# MS-SQL lookup filter plugin for Embulk An Embulk filter plugin for Lookup Transformation with MS-SQL database ## Configuration - **mssql_lookup**: Required attributes for the LookUp Filter Plugin - - **host**: database host (example `localhost`) (required) - **port**: database port (example port for mssql `1433`) (required - **database**: database name (required) - **tablename**: table name of your database (required) - **username**: username for your database (required) - **password**: password for database (required) - **mapping_from**: (Name of columns to be matched with table 2 columns) (required) - **Name of column-1**: column name-1 from input file - **Name of column-2**: column name-2 from input file etc ... - **mapping_to**: (Name of columns to be matched with table 1 columns) (required) - **Name of column-1**: column name-1 from input file - **Name of column-2**: column name-2 from input file - **new_columns**: (New generated column names) (required) - **Name-1,Type-1**: Any Name, Type of the name (name: country_name, type: string) - **Name-2,Type-2**: Any Name, Type of the name (name: country_address, type: string) etc ... ## Example - columns Input1 for table 1 is as follows :- ``` year country_code country_name literacy_rate 1990 1 India 80% 1993 2 USA 83% 1997 3 JAPAN 1999 4 China 72% 2000 5 Ukraine 68% 2002 6 Italy 79% 2004 7 UK 75% 2011 8 NULL 42% ``` Input2 for table 2 is as follows :- ``` id country_population country_address country_GDP 1 11.3 India 1.67 2 18.2 USA 16.72 3 30 JAPAN 5.00 4 4 China 9.33 5 57 Ukraine 1.08 6 63 Italy 2.068 7 17 UK 2.49 8 28 UAE 1.18 Note: country_population is calculated in Billion and country_GDP is calculated in $USD Trillion ``` As shown in yaml below, columns mentioned in mapping_from will be mapped with columns mentioned in mapping_to ie: country_code : id country_name : country_address After successful mapping an Output.csv file containing the columns mentioned in new_columns will be generated Output File generated :- ``` year country_code country_name literacy_rate country_GDP country_population 1990 1 India 80% 1.67 11.3 1993 2 USA 83% 16.72 18.2 1997 3 JAPAN 5.00 30 1999 4 China 72% 9.33 4 2000 5 Ukraine 68% 1.08 57 2002 6 Italy 79% 2.068 63 2004 7 UK 75% 2.49 17 2011 8 NULL 42% ``` ```yaml - type: mssql_lookup host: localhost port: 1433 database: test tablename: country_details username: root password: root mapping_from: - country_code - country_name mapping_to: - id - country_address new_columns: - { name: country_GDP, type: string } - { name: country_population, type: string } ``` Notes: 1. mapping_from attribute should be in same order as mentioned in input file. ## Development Run example: ``` $ ./gradlew package $ embulk run -I ./lib seed.yml ``` Deployment Steps: ``` Install ruby in your machine $ gem install gemcutter (For windows OS) $ ./gradlew gemPush $ gem build NameOfYourPlugins (example: embulk-filter-mssql_lookup) $ gem push embulk-filter-mssql_lookup-0.1.0.gem (You will get this name after running above command) ``` Release gem: ``` $ ./gradlew gemPush ```