module UserCukeHelpers # creates a new user object from the factory with some default attributes # and the given override attributes, adds the standard aspects to it # and returns it def create_user(overrides={}) Factory( :user, { password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password' }.merge(overrides) ) end # fill out the fields on the sign_in page and press submit def login_as(user) fill_in 'Email', with: "#{user}" fill_in 'Password', with: 'password' click_button :submit end # create a new @me user, if not present, and log in using the # integration_sessions controller (automatic) def automatic_login @me ||= Factory(:user) page.driver.visit(new_integration_sessions_path(user_id: @me.slug)) click_button "Login" end # use the @me user to perform a manual login via the sign_in page def manual_login visit login_page login_as visit user_confirmation_path(confirmation_token: @me.confirmation_token) end # checks the page content to see, if the login was successful def confirm_login wait_until { page.has_content?("Sign out") } end # delete all cookies, destroying the current session def logout $browser.delete_cookie('_session', 'path=/') if $browser $browser.delete_all_visible_cookies if $browser end # fill change password section on the user edit page def fill_change_password_section(cur_pass, new_pass, confirm_pass) fill_in 'user_current_password', with: cur_pass fill_in 'user_password', with: new_pass fill_in 'user_password_confirmation', with: confirm_pass end # fill forgot password form to get reset password link def fill_forgot_password_form(email) fill_in 'user_email', with: email end # submit forgot password form to get reset password link def submit_forgot_password_form find("#new_user input.button").click end # fill the reset password form def fill_reset_password_form(new_pass, confirm_pass) fill_in 'user_password', with: new_pass fill_in 'user_password_confirmation', with: confirm_pass end # submit reset password form def submit_reset_password_form find(".button").click end end World(UserCukeHelpers)