W3C XML Query Use Cases contains the following use cases: 1. Use Case "XMP": Experiences and Exemplars 2. Use Case "TREE": Queries that preserve hierarchy 3. Use Case "SEQ" - Queries based on Sequence 4. Use Case "R" - Access to Relational Data 5. Use Case "SGML": Standard Generalized Markup Language 6. Use Case "STRING": String Search 7. Use Case "NS" - Queries Using Namespaces 8. Use Case "PARTS" - Recursive Parts Explosion 9. Use Case "STRONG" - queries that exploit strongly typed data Use cases 7 and 9 are not supported as they would require special support for XML namespaces and XML Schema, both of which are outside of scope of magic/xml. Of the rest 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 are coded.