# frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' require 'tempfile' require 'parallel_tests' require 'shellwords' require 'pathname' module ParallelTests class CLI def run(argv) Signal.trap("INT") { handle_interrupt } options = parse_options!(argv) ENV['DISABLE_SPRING'] ||= '1' num_processes = ParallelTests.determine_number_of_processes(options[:count]) num_processes *= (options[:multiply] || 1) options[:first_is_1] ||= first_is_1? if options[:execute] execute_command_in_parallel(options[:execute], num_processes, options) else run_tests_in_parallel(num_processes, options) end end private def handle_interrupt @graceful_shutdown_attempted ||= false Kernel.exit if @graceful_shutdown_attempted # In a shell, all sub-processes also get an interrupt, so they shut themselves down. # In a background process this does not happen and we need to do it ourselves. # We cannot always send the interrupt since then the sub-processes would get interrupted twice when in foreground # and that messes with interrupt handling. # # (can simulate detached with `(bundle exec parallel_rspec test/a_spec.rb -n 2 &)`) # also the integration test "passes on int signal to child processes" is detached. # # On windows getpgid does not work so we resort to always killing which is the smaller bug. # # The ParallelTests::Pids `synchronize` method can't be called directly from a trap, # using Thread workaround https://github.com/ddollar/foreman/issues/332 Thread.new do if Gem.win_platform? || ((child_pid = ParallelTests.pids.all.first) && Process.getpgid(child_pid) != Process.pid) ParallelTests.stop_all_processes end end @graceful_shutdown_attempted = true end def execute_in_parallel(items, num_processes, options) Tempfile.open 'parallel_tests-lock' do |lock| ParallelTests.with_pid_file do simulate_output_for_ci options[:serialize_stdout] do Parallel.map(items, in_threads: num_processes) do |item| result = yield(item) reprint_output(result, lock.path) if options[:serialize_stdout] ParallelTests.stop_all_processes if options[:fail_fast] && result[:exit_status] != 0 result end end end end end def run_tests_in_parallel(num_processes, options) test_results = nil run_tests_proc = -> do groups = @runner.tests_in_groups(options[:files], num_processes, options) groups.reject!(&:empty?) if options[:only_group] groups = options[:only_group].map { |i| groups[i - 1] }.compact num_processes = 1 end report_number_of_tests(groups) unless options[:quiet] test_results = execute_in_parallel(groups, groups.size, options) do |group| run_tests(group, groups.index(group), num_processes, options) end report_results(test_results, options) unless options[:quiet] end if options[:quiet] run_tests_proc.call else report_time_taken(&run_tests_proc) end if any_test_failed?(test_results) warn final_fail_message # return the highest exit status to allow sub-processes to send things other than 1 exit_status = if options[:highest_exit_status] test_results.map { |data| data.fetch(:exit_status) }.max else 1 end exit exit_status end end def run_tests(group, process_number, num_processes, options) if group.empty? { stdout: '', exit_status: 0, command: nil, seed: nil } else @runner.run_tests(group, process_number, num_processes, options) end end def reprint_output(result, lockfile) lock(lockfile) do $stdout.puts $stdout.puts result[:stdout] $stdout.flush end end def lock(lockfile) File.open(lockfile) do |lock| lock.flock File::LOCK_EX yield ensure # This shouldn't be necessary, but appears to be lock.flock File::LOCK_UN end end def report_results(test_results, options) results = @runner.find_results(test_results.map { |result| result[:stdout] } * "") puts "" puts @runner.summarize_results(results) report_failure_rerun_commmand(test_results, options) end def report_failure_rerun_commmand(test_results, options) failing_sets = test_results.reject { |r| r[:exit_status] == 0 } return if failing_sets.none? if options[:verbose] || options[:verbose_command] puts "\n\nTests have failed for a parallel_test group. Use the following command to run the group again:\n\n" failing_sets.each do |failing_set| command = failing_set[:command] command = @runner.command_with_seed(command, failing_set[:seed]) if failing_set[:seed] @runner.print_command(command, failing_set[:env] || {}) end end end def report_number_of_tests(groups) name = @runner.test_file_name num_processes = groups.size num_tests = groups.map(&:size).sum tests_per_process = (num_processes == 0 ? 0 : num_tests / num_processes) puts "#{pluralize(num_processes, 'process')} for #{pluralize(num_tests, name)}, ~ #{pluralize(tests_per_process, name)} per process" end def pluralize(n, singular) if n == 1 "1 #{singular}" elsif singular.end_with?('s', 'sh', 'ch', 'x', 'z') "#{n} #{singular}es" else "#{n} #{singular}s" end end # exit with correct status code so rake parallel:test && echo 123 works def any_test_failed?(test_results) test_results.any? { |result| result[:exit_status] != 0 } end def parse_options!(argv) newline_padding = " " * 37 options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = <<~BANNER Run all tests in parallel, giving each process ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] ('', '2', '3', ...) [optional] Only selected files & folders: parallel_test test/bar test/baz/xxx_text.rb [optional] Pass test-options and files via `--`: parallel_test -- -t acceptance -f progress -- spec/foo_spec.rb spec/acceptance Options are: BANNER opts.on("-n [PROCESSES]", Integer, "How many processes to use, default: available CPUs") { |n| options[:count] = n } opts.on("-p", "--pattern [PATTERN]", "run tests matching this regex pattern") { |pattern| options[:pattern] = /#{pattern}/ } opts.on("--exclude-pattern", "--exclude-pattern [PATTERN]", "exclude tests matching this regex pattern") { |pattern| options[:exclude_pattern] = /#{pattern}/ } opts.on( "--group-by [TYPE]", <<~TEXT.rstrip.split("\n").join("\n#{newline_padding}") group tests by: found - order of finding files steps - number of cucumber/spinach steps scenarios - individual cucumber scenarios filesize - by size of the file runtime - info from runtime log default - runtime when runtime log is filled otherwise filesize TEXT ) { |type| options[:group_by] = type.to_sym } opts.on("-m [FLOAT]", "--multiply-processes [FLOAT]", Float, "use given number as a multiplier of processes to run") do |multiply| options[:multiply] = multiply end opts.on("-s [PATTERN]", "--single [PATTERN]", "Run all matching files in the same process") do |pattern| (options[:single_process] ||= []) << /#{pattern}/ end opts.on("-i", "--isolate", "Do not run any other tests in the group used by --single(-s)") do options[:isolate] = true end opts.on( "--isolate-n [PROCESSES]", Integer, "Use 'isolate' singles with number of processes, default: 1." ) { |n| options[:isolate_count] = n } opts.on("--highest-exit-status", "Exit with the highest exit status provided by test run(s)") do options[:highest_exit_status] = true end opts.on( "--specify-groups [SPECS]", <<~TEXT.rstrip.split("\n").join("\n#{newline_padding}") Use 'specify-groups' if you want to specify multiple specs running in multiple processes in a specific formation. Commas indicate specs in the same process, pipes indicate specs in a new process. Cannot use with --single, --isolate, or --isolate-n. Ex. $ parallel_test -n 3 . --specify-groups '1_spec.rb,2_spec.rb|3_spec.rb' Process 1 will contain 1_spec.rb and 2_spec.rb Process 2 will contain 3_spec.rb Process 3 will contain all other specs TEXT ) { |groups| options[:specify_groups] = groups } opts.on( "--only-group INT[,INT]", Array, <<~TEXT.rstrip.split("\n").join("\n#{newline_padding}") Only run the given group numbers. Changes `--group-by` default to 'filesize'. TEXT ) { |groups| options[:only_group] = groups.map(&:to_i) } opts.on("-e", "--exec [COMMAND]", "execute this code parallel and with ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']") { |arg| options[:execute] = Shellwords.shellsplit(arg) } opts.on("-o", "--test-options '[OPTIONS]'", "execute test commands with those options") { |arg| options[:test_options] = Shellwords.shellsplit(arg) } opts.on("-t", "--type [TYPE]", "test(default) / rspec / cucumber / spinach") do |type| @runner = load_runner(type) rescue NameError, LoadError => e puts "Runner for `#{type}` type has not been found! (#{e})" abort end opts.on( "--suffix [PATTERN]", <<~TEXT.rstrip.split("\n").join("\n#{newline_padding}") override built in test file pattern (should match suffix): '_spec.rb$' - matches rspec files '_(test|spec).rb$' - matches test or spec files TEXT ) { |pattern| options[:suffix] = /#{pattern}/ } opts.on("--serialize-stdout", "Serialize stdout output, nothing will be written until everything is done") { options[:serialize_stdout] = true } opts.on("--prefix-output-with-test-env-number", "Prefixes test env number to the output when not using --serialize-stdout") { options[:prefix_output_with_test_env_number] = true } opts.on("--combine-stderr", "Combine stderr into stdout, useful in conjunction with --serialize-stdout") { options[:combine_stderr] = true } opts.on("--non-parallel", "execute same commands but do not in parallel, needs --exec") { options[:non_parallel] = true } opts.on("--no-symlinks", "Do not traverse symbolic links to find test files") { options[:symlinks] = false } opts.on('--ignore-tags [PATTERN]', 'When counting steps ignore scenarios with tags that match this pattern') { |arg| options[:ignore_tag_pattern] = arg } opts.on("--nice", "execute test commands with low priority.") { options[:nice] = true } opts.on("--runtime-log [PATH]", "Location of previously recorded test runtimes") { |path| options[:runtime_log] = path } opts.on("--allowed-missing [INT]", Integer, "Allowed percentage of missing runtimes (default = 50)") { |percent| options[:allowed_missing_percent] = percent } opts.on('--allow-duplicates', 'When detecting files to run, allow duplicates') { options[:allow_duplicates] = true } opts.on("--unknown-runtime [FLOAT]", Float, "Use given number as unknown runtime (otherwise use average time)") { |time| options[:unknown_runtime] = time } opts.on("--first-is-1", "Use \"1\" as TEST_ENV_NUMBER to not reuse the default test environment") { options[:first_is_1] = true } opts.on("--fail-fast", "Stop all groups when one group fails (best used with --test-options '--fail-fast' if supported") { options[:fail_fast] = true } opts.on("--verbose", "Print debug output") { options[:verbose] = true } opts.on("--verbose-command", "Displays the command that will be executed by each process and when there are failures displays the command executed by each process that failed") { options[:verbose_command] = true } opts.on("--quiet", "Print only tests output") { options[:quiet] = true } opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show Version") do puts ParallelTests::VERSION exit 0 end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this.") do puts opts exit 0 end end.parse!(argv) raise "Both options are mutually exclusive: verbose & quiet" if options[:verbose] && options[:quiet] if options[:count] == 0 options.delete(:count) options[:non_parallel] = true end files, remaining = extract_file_paths(argv) unless options[:execute] if files.empty? default_test_folder = @runner.default_test_folder if File.directory?(default_test_folder) files = [default_test_folder] else abort "Pass files or folders to run" end end options[:files] = files.map { |file_path| Pathname.new(file_path).cleanpath.to_s } end append_test_options(options, remaining) options[:group_by] ||= :filesize if options[:only_group] if options[:group_by] == :found && options[:single_process] raise "--group-by found and --single-process are not supported" end allowed = [:filesize, :runtime, :found] if !allowed.include?(options[:group_by]) && options[:only_group] raise "--group-by #{allowed.join(" or ")} is required for --only-group" end if options[:specify_groups] && (options.keys & [:single_process, :isolate, :isolate_count]).any? raise "Can't pass --specify-groups with any of these keys: --single, --isolate, or --isolate-n" end options end def extract_file_paths(argv) dash_index = argv.rindex("--") file_args_at = (dash_index || -1) + 1 [argv[file_args_at..], argv[0...(dash_index || 0)]] end def extract_test_options(argv) dash_index = argv.index("--") || -1 argv[dash_index + 1..] end def append_test_options(options, argv) new_opts = extract_test_options(argv) return if new_opts.empty? options[:test_options] ||= [] options[:test_options] += new_opts end def load_runner(type) require "parallel_tests/#{type}/runner" runner_classname = type.split("_").map(&:capitalize).join.sub("Rspec", "RSpec") klass_name = "ParallelTests::#{runner_classname}::Runner" klass_name.split('::').inject(Object) { |x, y| x.const_get(y) } end def execute_command_in_parallel(command, num_processes, options) runs = if options[:only_group] options[:only_group].map { |g| g - 1 } else (0...num_processes).to_a end results = if options[:non_parallel] ParallelTests.with_pid_file do runs.map do |i| ParallelTests::Test::Runner.execute_command(command, i, num_processes, options) end end else execute_in_parallel(runs, runs.size, options) do |i| ParallelTests::Test::Runner.execute_command(command, i, num_processes, options) end end.flatten abort if results.any? { |r| r[:exit_status] != 0 } end def report_time_taken(&block) seconds = ParallelTests.delta(&block).to_i puts "\nTook #{seconds} seconds#{detailed_duration(seconds)}" end def detailed_duration(seconds) parts = [seconds / 3600, seconds % 3600 / 60, seconds % 60].drop_while(&:zero?) return if parts.size < 2 parts = parts.map { |i| "%02d" % i }.join(':').sub(/^0/, '') " (#{parts})" end def final_fail_message fail_message = "Tests Failed" fail_message = "\e[31m#{fail_message}\e[0m" if use_colors? fail_message end def use_colors? $stdout.tty? end def first_is_1? val = ENV["PARALLEL_TEST_FIRST_IS_1"] ['1', 'true'].include?(val) end # CI systems often fail when there is no output for a long time, so simulate some output def simulate_output_for_ci(simulate) if simulate progress_indicator = Thread.new do interval = Float(ENV['PARALLEL_TEST_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL'] || 60) loop do sleep interval print '.' end end test_results = yield progress_indicator.exit test_results else yield end end end end