# Changelog Changes and additions to the library will be listed here. ## Unreleased - Drop support for Kafka 0.10 in favor of native support for Kafka 0.11. - Support record headers (#604). - Add instrumenter and logger when async message delivery fails (#603). ## 0.6.7 - Handle case where consumer doesn't know about the topic (#597 + 0e302cbd0f31315bf81c1d1645520413ad6b58f0) ## v0.6.5 - Fix bug related to partition assignment. ## v0.6.4 - Fix bug that caused consumers to jump back and reprocess messages (#595). ## v0.6.3 - Allow configuring the max size of the queue connecting the fetcher thread with the consumer. - Add support for the Describe Groups API (#583). ## v0.6.2 - Add list groups API (#582). - Use mutable String constructor (#584). ## v0.6.1 - Fix bug with exponential pausing causing pauses never to stop. ## v0.6.0 - Fetch messages asynchronously (#526). - Add support for exponential backoff in pauses (#566). - Instrument pause durations (#574). ## v0.5.5 - Support PLAINTEXT and SSL URI schemes (#550). ## v0.5.4 - Add support for config entries in the topic creation API (#540). - Don't fail on retry when the cluster is secured (#545). ## v0.5.3 - Add support for the topic deletion API (#528). - Add support for the partition creation API (#533). - Allow passing in the seed brokers in a positional argument (#538). ## v0.5.2 - Instrument the start of message/batch processing (#496). - Mark `Client#fetch_messages` as stable. - Fix the list topics API (#508). - Add support for LZ4 compression (#499). - Refactor compression codec lookup (#509). - Fix compressed message set offset bug (#506). - Test against multiple versions of Kafka. - Fix double-processing of messages after a consumer exception (#518). - Track consumer offsets in Datadog. ## v0.5.1 Requires Kafka 0.10.1+ due to usage of a few new APIs. - Fix bug when using compression (#458). - Update the v3 of the Fetch API, allowing a per-request `max_bytes` setting (#468). - Make `#deliver_message` more resilient using retries and backoff. - Add support for SASL SCRAM authentication (#465). - Refactor and simplify SASL code. - Fix issue when a consumer resets a partition to its default offset. - Allow specifying a create time for messages (#481). ## v0.5.0 - Drops support for Kafka 0.9 in favor of Kafka 0.10 (#381)! - Handle cases where there are no partitions to fetch from by sleeping a bit (#439). - Handle problems with the broker cache (#440). - Shut down more quickly (#438). ## v0.4.3 - Restart the async producer thread automatically after errors. - Include the offset lag in batch consumer metrics (Statsd). - Make the default `max_wait_time` more sane. - Fix issue with cached default offset lookups (#431). - Upgrade to Datadog client version 3. ## v0.4.2 - Fix connection issue on SASL connections (#401). - Add more instrumentation of consumer groups (#407). - Improve error logging (#385) ## v0.4.1 - Allow seeking the consumer position (#386). - Reopen idle connections after 5 minutes (#399). ## v0.4.0 - Support SASL authentication (#334 and #370) - Allow loading SSL certificates from files (#371) - Add Statsd metric reporting (#373) ## v0.3.17 - Re-commit previously committed offsets periodically with an interval of half the offset retention time, starting with the first commit (#318). - Expose offset retention time in the Consumer API (#316). - Don't get blocked when there's temporarily no leader for a topic (#336). ## v0.3.16 - Fix SSL socket timeout (#283). - Update to the latest Datadog gem (#296). - Automatically detect private key type (#297). - Only fetch messages for subscribed topics (#309). ## v0.3.15 - Allow setting a timeout on a partition pause (#272). - Allow pausing consumption of a partition (#268). ## v0.3.14 - Automatically recover from invalid consumer checkpoints. - Minimize the number of times messages are reprocessed after a consumer group resync. - Improve instrumentation of the async producer. ## v0.3.12 - Fix a bug in the consumer. ## v0.3.11 - Fix bug in the simple consumer loop. ## v0.3.10 - Handle brokers becoming unavailable while in a consumer loop (#228). - Handle edge case when consuming from the end of a topic (#230). - Ensure the library can be loaded without Bundler (#224). - Add an API for fetching the last offset in a partition (#232). ## v0.3.9 - Improve the default durability setting. The producer setting `required_acks` now defaults to `:all` (#210). - Handle rebalances in the producer (#196). *Mpampis Kostas* - Add simplified producer and consumer APIs for simple use cases. - Add out-of-the-box Datadog reporting. - Improve producer performance. ## v0.3.8 - Keep separate connection pools for consumers and producers initialized from the same client. - Handle connection errors automatically in the async producer. ## v0.3.7 - Default to port 9092 if no port is provided for a seed broker. ## v0.3.6 - Fix bug that caused partition information to not be reliably updated. ## v0.3.5 - Fix bug that caused the async producer to not work with Unicorn (#166). - Fix bug that caused committed consumer offsets to be lost (#167). - Instrument buffer overflows in the producer. ## v0.3.4 - Make the producer buffer more resilient in the face of isolated topic errors. ## v0.3.3 - Allow clearing a producer's buffer (Martin Nowak). - Improved Consumer API. - Instrument producer errors. ## v0.3.2 - Experimental batch consumer API. ## v0.3.1 - Simplify the heartbeat algorithm. - Handle partial messages at the end of message sets received from the brokers. ## v0.3.0 - Add support for encryption and authentication with SSL (Tom Crayford). - Allow configuring consumer offset commit policies. - Instrument consumer message processing. - Fixed an issue causing exceptions when no logger was specified. ## v0.2.0 - Add instrumentation of message compression. - **New!** Consumer API – still alpha level. Expect many changes.