require 'openssl' require_relative 'app' module Spaceship module Portal # Represents a certificate from the Apple Developer Portal. # # This can either be a code signing identity or a push profile class Certificate < PortalBase # @return (String) The ID given from the developer portal. You'll probably not need it. # @example # "P577TH3PAA" attr_accessor :id # @return (String) The name of the certificate # @example Company # "SunApps GmbH" # @example Push Profile # "Apple Push Services" attr_accessor :name # @return (String) Status of the certificate # @example # "Issued" attr_accessor :status # @return (Date) The date and time when the certificate was created # @example # 2015-04-01 21:24:00 UTC attr_accessor :created # @return (Date) The date and time when the certificate will expire # @example # 2016-04-01 21:24:00 UTC attr_accessor :expires # @return (String) The owner type that defines if it's a push profile # or a code signing identity # # @example Code Signing Identity # "team" # @example Push Certificate # "bundle" attr_accessor :owner_type # @return (String) The name of the owner # # @example Code Signing Identity (usually the company name) # "SunApps Gmbh" # @example Push Certificate (the bundle identifier) # "" attr_accessor :owner_name # @return (String) The ID of the owner, that can be used to # fetch more information # @example # "75B83SPLAA" attr_accessor :owner_id # Indicates the type of this certificate # which is automatically used to determine the class of # the certificate. Available values listed in CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS # @return (String) The type of the certificate # @example Production Certificate # "R58UK2EWSO" # @example Development Certificate # "5QPB9NHCEI" attr_accessor :type_display_id # @return (Bool) Whether or not the certificate can be downloaded attr_accessor :can_download attr_mapping({ 'certificateId' => :id, 'name' => :name, 'statusString' => :status, 'dateCreated' => :created, 'expirationDate' => :expires, 'ownerType' => :owner_type, 'ownerName' => :owner_name, 'ownerId' => :owner_id, 'certificateTypeDisplayId' => :type_display_id, 'canDownload' => :can_download }) ##################################################### # Certs are not associated with apps ##################################################### # A development code signing certificate used for development environment class Development < Certificate; end # A production code signing certificate used for distribution environment class Production < Certificate; end # An In House code signing certificate used for enterprise distributions class InHouse < Certificate; end # A Mac development code signing certificate used for development environment class MacDevelopment < Certificate; end # A Mac production code signing certificate for building .app bundles class MacAppDistribution < Certificate; end # A Mac production code signing certificate for building .pkg installers class MacInstallerDistribution < Certificate; end # A Mac Developer ID signing certificate for building .app bundles class DeveloperIDApplication < Certificate; end # A Mac Developer ID signing certificate for building .pkg installers class DeveloperIDInstaller < Certificate; end ##################################################### # Certs that are specific for one app ##################################################### # Abstract class for push certificates. Check out the subclasses # DevelopmentPush, ProductionPush, WebsitePush and VoipPush class PushCertificate < Certificate; end # A push notification certificate for development environment class DevelopmentPush < PushCertificate; end # A push notification certificate for production environment class ProductionPush < PushCertificate; end # A push notification certificate for websites class WebsitePush < PushCertificate; end # A push notification certificate for the VOIP environment class VoipPush < PushCertificate; end # Passbook certificate class Passbook < Certificate; end # ApplePay certificate class ApplePay < Certificate; end # A Mac push notification certificate for development environment class MacDevelopmentPush < PushCertificate; end # A Mac push notification certificate for production environment class MacProductionPush < PushCertificate; end IOS_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS = { "5QPB9NHCEI" => Development, "R58UK2EWSO" => Production, "9RQEK7MSXA" => InHouse, "LA30L5BJEU" => Certificate, "BKLRAVXMGM" => DevelopmentPush, "UPV3DW712I" => ProductionPush, "Y3B2F3TYSI" => Passbook, "3T2ZP62QW8" => WebsitePush, "E5D663CMZW" => VoipPush, "4APLUP237T" => ApplePay } OLDER_IOS_CERTIFICATE_TYPES = [ # those are also sent by the browser, but not sure what they represent "T44PTHVNID", "DZQUP8189Y", "FGQUP4785Z", "S5WE21TULA", "3BQKVH9I2X", # ProductionPush, "FUOY7LWJET" ] MAC_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS = { "749Y1QAGU7" => MacDevelopment, "HXZEUKP0FP" => MacAppDistribution, "2PQI8IDXNH" => MacInstallerDistribution, "OYVN2GW35E" => DeveloperIDInstaller, "W0EURJRMC5" => DeveloperIDApplication, "CDZ7EMXIZ1" => MacProductionPush, "HQ4KP3I34R" => MacDevelopmentPush, "DIVN2GW3XT" => DeveloperIDApplication } CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS = IOS_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS.merge(MAC_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS) # Class methods class << self # Create a new code signing request that can be used to # generate a new certificate # @example # Create a new certificate signing request # csr, pkey = Spaceship.certificate.create_certificate_signing_request # # # Use the signing request to create a new distribution certificate # Spaceship.certificate.production.create!(csr: csr) def create_certificate_signing_request key = csr = csr.version = 0 csr.subject =[ ['CN', 'PEM', OpenSSL::ASN1::UTF8STRING] ]) csr.public_key = key.public_key csr.sign(key, return [csr, key] end # Create a new object based on a hash. # This is used to create a new object based on the server response. def factory(attrs) # Example: # => {"name"=>"iOS Distribution: SunApps GmbH", # "certificateId"=>"XC5PH8DAAA", # "serialNumber"=>"797E732CCE8B7AAA", # "status"=>"Issued", # "statusCode"=>0, # "expirationDate"=>#, # "certificatePlatform"=>"ios", # "certificateType"=> # {"certificateTypeDisplayId"=>"R58UK2EAAA", # "name"=>"iOS Distribution", # "platform"=>"ios", # "permissionType"=>"distribution", # "distributionType"=>"store", # "distributionMethod"=>"app", # "ownerType"=>"team", # "daysOverlap"=>364, # "maxActive"=>2}} if attrs['certificateType'] # On some accounts this is nested, so we need to flatten it attrs.merge!(attrs['certificateType']) attrs.delete('certificateType') end # Parse the dates # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier attrs['expirationDate'] = (Time.parse(attrs['expirationDate']) rescue attrs['expirationDate']) attrs['dateCreated'] = (Time.parse(attrs['dateCreated']) rescue attrs['dateCreated']) # rubocop:enable Style/RescueModifier # Here we go klass = CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS[attrs['certificateTypeDisplayId']] klass ||= Certificate klass.client = @client end # @param mac [Bool] Fetches Mac certificates if true. (Ignored if called from a subclass) # @return (Array) Returns all certificates of this account. # If this is called from a subclass of Certificate, this will # only include certificates matching the current type. def all(mac: false) if self == Certificate # are we the base-class? type_ids = mac ? MAC_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS : IOS_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS types = type_ids.keys types += OLDER_IOS_CERTIFICATE_TYPES unless mac else types = [CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS.key(self)] mac = MAC_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS.values.include?(self) end client.certificates(types, mac: mac).map do |cert| factory(cert) end end # @param mac [Bool] Searches Mac certificates if true # @return (Certificate) Find a certificate based on the ID of the certificate. def find(certificate_id, mac: false) all(mac: mac).find do |c| == certificate_id end end # Generate a new certificate based on a code certificate signing request # @param csr (OpenSSL::X509::Request) (required): The certificate signing request to use. Get one using # `create_certificate_signing_request` # @param bundle_id (String) (optional): The app identifier this certificate is for. # This value is only needed if you create a push profile. For normal code signing # certificates, you must only pass a certificate signing request. # @example # # Create a new certificate signing request # csr, pkey = Spaceship::Certificate.create_certificate_signing_request # # # Use the signing request to create a new distribution certificate # Spaceship::Certificate::Production.create!(csr: csr) # @return (Certificate): The newly created certificate def create!(csr: nil, bundle_id: nil) type = CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS.key(self) mac = MAC_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS.include?(type) # look up the app_id by the bundle_id if bundle_id app = Spaceship::Portal::App.set_client(client).find(bundle_id) raise "Could not find app with bundle id '#{bundle_id}'" unless app app_id = app.app_id end # ensure csr is a OpenSSL::X509::Request csr = if csr.kind_of?(String) # if this succeeds, we need to save the .cer and the private key in keychain access or wherever they go in linux response = client.create_certificate!(type, csr.to_pem, app_id, mac) # munge the response to make it work for the factory response['certificateTypeDisplayId'] = response['certificateType']['certificateTypeDisplayId'] end end # instance methods # @return (String) Download the raw data of the certificate without parsing def download_raw client.download_certificate(id, type_display_id, mac: mac?) end # @return (OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) Downloads and parses the certificate def download end # Revoke the certificate. You shouldn't use this method probably. def revoke! client.revoke_certificate!(id, type_display_id, mac: mac?) end # @return (Bool): Is this certificate a push profile for apps? def is_push? self.kind_of?(PushCertificate) end # @return (Bool) Is this a Mac profile? def mac? MAC_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_IDS.include?(type_display_id) end end end end