#include #include #include // Mark string for translation (alias for leatherman::locale::format) using leatherman::locale::_; // boost includes are not always warning-clean. Disable warnings that // cause problems before including the headers, then re-enable the warnings. #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wextra" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma GCC diagnostic pop using namespace std; namespace expr = boost::log::expressions; namespace src = boost::log::sources; namespace attrs = boost::log::attributes; namespace keywords = boost::log::keywords; namespace sinks = boost::log::sinks; namespace leatherman { namespace logging { static function g_callback; static log_level g_level = log_level::none; static bool g_colorize = false; static bool g_error_logged = false; namespace lth_locale = leatherman::locale; class color_writer : public sinks::basic_sink_backend { public: color_writer(ostream *dst); void consume(boost::log::record_view const& rec); private: ostream &_dst; }; color_writer::color_writer(ostream *dst) : _dst(*dst) {} void color_writer::consume(boost::log::record_view const& rec) { auto level = boost::log::extract("Severity", rec); if (!is_enabled(*level)) { return; } auto line_num = boost::log::extract("LineNum", rec); auto name_space = boost::log::extract("Namespace", rec); auto timestamp = boost::log::extract("TimeStamp", rec); auto message = rec[expr::smessage]; _dst << boost::gregorian::to_iso_extended_string(timestamp->date()); _dst << " " << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(timestamp->time_of_day()); _dst << " " << left << setfill(' ') << setw(5) << level << " " << *name_space; if (line_num) { _dst << ":" << *line_num; } _dst << " - "; colorize(_dst, *level); _dst << *message; colorize(_dst); _dst << endl; } void setup_logging(ostream &dst, string locale, string domain, bool use_locale) { // Remove existing sinks before adding a new one auto core = boost::log::core::get(); core->remove_all_sinks(); using sink_t = sinks::synchronous_sink; boost::shared_ptr sink = boost::make_shared(boost::make_shared(&dst)); core->add_sink(sink); #ifdef LEATHERMAN_USE_LOCALES // Imbue the logging sink with the requested locale. // Locale in GCC is busted on Solaris, so skip it. // TODO: Imbue may not be useful, as setup_logging can be called multiple times // with different domains for the same ostream. // Note that this creates a locale that's not usable for testing, as it // only includes paths for install locations. This is intentional, to avoid leaving // searching paths that have unknown permissions. if (use_locale) { dst.imbue(lth_locale::get_locale(locale, domain, {})); } #endif boost::log::add_common_attributes(); // Default to the warning level set_level(log_level::warning); // Set whether or not to use colorization depending if the destination is a tty g_colorize = color_supported(dst); } // This version exists for binary compatibility only. void setup_logging(ostream &dst, string locale, string domain) { setup_logging(dst, move(locale), move(domain), true); } void set_level(log_level level) { auto core = boost::log::core::get(); core->set_logging_enabled(level != log_level::none); g_level = level; } log_level get_level() { return g_level; } void set_colorization(bool color) { g_colorize = color; } bool get_colorization() { return g_colorize; } bool is_enabled(log_level level) { return g_level != log_level::none && static_cast(level) >= static_cast(g_level); } bool error_has_been_logged() { return g_error_logged; } void clear_error_logged_flag() { g_error_logged = false; } void on_message(function callback) { g_callback = callback; } void log_helper(const string &logger, log_level level, int line_num, string const& message) { if (level >= log_level::error) { g_error_logged = true; } if (!is_enabled(level) || (g_callback && !g_callback(level, message))) { return; } src::logger slg; slg.add_attribute("Severity", attrs::constant(level)); slg.add_attribute("Namespace", attrs::constant(logger)); if (line_num > 0) { slg.add_attribute("LineNum", attrs::constant(line_num)); } BOOST_LOG(slg) << message; } istream& operator>>(istream& in, log_level& level) { string value; if (in >> value) { boost::algorithm::to_lower(value); if (value == "none") { level = log_level::none; return in; } if (value == "trace") { level = log_level::trace; return in; } if (value == "debug") { level = log_level::debug; return in; } if (value == "info") { level = log_level::info; return in; } if (value == "warn") { level = log_level::warning; return in; } if (value == "error") { level = log_level::error; return in; } if (value == "fatal") { level = log_level::fatal; return in; } } throw runtime_error(_("invalid log level '{1}': expected none, trace, debug, info, warn, error, or fatal.", value)); } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, log_level level) { static const vector strings = {"TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL"}; if (level != log_level::none) { size_t index = static_cast(level) - 1; if (index < strings.size()) { strm << strings[index]; } } return strm; } }} // namespace leatherman::logging