###################################################################### # # Tests for NodeList classes. # ###################################################################### require 'test_helper' # # NodeListTest classes are abstract, inherited by classes which define # List() to return a NodeList class. The tests defined in # NodeListTest subclasses are therefore used to test all NodeList # classes. # module NodeListTest @@submodules = [] def self.submodules @@submodules end def self.included(m) @@submodules << m end def setup # [] @empty = _List[] # [a] a = C::Int.new @one = _List[a] @one_els = [a] # [a, b] a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} @two = _List[a, b] @two_els = [a, b] # [a, b, c] a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} @three = _List[a, b, c] @three_els = [a, b, c] # [a, b, c, d] a, b, c, d = 4.of{C::Int.new} @four = _List[a, b, c, d] @four_els = [a, b, c, d] # [[a,b], [c,d], [e,f], [g,h]] a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = 8.of{C::Int.new} l0 = _List[a,b] l1 = _List[c,d] l2 = _List[e,f] l3 = _List[g,h] @two_by_four = _List[l0, l1, l2, l3] @two_by_four_els = [l0, l1, l2, l3, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h] # [a, [b,c], [d, [e], [], [[]]]] a, b, c, d, e = 5.of{C::Int.new} l1 = _List[b,c] l21 = _List[e] l22 = _List[] l230 = _List[] l23 = _List[l230] l2 = _List[d, l21, l22, l23] @big = _List[a, l1, l2] @big_els = [l1, l2, l21, l22, l23, l230, a, b, c, d, e] end attr_accessor *%w[empty empty_els one one_els two two_els three three_els four four_els two_by_four two_by_four_els big big_els ] end module NodeListInitializeTest include NodeListTest def test_initialize list = _List.new assert_equal(0, list.length) end def test_from_attached a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3, a4] b = _List[a1, a2, a3, a4] assert_same_list([a1, a2, a3, a4], a) assert_equal(4, b.length) assert_copy(a1, b[0]) assert_copy(a2, b[1]) assert_copy(a3, b[2]) assert_copy(a4, b[3]) end end # # Tests dup, clone. # module NodeListCopyTest include NodeListTest def test_copy # empty a = empty b = empty.dup c = empty.clone # assert_copy a, b # assert_copy a, c # one a = one b = one.dup c = one.clone # assert_copy a, b assert_copy a[0], b[0] # assert_copy a, c assert_copy a[0], c[0] # two a = two b = two.dup c = two.clone # assert_copy a, b assert_copy a[0], b[0] assert_copy a[1], b[1] # assert_copy a, c assert_copy a[0], c[0] assert_copy a[1], c[1] # three a = three b = three.dup c = three.clone # assert_copy a, b assert_copy a[0], b[0] assert_copy a[1], b[1] assert_copy a[2], b[2] # assert_copy a, c assert_copy a[0], c[0] assert_copy a[1], c[1] assert_copy a[2], c[2] # four a = four b = four.dup c = four.clone # assert_copy a, b assert_copy a[0], b[0] assert_copy a[1], b[1] assert_copy a[2], b[2] assert_copy a[3], b[3] # assert_copy a, c assert_copy a[0], c[0] assert_copy a[1], c[1] assert_copy a[2], c[2] assert_copy a[3], c[3] # two_by_four a = two_by_four b = two_by_four.dup c = two_by_four.clone # assert_copy a, b assert_copy a[0], b[0] assert_copy a[1], b[1] assert_copy a[2], b[2] assert_copy a[3], b[3] assert_copy a[0][0], b[0][0] assert_copy a[0][1], b[0][1] assert_copy a[1][0], b[1][0] assert_copy a[1][1], b[1][1] assert_copy a[2][0], b[2][0] assert_copy a[2][1], b[2][1] assert_copy a[3][0], b[3][0] assert_copy a[3][1], b[3][1] # assert_copy a, c assert_copy a[0], c[0] assert_copy a[1], c[1] assert_copy a[2], c[2] assert_copy a[3], c[3] assert_copy a[0][0], c[0][0] assert_copy a[0][1], c[0][1] assert_copy a[1][0], c[1][0] assert_copy a[1][1], c[1][1] assert_copy a[2][0], c[2][0] assert_copy a[2][1], c[2][1] assert_copy a[3][0], c[3][0] assert_copy a[3][1], c[3][1] # big -- [a, [b,c], [d, [e], [], [[]]]] a = big b = big.dup c = big.clone # assert_copy a, b assert_copy a[0], b[0] assert_copy a[1], b[1] assert_copy a[2], b[2] assert_copy a[1][0], b[1][0] assert_copy a[1][1], b[1][1] assert_copy a[2][0], b[2][0] assert_copy a[2][1], b[2][1] assert_copy a[2][1][0], b[2][1][0] assert_copy a[2][2], b[2][2] assert_copy a[2][3], b[2][3] assert_copy a[2][3][0], b[2][3][0] # assert_copy a, c assert_copy a[0], c[0] assert_copy a[1], c[1] assert_copy a[2], c[2] assert_copy a[1][0], c[1][0] assert_copy a[1][1], c[1][1] assert_copy a[2][0], c[2][0] assert_copy a[2][1], c[2][1] assert_copy a[2][1][0], c[2][1][0] assert_copy a[2][2], c[2][2] assert_copy a[2][3], c[2][3] assert_copy a[2][3][0], c[2][3][0] end end # # Tests ==, eql?, hash. # module NodeListEqualTest include NodeListTest def assert_eq(a, b) assert(a == b) assert(a.eql?(b)) assert(a.hash == b.hash) end def refute_eq(a, b) assert(!(a == b)) assert(!a.eql?(b)) end def test_eq assert_eq(empty, empty) assert_eq(one, one) assert_eq(two, two) assert_eq(three, three) assert_eq(four, four) assert_eq(two_by_four, two_by_four) assert_eq(big, big) refute_eq(empty, one) refute_eq(one, empty) refute_eq(one, two) refute_eq(two, one) refute_eq(two, three) refute_eq(three, two) # [] empty2 = _List[] assert_eq(empty, empty2) # [a] a = C::Int.new one2 = _List[a] assert_eq(one, one2) # [a, b] a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} two2 = _List[a, b] assert_eq(two, two2) # [a, b, c] a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} three2 = _List[a, b, c] assert_eq(three, three2) # [a, b, c, d] a, b, c, d = 4.of{C::Int.new} four2 = _List[a, b, c, d] assert_eq(four, four2) # [[a,b], [c,d], [e,f], [g,h]] a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = 8.of{C::Int.new} l0 = _List[a,b] l1 = _List[c,d] l2 = _List[e,f] l3 = _List[g,h] two_by_four2 = _List[l0, l1, l2, l3] assert_eq(two_by_four, two_by_four2) # [a, [b,c], [d, [e], [], [[]]]] a, b, c, d, e = 5.of{C::Int.new} l1 = _List[b,c] l21 = _List[e] l22 = _List[] l230 = _List[] l23 = _List[l230] l2 = _List[d, l21, l22, l23] big2 = _List[a, l1, l2] assert_eq(big, big2) end end module NodeListWalkTest include NodeListTest # # Collect and return the args yielded to `node.send(method)' as an # Array, each element of which is an array of args yielded. # def yields(method, node, exp) ret = [] out = node.send(method) do |*args| ret << args end assert_same(exp, out) return ret end # # Assert exp and out are equal, where elements are compared with # Array#same_list?. That is, exp[i].same_list?(out[i]) for all i. # def assert_equal_yields(exp, out) if exp.zip(out).all?{|a,b| a.same_list?(b)} assert(true) else flunk("walk not equal: #{walk_str(out)} (expected #{walk_str(exp)})") end end def walk_str(walk) walk.is_a? ::Array or raise "walk_str: expected ::Array" if walk.empty? return '[]' else s = StringIO.new s.puts '[' walk.each do |(ev, node)| nodestr = node.class.name << '(' << node.object_id.to_s << "): " << node.to_s if nodestr.length > 70 nodestr[68..-1] = '...' end s.puts " [#{ev.to_s.rjust(10)}, #{nodestr}]" end s.puts ']' return s.string end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # each, reverse_each # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def iter_str(iter) iter.is_a? ::Array or raise "iter_str: expected ::Array" if iter.empty? return '[]' else s = StringIO.new s.puts '[' iter.each do |node| nodestr = node.class.name << '(' << node.object_id.to_s << "): " << node.to_s if nodestr.length > 70 nodestr[68..-1] = '...' end s.puts " #{nodestr}" end s.puts ']' return s.string end end def check_iter(node, exp) exp.map!{|n| [n]} out = yields(:each, node, node) assert_equal_yields exp, out out = yields(:reverse_each, node, node) exp.reverse! assert_equal_yields exp, out end def test_each # empty check_iter(empty, []) # one a, = *one_els check_iter(one, [a]) # two a, b = *two_els check_iter(two, [a, b]) # three a, b, c = *three_els check_iter(three, [a, b, c]) # four a, b, c, d = *four_els check_iter(four, [a, b, c, d]) # two_by_four l0, l1, l2, l3, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = *two_by_four_els check_iter(two_by_four, [l0, l1, l2, l3]) # big l1, l2, l21, l22, l23, l230, a, b, c, d, e = *big_els check_iter(big, [a, l1, l2]) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # each_index # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_each_index # empty assert_equal([], yields(:each_index, empty, empty)) # one assert_equal([[0]], yields(:each_index, one, one)) # two assert_equal([[0], [1]], yields(:each_index, two, two)) # two_by_four assert_equal([[0], [1], [2], [3]], yields(:each_index, two_by_four, two_by_four)) # big assert_equal([[0], [1], [2]], yields(:each_index, big, big)) end end # # Tests: # -- node_before # -- node_after # -- remove_node # -- insert_before # -- insert_after # -- replace_node # module NodeListChildManagementTests include NodeListTest def check_not_child(list, node) n = C::Int.new assert_raises(ArgumentError, list.node_before(node)) assert_raises(ArgumentError, list.node_after(node)) assert_raises(ArgumentError, list.remove_node(node)) assert_raises(ArgumentError, list.insert_after(node, n)) assert_raises(ArgumentError, list.insert_before(node, n)) assert_raises(ArgumentError, list.replace_node(node, n)) end def check_list(list, *nodes) afters = nodes.dup afters.shift afters.push(nil) befores = nodes.dup befores.pop befores.unshift(nil) assert_equal(list.length, nodes.length) nodes.each_index do |i| assert_same(nodes[i], list[i], "at index #{i}") assert_same(list, nodes[i].parent, "at index #{i}") # node_after assert_same(afters[i], list.node_after(nodes[i]), "at index #{i} (expected id=#{afters[i].object_id}, got id=#{list.node_after(nodes[i]).object_id})") # node_before assert_same(befores[i], list.node_before(nodes[i]), "at index #{i}") end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # insert_before, insert_after # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_insert_one_into_one a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] # beginning assert_same(b, b.insert_before(b1, b2)) check_list(b, b2, b1) # end assert_same(a, a.insert_after(a1, a2)) check_list(a, a1, a2) end def test_insert_two_into_one a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] # beginning assert_same(a, a.insert_before(a1, a2, a3)) check_list(a, a2, a3, a1) # end assert_same(b, b.insert_after(b1, b2, b3)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b3) end def test_insert_three_into_one a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] # beginning assert_same(a, a.insert_before(a1, a2, a3, a4)) check_list(a, a2, a3, a4, a1) # end assert_same(b, b.insert_after(b1, b2, b3, b4)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b3, b4) end def test_insert_many_into_one a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] # beginning assert_same(a, a.insert_before(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)) check_list(a, a2, a3, a4, a5, a1) # end assert_same(b, b.insert_after(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) end def test_insert_one_into_two a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} d1, d2, d3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] c = _List[c1, c2] d = _List[d1, d2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.insert_before(a1, a3)) check_list(a, a3, a1, a2) # end assert_same(b, b.insert_after(b2, b3)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b3) # middle (after) assert_same(c, c.insert_after(c1, c3)) check_list(c, c1, c3, c2) # middle (before) assert_same(d, d.insert_before(d2, d3)) check_list(d, d1, d3, d2) end def test_insert_two_into_two a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} d1, d2, d3, d4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] c = _List[c1, c2] d = _List[d1, d2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.insert_before(a1, a3, a4)) check_list(a, a3, a4, a1, a2) # end assert_same(b, b.insert_after(b2, b3, b4)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b3, b4) # middle (after) assert_same(c, c.insert_after(c1, c3, c4)) check_list(c, c1, c3, c4, c2) # middle (before) assert_same(d, d.insert_before(d2, d3, d4)) check_list(d, d1, d3, d4, d2) end def test_insert_three_into_two a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} d1, d2, d3, d4, d5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] c = _List[c1, c2] d = _List[d1, d2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.insert_before(a1, a3, a4, a5)) check_list(a, a3, a4, a5, a1, a2) # end assert_same(b, b.insert_after(b2, b3, b4, b5)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) # middle (after) assert_same(c, c.insert_after(c1, c3, c4, c5)) check_list(c, c1, c3, c4, c5, c2) # middle (before) assert_same(d, d.insert_before(d2, d3, d4, d5)) check_list(d, d1, d3, d4, d5, d2) end def test_insert_many_into_two a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] c = _List[c1, c2] d = _List[d1, d2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.insert_before(a1, a3, a4, a5, a6)) check_list(a, a3, a4, a5, a6, a1, a2) # end assert_same(b, b.insert_after(b2, b3, b4, b5, b6)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6) # middle (after) assert_same(c, c.insert_after(c1, c3, c4, c5, c6)) check_list(c, c1, c3, c4, c5, c6, c2) # middle (before) assert_same(d, d.insert_before(d2, d3, d4, d5, d6)) check_list(d, d1, d3, d4, d5, d6, d2) end def test_insert_attached # one (before) a1 = C::Int.new b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.insert_before(a1, b1)) assert_same_list([b1], b) assert_equal(2, a.length) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) assert_same(a1, a[1]) # one (after) a1 = C::Int.new b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.insert_after(a1, b1)) assert_same_list([b1], b) assert_equal(2, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_copy(b1, a[1]) # many (before) a1 = C::Int.new b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1, b2, b3, b4] assert_same(a, a.insert_before(a1, b1, b2, b3, b4)) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4], b) assert_equal(5, a.length) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) assert_copy(b2, a[1]) assert_copy(b3, a[2]) assert_copy(b4, a[3]) assert_same(a1, a[4]) # many (after) a1 = C::Int.new b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1, b2, b3, b4] assert_same(a, a.insert_after(a1, b1, b2, b3, b4)) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4], b) assert_equal(5, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_copy(b1, a[1]) assert_copy(b2, a[2]) assert_copy(b3, a[3]) assert_copy(b4, a[4]) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # remove_node # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_remove_one_from_one a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.remove_node(a1)) check_list(a) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_remove_one_from_two a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.remove_node(a1)) check_list(a, a2) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.remove_node(b2)) check_list(b, b1) assert_nil(b2.parent) end def test_remove_one_from_three a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] b = _List[b1, b2, b3] c = _List[c1, c2, c3] # beginning assert_same(a, a.remove_node(a1)) check_list(a, a2, a3) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.remove_node(b3)) check_list(b, b1, b2) assert_nil(b3.parent) # middle assert_same(c, c.remove_node(c2)) check_list(c, c1, c3) assert_nil(c2.parent) end def test_remove_one_from_many a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3, a4] b = _List[b1, b2, b3, b4] c = _List[c1, c2, c3, c4] # beginning assert_same(a, a.remove_node(a1)) check_list(a, a2, a3, a4) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.remove_node(b4)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b3) assert_nil(b4.parent) # middle assert_same(c, c.remove_node(c2)) check_list(c, c1, c3, c4) assert_nil(c2.parent) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # replace_node # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_replace_with_none_in_one a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1)) check_list(a) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_replace_with_none_in_two a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1)) check_list(a, a2) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b2)) check_list(b, b1) assert_nil(b2.parent) end def test_replace_with_none_in_three a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] b = _List[b1, b2, b3] c = _List[c1, c2, c3] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1)) check_list(a, a2, a3) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b3)) check_list(b, b1, b2) assert_nil(b3.parent) # middle assert_same(c, c.replace_node(c2)) check_list(c, c1, c3) assert_nil(c2.parent) end def test_replace_with_one_in_one a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a2)) check_list(a, a2) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_replace_with_one_in_two a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a3)) check_list(a, a3, a2) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b2, b3)) check_list(b, b1, b3) assert_nil(b2.parent) end def test_replace_with_one_in_three a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] b = _List[b1, b2, b3] c = _List[c1, c2, c3] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a4)) check_list(a, a4, a2, a3) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b3, b4)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b4) assert_nil(b3.parent) # middle assert_same(c, c.replace_node(c2, c4)) check_list(c, c1, c4, c3) assert_nil(c2.parent) end def test_replace_with_two_in_one a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a2, a3)) check_list(a, a2, a3) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_replace_with_two_in_two a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a3, a4)) check_list(a, a3, a4, a2) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b2, b3, b4)) check_list(b, b1, b3, b4) assert_nil(b2.parent) end def test_replace_with_two_in_three a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] b = _List[b1, b2, b3] c = _List[c1, c2, c3] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a4, a5)) check_list(a, a4, a5, a2, a3) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b3, b4, b5)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b4, b5) assert_nil(b3.parent) # middle assert_same(c, c.replace_node(c2, c4, c5)) check_list(c, c1, c4, c5, c3) assert_nil(c2.parent) end def test_replace_with_three_in_one a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a2, a3, a4)) check_list(a, a2, a3, a4) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_replace_with_three_in_two a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a3, a4, a5)) check_list(a, a3, a4, a5, a2) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b2, b3, b4, b5)) check_list(b, b1, b3, b4, b5) assert_nil(b2.parent) end def test_replace_with_three_in_three a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] b = _List[b1, b2, b3] c = _List[c1, c2, c3] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a4, a5, a6)) check_list(a, a4, a5, a6, a2, a3) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b3, b4, b5, b6)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b4, b5, b6) assert_nil(b3.parent) # middle assert_same(c, c.replace_node(c2, c4, c5, c6)) check_list(c, c1, c4, c5, c6, c3) assert_nil(c2.parent) end def test_replace_with_many_in_one a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)) check_list(a, a2, a3, a4, a5) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_replace_with_many_in_two a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a3, a4, a5, a6)) check_list(a, a3, a4, a5, a6, a2) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b2, b3, b4, b5, b6)) check_list(b, b1, b3, b4, b5, b6) assert_nil(b2.parent) end def test_replace_with_many_in_three a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 = 7.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7 = 7.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7 = 7.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] b = _List[b1, b2, b3] c = _List[c1, c2, c3] # beginning assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a4, a5, a6, a7)) check_list(a, a4, a5, a6, a7, a2, a3) assert_nil(a1.parent) # end assert_same(b, b.replace_node(b3, b4, b5, b6, b7)) check_list(b, b1, b2, b4, b5, b6, b7) assert_nil(b3.parent) # middle assert_same(c, c.replace_node(c2, c4, c5, c6, c7)) check_list(c, c1, c4, c5, c6, c7, c3) assert_nil(c2.parent) end def test_replace_with_attached # one a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b1 = C::Int.new b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, b1)) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) assert_nil(a1.parent) # many a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} b = _List[b1, b2, b3, b4] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, b1, b2, b3, b4)) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) assert_copy(b2, a[1]) assert_copy(b3, a[2]) assert_copy(b4, a[3]) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_replace_with_duplicated # one a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a2, a2)) assert_same(2, a.length) assert_same(a2, a[0]) assert_copy(a2, a[1]) # many a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a2, a4, a2, a4)) assert_same(6, a.length) assert_copy(a2, a[0]) assert_same(a4, a[1]) assert_copy(a2, a[2]) assert_copy(a4, a[3]) assert_same(a2, a[4]) assert_same(a3, a[5]) end def test_replace_with_replaced # one a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a1)) assert_same_list([a1], a) # many -- some are the replaced node a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a1, a2, a3, a1)) assert_same(4, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_same(a2, a[1]) assert_same(a3, a[2]) assert_copy(a1, a[3]) # many -- all are the replaced node a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] assert_same(a, a.replace_node(a1, a1, a1, a1)) assert_same(3, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_copy(a1, a[1]) assert_copy(a1, a[2]) end end module NodeListArrayQueryTests include NodeListTest # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # first, last # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_first # empty a = _List[] assert_nil(a.first) # one a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] assert_same(a1, a.first) assert_same_list([ ], a.first(0)) assert_same_list([a1], a.first(1)) assert_same_list([a1], a.first(2)) # two a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] assert_same(a1, a.first) assert_same_list([ ], a.first(0)) assert_same_list([a1 ], a.first(1)) assert_same_list([a1, a2], a.first(2)) assert_same_list([a1, a2], a.first(3)) # three ret = a.first(3) a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] assert_same(a1, a.first) assert_same_list([ ], a.first(0)) assert_same_list([a1 ], a.first(1)) assert_same_list([a1, a2 ], a.first(2)) assert_same_list([a1, a2, a3], a.first(3)) assert_same_list([a1, a2, a3], a.first(4)) # negative array size assert_raises(ArgumentError){a.first(-1)} end def test_last # empty a = _List[] assert_nil(a.last) # one a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] assert_same(a1, a.last) assert_same_list([ ], a.last(0)) assert_same_list([a1], a.last(1)) assert_same_list([a1], a.last(2)) # two a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] assert_same(a2, a.last) assert_same_list([ ], a.last(0)) assert_same_list([ a2], a.last(1)) assert_same_list([a1, a2], a.last(2)) assert_same_list([a1, a2], a.last(3)) # three ret = a.last(3) a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] assert_same(a3, a.last) assert_same_list([ ], a.last(0)) assert_same_list([ a3], a.last(1)) assert_same_list([ a2, a3], a.last(2)) assert_same_list([a1, a2, a3], a.last(3)) assert_same_list([a1, a2, a3], a.last(4)) # negative array size assert_raises(ArgumentError){a.last(-1)} end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # empty? # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_empty assert(_List[].empty?) assert(!_List[C::Int.new].empty?) assert(!_List[_List[]].empty?) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # to_a # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_to_a # empty r = empty.to_a assert_same(::Array, r.class) assert_same_list([], r) # one a, = *one_els r = one.to_a assert_same(::Array, r.class) assert_same_list([a], r) # two a, b = *two_els r = two.to_a assert_same(::Array, r.class) assert_same_list([a, b], r) # three a, b, c = *three_els r = three.to_a assert_same(::Array, r.class) assert_same_list([a, b, c], r) # four a, b, c, d = *four_els r = four.to_a assert_same(::Array, r.class) assert_same_list([a, b, c, d], r) # two_by_four l0, l1, l2, l3, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = *two_by_four_els r = two_by_four.to_a assert_same(::Array, r.class) assert_same_list([l0, l1, l2, l3], r) # big l1, l2, l21, l22, l23, l230, a, b, c, d, e = *big_els r = big.to_a assert_same(::Array, r.class) assert_same_list([a, l1, l2], r) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # index, rindex # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_index # empty empty = _List[] assert_nil(empty.index(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(empty.index(nil)) # assert_nil(empty.rindex(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(empty.rindex(nil)) # one a = C::Int.new(1) list = _List[a] # assert_equal(0, list.index(a)) assert_equal(0, list.index(C::Int.new(1))) assert_nil(list.index(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(list.index(nil)) # assert_equal(0, list.rindex(a)) assert_nil(list.rindex(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(list.rindex(nil)) # two a = C::Int.new(1) b = C::Int.new(2) list = _List[a, b] # assert_equal(0, list.index(a)) assert_equal(1, list.index(b)) assert_nil(list.index(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(list.index(nil)) # assert_equal(0, list.rindex(a)) assert_equal(1, list.rindex(b)) assert_nil(list.rindex(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(list.rindex(nil)) # nested -- [a, [b]] a = C::Int.new(1) b = C::Int.new(2) l1 = _List[b] list = _List[a, l1] # assert_equal(0, list.index(a)) assert_equal(1, list.index(l1)) assert_equal(1, list.index(_List[C::Int.new(2)])) assert_equal(nil, list.index([b])) assert_nil(list.index([a])) assert_nil(list.index(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(list.index(nil)) # assert_equal(0, list.rindex(a)) assert_equal(1, list.rindex(l1)) assert_equal(1, list.rindex(_List[b])) assert_nil(list.rindex([a])) assert_nil(list.rindex(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(list.rindex(nil)) # repeated a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new(-1)} b1, b2, b3 = 3.of{C::Int.new(1)} list = _List[a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3] # assert_equal(0, list.index(a1)) assert_equal(0, list.index(a2)) assert_equal(0, list.index(a3)) assert_equal(1, list.index(b1)) assert_equal(1, list.index(b2)) assert_equal(1, list.index(b3)) assert_nil(list.index(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(list.index(nil)) # assert_equal(4, list.rindex(a1)) assert_equal(4, list.rindex(a2)) assert_equal(4, list.rindex(a3)) assert_equal(5, list.rindex(b1)) assert_equal(5, list.rindex(b2)) assert_equal(5, list.rindex(b3)) assert_nil(list.rindex(C::Int.new)) assert_nil(list.rindex(nil)) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # values_at # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_values_at # empty assert_same_list([], empty.values_at()) assert_same_list([nil], empty.values_at(1)) assert_same_list([nil], empty.values_at(-1)) # one a, = *one_els assert_same_list([], one.values_at()) assert_same_list([a], one.values_at(0)) assert_same_list([a], one.values_at(-1)) assert_same_list([nil, a], one.values_at(1, -1)) # big -- [a, [b,c], [d, [e], [], [[]]]] l1, l2, l21, l22, l23, l230, a, b, c, d, e = *big_els assert_same_list([], big.values_at()) assert_same_list([l2], big.values_at(-1)) assert_same_list([a, nil], big.values_at(-3, 3)) assert_same_list([a, l1, l2], big.values_at(0, -2, -1)) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # join # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class N < C::Node def initialize(s) @s = s end def to_s @s.dup end end def test_join # empty list = _List[] assert_equal('', list.join) assert_equal('', list.join('.')) # one a = N.new('a') list = _List[a] assert_equal('a', list.join) assert_equal('a', list.join('.')) # two a = N.new('a') b = N.new('b') list = _List[a, b] assert_equal('ab', list.join) assert_equal('a.b', list.join('.')) # two_by_two a = N.new('a') b = N.new('b') c = N.new('c') d = N.new('d') l0 = _List[a, b] l1 = _List[c, d] list = _List[l0, l1] assert_equal('a, bc, d', list.join) assert_equal('a, b|c, d', list.join('|')) end end module NodeListModifierTests include NodeListTest def test_push_none # empty list = _List[] assert_same(list, list.push) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] assert_same(list, list.push) assert_same_list([a], list) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_same(list, list.push) assert_same_list([a, b], list) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] assert_same(list, list.push) assert_same_list([a, b, c], list) end def test_push_one # empty a = C::Int.new list = _List[] assert_same(list, list.push(a)) assert_same_list([a], list) # one a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a] assert_same(list, list.push(b)) assert_same_list([a, b], list) # two a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_same(list, list.push(c)) assert_same_list([a, b, c], list) # three a, b, c, d = 4.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] assert_same(list, list.push(d)) assert_same_list([a, b, c, d], list) end def test_push_two # empty a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[] assert_same(list, list.push(a, b)) assert_same_list([a, b], list) # one a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a] assert_same(list, list.push(b, c)) assert_same_list([a, b, c], list) # two a, b, c, d = 4.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_same(list, list.push(c, d)) assert_same_list([a, b, c, d], list) # three a, b, c, d, e = 5.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] assert_same(list, list.push(d, e)) assert_same_list([a, b, c, d, e], list) end def test_push_three # empty a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[] assert_same(list, list.push(a, b, c)) assert_same_list([a, b, c], list) # one a, b, c, d = 4.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a] assert_same(list, list.push(b, c, d)) assert_same_list([a, b, c, d], list) # two a, b, c, d, e = 5.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_same(list, list.push(c, d, e)) assert_same_list([a, b, c, d, e], list) # three a, b, c, d, e, f = 6.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] assert_same(list, list.push(d, e, f)) assert_same_list([a, b, c, d, e, f], list) end def test_push_attached # one a1 = C::Int.new b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.push(b1)) assert_same_list([b1], b) assert_equal(2, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_copy(b1, a[1]) # many a1 = C::Int.new b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1, b2, b3, b4] assert_same(a, a.push(b1, b2, b3, b4)) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4], b) assert_equal(5, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_copy(b1, a[1]) assert_copy(b2, a[2]) assert_copy(b3, a[3]) assert_copy(b4, a[4]) end def test_unshift_none # empty list = _List[] assert_same(list, list.unshift) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] assert_same(list, list.unshift) assert_same_list([a], list) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_same(list, list.unshift) assert_same_list([a, b], list) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] assert_same(list, list.unshift) assert_same_list([a, b, c], list) end def test_unshift_one # empty a = C::Int.new list = _List[] assert_same(list, list.unshift(a)) assert_same_list([a], list) # one a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a] assert_same(list, list.unshift(b)) assert_same_list([b, a], list) # two a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_same(list, list.unshift(c)) assert_same_list([c, a, b], list) # three a, b, c, d = 4.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] assert_same(list, list.unshift(d)) assert_same_list([d, a, b, c], list) end def test_unshift_two # empty a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[] assert_same(list, list.unshift(a, b)) assert_same_list([a, b], list) # one a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a] assert_same(list, list.unshift(b, c)) assert_same_list([b, c, a], list) # two a, b, c, d = 4.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_same(list, list.unshift(c, d)) assert_same_list([c, d, a, b], list) # three a, b, c, d, e = 5.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] assert_same(list, list.unshift(d, e)) assert_same_list([d, e, a, b, c], list) end def test_unshift_three # empty a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[] assert_same(list, list.unshift(a, b, c)) assert_same_list([a, b, c], list) # one a, b, c, d = 4.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a] assert_same(list, list.unshift(b, c, d)) assert_same_list([b, c, d, a], list) # two a, b, c, d, e = 5.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_same(list, list.unshift(c, d, e)) assert_same_list([c, d, e, a, b], list) # three a, b, c, d, e, f = 6.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] assert_same(list, list.unshift(d, e, f)) assert_same_list([d, e, f, a, b, c], list) end def test_unshift_attached # one a1 = C::Int.new b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.unshift(b1)) assert_same_list([b1], b) assert_equal(2, a.length) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) assert_same(a1, a[1]) # many a1 = C::Int.new b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1, b2, b3, b4] assert_same(a, a.unshift(b1, b2, b3, b4)) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4], b) assert_equal(5, a.length) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) assert_copy(b2, a[1]) assert_copy(b3, a[2]) assert_copy(b4, a[3]) assert_same(a1, a[4]) end def test_pop # empty list = _List[] assert_same(nil, list.pop) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] assert_same(a, list.pop) assert_same_list([], list) assert_nil(a.parent) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_same(b, list.pop) assert_same_list([a], list) assert_nil(b.parent) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] assert_same(c, list.pop) assert_same_list([a, b], list) assert_nil(c.parent) end def test_pop_none # empty list = _List[] ret = list.pop(0) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] ret = list.pop(0) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([a], list) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] ret = list.pop(0) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([a, b], list) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] ret = list.pop(0) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([a, b, c], list) end def test_pop_one # empty list = _List[] ret = list.pop(1) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] ret = list.pop(1) assert_same_list([a], ret) assert_same_list([], list) assert_nil(a.parent) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] ret = list.pop(1) assert_same_list([b], ret) assert_same_list([a], list) assert_nil(b.parent) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] ret = list.pop(1) assert_same_list([c], ret) assert_same_list([a, b], list) assert_nil(c.parent) end def test_pop_two # empty list = _List[] ret = list.pop(2) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] ret = list.pop(2) assert_same_list([a], ret) assert_same_list([], list) assert_nil(a.parent) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] ret = list.pop(2) assert_same_list([a, b], ret) assert_same_list([], list) assert_nil(a.parent) assert_nil(b.parent) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] ret = list.pop(2) assert_same_list([b, c], ret) assert_same_list([a], list) assert_nil(b.parent) assert_nil(c.parent) end def test_pop_bad # too many args a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_raises(ArgumentError){list.pop(1, 2)} assert_same_list([a, b], list) assert_same(list, a.parent) assert_same(list, b.parent) end def test_shift # empty list = _List[] ret = list.shift assert_nil(ret) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] ret = list.shift assert_same(a, ret) assert_same_list([], list) assert_nil(a.parent) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] ret = list.shift assert_same(a, ret) assert_same_list([b], list) assert_nil(a.parent) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] ret = list.shift assert_same(a, ret) assert_same_list([b, c], list) assert_nil(a.parent) end def test_shift_none # empty list = _List[] ret = list.shift(0) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] ret = list.shift(0) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([a], list) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] ret = list.shift(0) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([a, b], list) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] ret = list.shift(0) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([a, b, c], list) end def test_shift_one # empty list = _List[] ret = list.shift(1) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] ret = list.shift(1) assert_same_list([a], ret) assert_same_list([], list) assert_nil(a.parent) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] ret = list.shift(1) assert_same_list([a], ret) assert_same_list([b], list) assert_nil(a.parent) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] ret = list.shift(1) assert_same_list([a], ret) assert_same_list([b, c], list) assert_nil(a.parent) end def test_shift_two # empty list = _List[] ret = list.shift(2) assert_same_list([], ret) assert_same_list([], list) # one a = C::Int.new list = _List[a] ret = list.shift(2) assert_same_list([a], ret) assert_same_list([], list) assert_nil(a.parent) # two a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] ret = list.shift(2) assert_same_list([a, b], ret) assert_same_list([], list) assert_nil(a.parent) assert_nil(b.parent) # three a, b, c = 3.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b, c] ret = list.shift(2) assert_same_list([a, b], ret) assert_same_list([c], list) assert_nil(a.parent) assert_nil(b.parent) end def test_shift_bad # too many args a, b = 2.of{C::Int.new} list = _List[a, b] assert_raises(ArgumentError){list.shift(1, 2)} assert_same_list([a, b], list) assert_same(list, a.parent) assert_same(list, b.parent) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # insert # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_insert_one_into_one a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] # beginning a.insert(0, a2) assert_same_list([a2, a1], a) # end b.insert(1, b2) assert_same_list([b1, b2], b) end def test_insert_two_into_one a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] # beginning a.insert(0, a2, a3) assert_same_list([a2, a3, a1], a) # end b.insert(1, b2, b3) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3], b) end def test_insert_three_into_one a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] # beginning a.insert(0, a2, a3, a4) assert_same_list([a2, a3, a4, a1], a) # end b.insert(1, b2, b3, b4) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4], b) end def test_insert_many_into_one a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] # beginning a.insert(0, a2, a3, a4, a5) assert_same_list([a2, a3, a4, a5, a1], a) # end b.insert(1, b2, b3, b4, b5) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4, b5], b) end def test_insert_one_into_two a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] c = _List[c1, c2] # beginning a.insert(0, a3) assert_same_list([a3, a1, a2], a) # end b.insert(2, b3) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3], b) # middle c.insert(1, c3) assert_same_list([c1, c3, c2], c) end def test_insert_two_into_two a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} d1, d2, d3, d4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] c = _List[c1, c2] # beginning a.insert(0, a3, a4) assert_same_list([a3, a4, a1, a2], a) # end b.insert(2, b3, b4) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4], b) # middle c.insert(1, c3, c4) assert_same_list([c1, c3, c4, c2], c) end def test_insert_three_into_two a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = 5.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] c = _List[c1, c2] # beginning a.insert(0, a3, a4, a5) assert_same_list([a3, a4, a5, a1, a2], a) # end b.insert(2, b3, b4, b5) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4, b5], b) # middle c.insert(1, c3, c4, c5) assert_same_list([c1, c3, c4, c5, c2], c) end def test_insert_many_into_two a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = 6.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] c = _List[c1, c2] # beginning a.insert(0, a3, a4, a5, a6) assert_same_list([a3, a4, a5, a6, a1, a2], a) # end b.insert(2, b3, b4, b5, b6) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6], b) # middle (after) c.insert(1, c3, c4, c5, c6) assert_same_list([c1, c3, c4, c5, c6, c2], c) end def test_insert_attached # one a1 = C::Int.new b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.insert(1, b1)) assert_same_list([b1], b) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_copy(b1, a[1]) # many a1 = C::Int.new b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1, b2, b3, b4] assert_same(a, a.insert(0, b1, b2, b3, b4)) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4], b) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) assert_copy(b2, a[1]) assert_copy(b3, a[2]) assert_copy(b4, a[3]) assert_same(a1, a[4]) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # concat # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_concat_zero_on_zero a = _List[] b = _List[] assert_same(a, a.concat(b)) assert_same_list([], b) assert_same_list([], a) end def test_concat_zero_on_one a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b = _List[] assert_same(a, a.concat(b)) assert_same_list([], b) assert_same_list([a1], a) end def test_concat_zero_on_two a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[] assert_same(a, a.concat(b)) assert_same_list([], b) assert_equal(2, a.length) assert_same_list([a1, a2], a) end def test_concat_one_on_zero b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[] b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.concat(b)) assert_same_list([b1], b) # assert_equal(1, a.length) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) end def test_concat_one_on_one a1 = C::Int.new b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.concat(b)) assert_same_list([b1], b) # assert_equal(2, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_copy(b1, a[1]) end def test_concat_one_on_two a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.concat(b)) assert_same_list([b1], b) # assert_equal(3, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_same(a2, a[1]) assert_copy(b1, a[2]) end def test_concat_two_on_zero b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[] b = _List[b1, b2] assert_same(a, a.concat(b)) assert_same_list([b1, b2], b) # assert_equal(2, a.length) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) assert_copy(b2, a[1]) end def test_concat_two_on_one a1 = C::Int.new b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = _List[b1, b2] assert_same(a, a.concat(b)) assert_same_list([b1, b2], b) # assert_equal(3, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_copy(b1, a[1]) assert_copy(b2, a[2]) end def test_concat_two_on_two a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[b1, b2] assert_same(a, a.concat(b)) assert_same_list([b1, b2], b) # assert_equal(4, a.length) assert_same(a1, a[0]) assert_same(a2, a[1]) assert_copy(b1, a[2]) assert_copy(b2, a[3]) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # delete_at # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_delete_at_one a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] assert_same(a1, a.delete_at(0)) assert_nil(a1.parent) assert_same_list([], a) end def test_delete_at_two # delete_at 0 a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] assert_same(a1, a.delete_at(0)) assert_nil(a1.parent) assert_same_list([a2], a) # delete_at 1 a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] assert_same(a2, a.delete_at(1)) assert_nil(a2.parent) assert_same_list([a1], a) end def test_delete_at_three # delete at 0 a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] assert_same(a1, a.delete_at(0)) assert_nil(a1.parent) assert_same_list([a2, a3], a) # delete at 1 a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] assert_same(a2, a.delete_at(1)) assert_nil(a2.parent) assert_same_list([a1, a3], a) # delete at 2 a1, a2, a3 = 3.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3] assert_same(a3, a.delete_at(2)) assert_nil(a3.parent) assert_same_list([a1, a2], a) end def test_delete_at_four # delete at 1 a1, a2, a3, a4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2, a3, a4] assert_same(a2, a.delete_at(1)) assert_nil(a2.parent) assert_same_list([a1, a3, a4], a) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # clear # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_clear_empty assert_same(empty, empty.clear) assert_same_list([], empty) end def test_clear_one a = one_els assert_same(one, one.clear) assert_same_list([], one) assert_nil(one.parent) end def test_clear_two a, b = *two_els assert_same(two, two.clear) assert_same_list([], two) assert_nil(a.parent) assert_nil(b.parent) end def test_clear_three a, b, c = *three_els assert_same(three, three.clear) assert_same_list([], three) assert_nil(a.parent) assert_nil(b.parent) assert_nil(c.parent) end def test_clear_big l1, l2, l21, l22, l23, l230, a, b, c, d, e = *big_els assert_same(big, big.clear) assert_same_list([], big) assert_nil(a.parent) assert_nil(l1.parent) assert_nil(l2.parent) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # replace # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_replace_none_with_none a = _List[] b = [] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([], a) end def test_replace_none_with_one b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[] b = [b1] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([b1], a) end def test_replace_none_with_two b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[] b = [b1, b2] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([b1, b2], a) end def test_replace_one_with_none a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b = _List[] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([], a) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_replace_one_with_one a1 = C::Int.new b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b = [b1] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([b1], a) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_replace_one_with_two a1 = C::Int.new b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1] b = [b1, b2] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([b1, b2], a) assert_nil(a1.parent) end def test_replace_two_with_none a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = _List[] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([], a) assert_nil(a1.parent) assert_nil(a2.parent) end def test_replace_two_with_one a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} b1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1, a2] b = [b1] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([b1], a) assert_nil(a1.parent) assert_nil(a2.parent) end def test_replace_two_with_two a1, a2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} b1, b2 = 2.of{C::Int.new} a = _List[a1, a2] b = [b1, b2] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([b1, b2], a) assert_nil(a1.parent) assert_nil(a2.parent) end def test_replace_with_attached # one a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b1 = C::Int.new b = _List[b1] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([b1], b) assert_equal(1, a.length) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) # many a1 = C::Int.new a = _List[a1] b1, b2, b3, b4 = 4.of{C::Int.new} b = _List[b1, b2, b3, b4] assert_same(a, a.replace(b)) assert_same_list([b1, b2, b3, b4], b) assert_equal(4, a.length) assert_copy(b1, a[0]) assert_copy(b2, a[1]) assert_copy(b3, a[2]) assert_copy(b4, a[3]) end end # Make concrete test classes. NodeListTest.submodules.each do |test_module| test_module.name =~ /^NodeList/ or raise "NodeListTest submodule name does not start with 'NodeList': #{test_module.name}" %w[NodeArray NodeChain].each do |list_class| test_class = test_module.name.sub(/^NodeList/, list_class) eval " class #{test_class} < Minitest::Test def _List C::#{list_class} end include #{test_module} end " end end