module Geordi class SetupFirefoxForSelenium FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PATH = '/opt/firefox-for-selenium' FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_BINARY = "#{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PATH}/firefox" ORIGINAL_FIREFOX_BINARY = "#{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PATH}/firefox-original" FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PROFILE_NAME = 'firefox-for-selenium' class << self def execute_command(cmd) system(cmd) or raise "Error while executing command: #{cmd}" end def run_firefox_for_selenium(args = '') execute_command("PATH=#{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PATH}:$PATH firefox #{args}") end def say_hello execute_command('clear') puts "Whenever Firefox updates, Selenium breaks. This is annoying." puts "This script will help you create an unchanging version of Firefox for your Selenium tests." puts puts "In particular, this new copy of Firefox will have the following properties:" puts puts "- It won't update itself with a newer version" puts "- It can co-exist with your regular Firefox installation (which you can update at will)" puts "- It will use a profile separate from the one you use for regular Firefox browsing" puts "- It will not try to re-use existing Firefox windows" puts "- It will automatically be used for your Selenium scenarios if you run your Cucumber using the cuc binary from the geordi gem." puts "- It will live in #{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PATH}" puts puts "At some point, this script will ask you for your user password, because some operations need to be run as root." puts puts "Press ENTER when you're ready to begin." gets end def check_if_run_before if File.exists?(ORIGINAL_FIREFOX_BINARY) puts "It looks like you have run this script before. No good can come from running this script a second time on the same copy of Firefox." puts "Press ENTER to continue anyway or press CTRL+C to abort." gets end end def download_old_firefox puts "Please download an old version of Firefox from and unpack it to #{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PATH}" puts puts "Press ENTER when you're done." gets File.file?(FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_BINARY) or raise "Could not find #{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_BINARY}" end def create_separate_profile puts "Creating a separate profile named '#{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PROFILE_NAME}' so your own profile will be safe..." # don't use the patched firefox binary for this, we don't want to give a -p parameter here execute_command("PATH=#{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PATH}:$PATH firefox -no-remote -CreateProfile #{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_PROFILE_NAME}") puts end def patch_old_firefox puts "Patching #{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_BINARY} so it uses the new profile and never re-uses windows from other Firefoxes..." execute_command("sudo mv #{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_BINARY} #{ORIGINAL_FIREFOX_BINARY}") execute_command("sudo mv #{FIREFOX_FOR_SELENIUM_BINARY}-bin #{ORIGINAL_FIREFOX_BINARY}-bin") patched_binary ='firefox') patched_binary.write <