features.add(:yep, :libs => %w{puppet})" } # Now make sure the value is not cached or anything. assert_nothing_raised("Failed to autoload features") do assert(@features.yep?, "'yep' returned false") end end end # $Id: features.rb 2518 2007-05-16 00:00:47Z luke $