require_relative '../spec_helper' # Load the class under test require_relative '../../lib/support/base_tokenizer' describe BaseTokenizer do let(:sample_input) { '7 + (8 + 9)' } context 'Standard creation & initialization:' do subject { } it 'should be initialized with a text argument' do expect { }.not_to raise_error end it 'should have a scanner initialized' do expect(subject.scanner).to be_kind_of(StringScanner) end it 'should have line number initialized' do expect(subject.lineno).to eq(1) end end # context context 'Provided services:' do class PB_Tokenizer < BaseTokenizer @@lexeme2name = { '(' => 'LPAREN', ')' => 'RPAREN', '+' => 'PLUS' }.freeze protected def recognize_token() if (lexeme = scanner.scan(/[\(\)]/)) # Single characters # Delimiters, separators => single character token build_token(@@lexeme2name[lexeme], lexeme) elsif (lexeme = scanner.scan(/(?:\+)(?=\s)/)) # Isolated char build_token(@@lexeme2name[lexeme], lexeme) elsif (lexeme = scanner.scan(/[+-]?[0-9]+/)) build_token('int', lexeme) end end end # class # Basic tokenizer # @return [Array] def tokenize(aText) tokenizer = tokenizer.tokens end it 'should return a sequence of tokens' do sequence = tokenize(sample_input) checks = [ ['int', 7, [1, 1]], ['PLUS', '+', [1, 3]], ['LPAREN', '(', [1, 5]], ['int', 8, [1, 6]], ['PLUS', '+', [1, 8]], ['int', 9, [1, 10]], ['RPAREN', ')', [1, 11]] ] sequence.each_with_index do |token, i| (tok_type, tok_value, tok_pos) = checks[i] (line, col) = tok_pos expect(token.terminal).to eq(tok_type) expect(token.lexeme).to eq(tok_value.to_s) expect(token.position.line).to eq(line) expect(token.position.column).to eq(col) end end end end # describe