module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # See the remote and mocked unit test files for example usage. Pay special attention to the contents of the options hash. # # Initial setup instructions can be found in # # Debugging # If you experience an issue with this gateway be sure to examine the transaction information from a general transaction search inside the CyberSource Business # Center for the full error messages including field names. # # Important Notes # * AVS and CVV only work against the production server. You will always get back X for AVS and no response for CVV against the test server. # * Nexus is the list of states or provinces where you have a physical presence. Nexus is used to calculate tax. Leave blank to tax everyone. # * If you want to calculate VAT for overseas customers you must supply a registration number in the options hash as vat_reg_number. # * productCode is a value in the line_items hash that is used to tell CyberSource what kind of item you are selling. It is used when calculating tax/VAT. # * All transactions use dollar values. class CyberSourceGateway < Gateway attr_reader :url attr_reader :response attr_accessor :options TEST_URL = '' LIVE_URL = '' # visa, master, american_express, discover self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover] self.supported_countries = ['US'] self.default_currency = 'USD' self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'CyberSource' # map credit card to the CyberSource expected representation @@credit_card_codes = { :visa => '001', :master => '002', :american_express => '003', :discover => '004' } # map response codes to something humans can read @@response_codes = { :r100 => "Successful transaction", :r101 => "Request is missing one or more required fields" , :r102 => "One or more fields contains invalid data", :r150 => "General failure", :r151 => "The request was received but a server time-out occurred", :r152 => "The request was received, but a service timed out", :r200 => "The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the AVS check", :r201 => "The issuing bank has questions about the request", :r202 => "Expired card", :r203 => "General decline of the card", :r204 => "Insufficient funds in the account", :r205 => "Stolen or lost card", :r207 => "Issuing bank unavailable", :r208 => "Inactive card or card not authorized for card-not-present transactions", :r209 => "American Express Card Identifiction Digits (CID) did not match", :r210 => "The card has reached the credit limit", :r211 => "Invalid card verification number", :r221 => "The customer matched an entry on the processor's negative file", :r230 => "The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the card verification check", :r231 => "Invalid account number", :r232 => "The card type is not accepted by the payment processor", :r233 => "General decline by the processor", :r234 => "A problem exists with your CyberSource merchant configuration", :r235 => "The requested amount exceeds the originally authorized amount", :r236 => "Processor failure", :r237 => "The authorization has already been reversed", :r238 => "The authorization has already been captured", :r239 => "The requested transaction amount must match the previous transaction amount", :r240 => "The card type sent is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number", :r241 => "The request ID is invalid", :r242 => "You requested a capture, but there is no corresponding, unused authorization record.", :r243 => "The transaction has already been settled or reversed", :r244 => "The bank account number failed the validation check", :r246 => "The capture or credit is not voidable because the capture or credit information has already been submitted to your processor", :r247 => "You requested a credit for a capture that was previously voided", :r250 => "The request was received, but a time-out occurred with the payment processor", :r254 => "Your CyberSource account is prohibited from processing stand-alone refunds", :r255 => "Your CyberSource account is not configured to process the service in the country you specified" } # These are the options that can be used when creating a new CyberSource Gateway object. # # :login => your username # # :password => the transaction key you generated in the Business Center # # :test => true sets the gateway to test mode # # :vat_reg_number => your VAT registration number # # :nexus => "WI CA QC" sets the states/provinces where you have a physical presense for tax purposes # # :ignore_avs => true don't want to use AVS so continue processing even if AVS would have failed # # :ignore_cvv => true don't want to use CVV so continue processing even if CVV would have failed def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) @options = options super end # Should run against the test servers or not? def test? @options[:test] || Base.gateway_mode == :test end # Request an authorization for an amount from CyberSource # # You must supply an :order_id in the options hash def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_id, :email) setup_address_hash(options) commit(build_auth_request(money, creditcard, options), options ) end # Capture an authorization that has previously been requested def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) setup_address_hash(options) commit(build_capture_request(money, authorization, options), options) end # Purchase is an auth followed by a capture # You must supply an order_id in the options hash def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_id, :email) setup_address_hash(options) commit(build_purchase_request(money, creditcard, options), options) end def void(identification, options = {}) commit(build_void_request(identification, options), options) end # CyberSource requires that you provide line item information for tax calculations # If you do not have prices for each item or want to simplify the situation then pass in one fake line item that costs the subtotal of the order # # The line_item hash goes in the options hash and should look like # # :line_items => [ # { # :declared_value => '1', # :quantity => '2', # :code => 'default', # :description => 'Giant Walrus', # :sku => 'WA323232323232323' # }, # { # :declared_value => '6', # :quantity => '1', # :code => 'default', # :description => 'Marble Snowcone', # :sku => 'FAKE1232132113123' # } # ] # # This functionality is only supported by this particular gateway may # be changed at any time def calculate_tax(creditcard, options) requires!(options, :line_items) setup_address_hash(options) commit(build_tax_calculation_request(creditcard, options), options) end private # Create all address hash key value pairs so that we still function if we were only provided with one or two of them def setup_address_hash(options) options[:billing_address] = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] || {} options[:shipping_address] = options[:shipping_address] || options[:billing_address] end def build_auth_request(money, creditcard, options) xml = :indent => 2 add_address(xml, creditcard, options[:billing_address], options) add_purchase_data(xml, money, true, options) add_creditcard(xml, creditcard) add_auth_service(xml) add_business_rules_data(xml)! end def build_tax_calculation_request(creditcard, options) xml = :indent => 2 add_address(xml, creditcard, options[:billing_address], options, false) add_address(xml, creditcard, options[:shipping_address], options, true) add_line_item_data(xml, options) add_purchase_data(xml, 0, false, options) add_tax_service(xml) add_business_rules_data(xml)! end def build_capture_request(money, authorization, options) order_id, request_id, request_token = authorization.split(";") options[:order_id] = order_id xml = :indent => 2 add_purchase_data(xml, money, true, options) add_capture_service(xml, request_id, request_token) add_business_rules_data(xml)! end def build_purchase_request(money, creditcard, options) xml = :indent => 2 add_address(xml, creditcard, options[:billing_address], options) add_purchase_data(xml, money, true, options) add_creditcard(xml, creditcard) add_purchase_service(xml, options) add_business_rules_data(xml)! end def build_void_request(identification, options) order_id, request_id, request_token = identification.split(";") options[:order_id] = order_id xml = :indent => 2 add_void_service(xml, request_id, request_token)! end def add_business_rules_data(xml) xml.tag! 'businessRules' do xml.tag!('ignoreAVSResult', 'true') if @options[:ignore_avs] xml.tag!('ignoreCVResult', 'true') if @options[:ignore_cvv] end end def add_line_item_data(xml, options) options[:line_items].each_with_index do |value, index| xml.tag! 'item', {'id' => index} do xml.tag! 'unitPrice', amount(value[:declared_value]) xml.tag! 'quantity', value[:quantity] xml.tag! 'productCode', value[:code] || 'shipping_only' xml.tag! 'productName', value[:description] xml.tag! 'productSKU', value[:sku] end end end def add_merchant_data(xml, options) xml.tag! 'merchantID', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'merchantReferenceCode', options[:order_id] xml.tag! 'clientLibrary' ,'Ruby Active Merchant' xml.tag! 'clientLibraryVersion', '1.0' xml.tag! 'clientEnvironment' , 'Linux' end def add_purchase_data(xml, money = 0, include_grand_total = false, options={}) xml.tag! 'purchaseTotals' do xml.tag! 'currency', options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag!('grandTotalAmount', amount(money)) if include_grand_total end end def add_address(xml, creditcard, address, options, shipTo = false) xml.tag! shipTo ? 'shipTo' : 'billTo' do xml.tag! 'firstName', creditcard.first_name xml.tag! 'lastName', creditcard.last_name xml.tag! 'street1', address[:address1] xml.tag! 'street2', address[:address2] xml.tag! 'city', address[:city] xml.tag! 'state', address[:state] xml.tag! 'postalCode', address[:zip] xml.tag! 'country', address[:country] xml.tag! 'email', options[:email] end end def add_creditcard(xml, creditcard) xml.tag! 'card' do xml.tag! 'accountNumber', creditcard.number xml.tag! 'expirationMonth', format(creditcard.month, :two_digits) xml.tag! 'expirationYear', format(creditcard.year, :four_digits) xml.tag!('cvNumber', creditcard.verification_value) unless (@options[:ignore_cvv] || creditcard.verification_value.blank? ) xml.tag! 'cardType', @@credit_card_codes[creditcard.type.to_sym] end end def add_tax_service(xml) xml.tag! 'taxService', {'run' => 'true'} do xml.tag!('nexus', @options[:nexus]) unless @options[:nexus].blank? xml.tag!('sellerRegistration', @options[:vat_reg_number]) unless @options[:vat_reg_number].blank? end end def add_auth_service(xml) xml.tag! 'ccAuthService', {'run' => 'true'} end def add_capture_service(xml, request_id, request_token) xml.tag! 'ccCaptureService', {'run' => 'true'} do xml.tag! 'authRequestID', request_id xml.tag! 'authRequestToken', request_token end end def add_purchase_service(xml, options) xml.tag! 'ccAuthService', {'run' => 'true'} xml.tag! 'ccCaptureService', {'run' => 'true'} end def add_void_service(xml, request_id, request_token) xml.tag! 'voidService', {'run' => 'true'} do xml.tag! 'voidRequestID', request_id xml.tag! 'voidRequestToken', request_token end end # Where we actually build the full SOAP request using builder def build_request(body, options) xml = :indent => 2 xml.instruct! xml.tag! 's:Envelope', {'xmlns:s' => ''} do xml.tag! 's:Header' do xml.tag! 'wsse:Security', {'s:mustUnderstand' => '1', 'xmlns:wsse' => ''} do xml.tag! 'wsse:UsernameToken' do xml.tag! 'wsse:Username', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'wsse:Password', @options[:password], 'Type' => '' end end end xml.tag! 's:Body', {'xmlns:xsi' => '', 'xmlns:xsd' => ''} do xml.tag! 'requestMessage', {'xmlns' => 'urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.26'} do add_merchant_data(xml, options) xml << body end end end! end # Contact CyberSource, make the SOAP request, and parse the reply into a Response object def commit(request, options) request_body = build_request(request, options) if test? card_number = parse_credit_card_number(request_body) if result = test? && test_result_from_cc_number(card_number) return result end end url = test? ? TEST_URL : LIVE_URL data = ssl_post(url, request_body) reply = parse(data) success = reply[:decision] == "ACCEPT" message = @@response_codes[('r' + reply[:reasonCode]).to_sym] rescue reply[:message] authorization = success ? [ options[:order_id], reply[:requestID], reply[:requestToken] ].compact.join(";") : nil, message, reply, :test => test?, :authorization => authorization ) end def parse_credit_card_number(xml) doc = node = REXML::XPath.first(doc, '//card/accountNumber') node && node.text end # Parse the SOAP response # Technique inspired by the Paypal Gateway def parse(xml) reply = {} xml = if root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//c:replyMessage") root.elements.to_a.each do |node| case when 'c:reasonCode' reply[:message] = reply(node.text) else parse_element(reply, node) end end elsif root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//soap:Fault") parse_element(reply, root) reply[:message] = "#{reply[:faultcode]}: #{reply[:faultstring]}" end return reply end def parse_element(reply, node) if node.has_elements? node.elements.each{|e| parse_element(reply, e) } else if =~ /item/ parent = + (node.parent.attributes["id"] ? "_" + node.parent.attributes["id"] : '') reply[(parent + '_' +] = node.text else reply[] = node.text end end return reply end end end end