require 'chef/knife/joyent_base' class Chef class Knife class JoyentKeyAdd < Knife include Knife::JoyentBase banner "knife joyent key add -f -k " option :keyname, :short => '-k KEY_NAME', :long => '--keyname KEY_NAME', :description => 'Name for identifying this key' option :keyfile, :short => '-f KEY_FILE', :long => '--keyfile KEY_FILE', :description => 'Full path to location of ssh public key' def run keyfile = config[:keyfile] keyname = config[:keyname] unless File.exists?(keyfile) ui.error('keyfile specified does not exist') exit 1 end key = begin rescue puts ui.error('Unable to read contents of keyfile') exit 1 end begin r = self.connection.create_key( :name => keyname, :key => key ) rescue Excon::Errors::Conflict => e body = MultiJson.decode(e.response.body) ui.error(body["message"]) exit 1 end puts ui.color('Created key: '+keyname, :cyan) rescue => e output_error(e) end end end end