# # Namespace for file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. # # ## What's Here # # First, what’s elsewhere. Module FileUtils: # # * Inherits from [class Object](rdoc-ref:Object). # * Supplements [class File](rdoc-ref:File) (but is not included or extended # there). # # # Here, module FileUtils provides methods that are useful for: # # * [Creating](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Creating). # * [Deleting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting). # * [Querying](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Querying). # * [Setting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Setting). # * [Comparing](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Comparing). # * [Copying](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying). # * [Moving](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Moving). # * [Options](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Options). # # # ### Creating # # * ::mkdir: Creates directories. # * ::mkdir_p, ::makedirs, ::mkpath: Creates directories, also creating # ancestor directories as needed. # * ::link_entry: Creates a hard link. # * ::ln, ::link: Creates hard links. # * ::ln_s, ::symlink: Creates symbolic links. # * ::ln_sf: Creates symbolic links, overwriting if necessary. # * ::ln_sr: Creates symbolic links relative to targets # # # ### Deleting # # * ::remove_dir: Removes a directory and its descendants. # * ::remove_entry: Removes an entry, including its descendants if it is a # directory. # * ::remove_entry_secure: Like ::remove_entry, but removes securely. # * ::remove_file: Removes a file entry. # * ::rm, ::remove: Removes entries. # * ::rm_f, ::safe_unlink: Like ::rm, but removes forcibly. # * ::rm_r: Removes entries and their descendants. # * ::rm_rf, ::rmtree: Like ::rm_r, but removes forcibly. # * ::rmdir: Removes directories. # # # ### Querying # # * ::pwd, ::getwd: Returns the path to the working directory. # * ::uptodate?: Returns whether a given entry is newer than given other # entries. # # # ### Setting # # * ::cd, ::chdir: Sets the working directory. # * ::chmod: Sets permissions for an entry. # * ::chmod_R: Sets permissions for an entry and its descendants. # * ::chown: Sets the owner and group for entries. # * ::chown_R: Sets the owner and group for entries and their descendants. # * ::touch: Sets modification and access times for entries, creating if # necessary. # # # ### Comparing # # * ::compare_file, ::cmp, ::identical?: Returns whether two entries are # identical. # * ::compare_stream: Returns whether two streams are identical. # # # ### Copying # # * ::copy_entry: Recursively copies an entry. # * ::copy_file: Copies an entry. # * ::copy_stream: Copies a stream. # * ::cp, ::copy: Copies files. # * ::cp_lr: Recursively creates hard links. # * ::cp_r: Recursively copies files, retaining mode, owner, and group. # * ::install: Recursively copies files, optionally setting mode, owner, and # group. # # # ### Moving # # * ::mv, ::move: Moves entries. # # # ### Options # # * ::collect_method: Returns the names of methods that accept a given option. # * ::commands: Returns the names of methods that accept options. # * ::have_option?: Returns whether a given method accepts a given option. # * ::options: Returns all option names. # * ::options_of: Returns the names of the options for a given method. # # # ## Path Arguments # # Some methods in FileUtils accept *path* arguments, which are interpreted as # paths to filesystem entries: # # * If the argument is a string, that value is the path. # * If the argument has method `:to_path`, it is converted via that method. # * If the argument has method `:to_str`, it is converted via that method. # # # ## About the Examples # # Some examples here involve trees of file entries. For these, we sometimes # display trees using the [tree command-line # utility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_(command)), which is a recursive # directory-listing utility that produces a depth-indented listing of files and # directories. # # We use a helper method to launch the command and control the format: # # def tree(dirpath = '.') # command = "tree --noreport --charset=ascii #{dirpath}" # system(command) # end # # To illustrate: # # tree('src0') # # => src0 # # |-- sub0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- sub1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # # ## Avoiding the TOCTTOU Vulnerability # # For certain methods that recursively remove entries, there is a potential # vulnerability called the [Time-of-check to # time-of-use](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-of-check_to_time-of-use), or # TOCTTOU, vulnerability that can exist when: # # * An ancestor directory of the entry at the target path is world writable; # such directories include `/tmp`. # * The directory tree at the target path includes: # # * A world-writable descendant directory. # * A symbolic link. # # # # To avoid that vulnerability, you can use this method to remove entries: # # * FileUtils.remove_entry_secure: removes recursively if the target path # points to a directory. # # # Also available are these methods, each of which calls # FileUtils.remove_entry_secure: # # * FileUtils.rm_r with keyword argument `secure: true`. # * FileUtils.rm_rf with keyword argument `secure: true`. # # # Finally, this method for moving entries calls FileUtils.remove_entry_secure if # the source and destination are on different file systems (which means that the # "move" is really a copy and remove): # # * FileUtils.mv with keyword argument `secure: true`. # # # Method FileUtils.remove_entry_secure removes securely by applying a special # pre-process: # # * If the target path points to a directory, this method uses methods # [File#chown](rdoc-ref:File#chown) and [File#chmod](rdoc-ref:File#chmod) in # removing directories. # * The owner of the target directory should be either the current process or # the super user (root). # # # WARNING: You must ensure that **ALL** parent directories cannot be moved by # other untrusted users. For example, parent directories should not be owned by # untrusted users, and should not be world writable except when the sticky bit # is set. # # For details of this security vulnerability, see Perl cases: # # * [CVE-2005-0448](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2005-04 # 48). # * [CVE-2004-0452](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2004-04 # 52). # module FileUtils VERSION: String type mode = Integer | String type path = string | _ToPath type pathlist = path | Array[path] # # Changes the working directory to the given `dir`, which should be # [interpretable as a path](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments): # # With no block given, changes the current directory to the directory at `dir`; # returns zero: # # FileUtils.pwd # => "/rdoc/fileutils" # FileUtils.cd('..') # FileUtils.pwd # => "/rdoc" # FileUtils.cd('fileutils') # # With a block given, changes the current directory to the directory at `dir`, # calls the block with argument `dir`, and restores the original current # directory; returns the block's value: # # FileUtils.pwd # => "/rdoc/fileutils" # FileUtils.cd('..') { |arg| [arg, FileUtils.pwd] } # => ["..", "/rdoc"] # FileUtils.pwd # => "/rdoc/fileutils" # # Keyword arguments: # # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.cd('..') # FileUtils.cd('fileutils') # # Output: # # cd .. # cd fileutils # # # FileUtils.chdir is an alias for FileUtils.cd. # # Related: FileUtils.pwd. # def self?.cd: (path dir, ?verbose: boolish) -> void | [X] (path dir, ?verbose: boolish) { (String) -> X } -> X # # alias self.chdir self.cd # # alias chdir cd # # Changes permissions on the entries at the paths given in `list` (a single path # or an array of paths) to the permissions given by `mode`; returns `list` if it # is an array, `[list]` otherwise: # # * Modifies each entry that is a regular file using # [File.chmod](rdoc-ref:File.chmod). # * Modifies each entry that is a symbolic link using # [File.lchmod](rdoc-ref:File.lchmod). # # # Argument `list` or its elements should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # Argument `mode` may be either an integer or a string: # # * Integer `mode`: represents the permission bits to be set: # # FileUtils.chmod(0755, 'src0.txt') # FileUtils.chmod(0644, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat']) # # * String `mode`: represents the permissions to be set: # # The string is of the form `[targets][[operator][perms[,perms]]`, where: # # * `targets` may be any combination of these letters: # # * `'u'`: permissions apply to the file's owner. # * `'g'`: permissions apply to users in the file's group. # * `'o'`: permissions apply to other users not in the file's group. # * `'a'` (the default): permissions apply to all users. # # # * `operator` may be one of these letters: # # * `'+'`: adds permissions. # * `'-'`: removes permissions. # * `'='`: sets (replaces) permissions. # # # * `perms` (may be repeated, with separating commas) may be any # combination of these letters: # # * `'r'`: Read. # * `'w'`: Write. # * `'x'`: Execute (search, for a directory). # * `'X'`: Search (for a directories only; must be used with `'+'`) # * `'s'`: Uid or gid. # * `'t'`: Sticky bit. # # # # Examples: # # FileUtils.chmod('u=wrx,go=rx', 'src1.txt') # FileUtils.chmod('u=wrx,go=rx', '/usr/bin/ruby') # # # Keyword arguments: # # * `noop: true` - does not change permissions; returns `nil`. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.chmod(0755, 'src0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.chmod(0644, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'], noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.chmod('u=wrx,go=rx', 'src1.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.chmod('u=wrx,go=rx', '/usr/bin/ruby', noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # chmod 755 src0.txt # chmod 644 src0.txt src0.dat # chmod u=wrx,go=rx src1.txt # chmod u=wrx,go=rx /usr/bin/ruby # # # Related: FileUtils.chmod_R. # def self?.chmod: (mode mode, pathlist list, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # Like FileUtils.chmod, but changes permissions recursively. # def self?.chmod_R: (mode mode, pathlist list, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish, ?force: boolish) -> void # # Changes the owner and group on the entries at the paths given in `list` (a # single path or an array of paths) to the given `user` and `group`; returns # `list` if it is an array, `[list]` otherwise: # # * Modifies each entry that is a regular file using # [File.chown](rdoc-ref:File.chown). # * Modifies each entry that is a symbolic link using # [File.lchown](rdoc-ref:File.lchown). # # # Argument `list` or its elements should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # User and group: # # * Argument `user` may be a user name or a user id; if `nil` or `-1`, the # user is not changed. # * Argument `group` may be a group name or a group id; if `nil` or `-1`, the # group is not changed. # * The user must be a member of the group. # # # Examples: # # # One path. # # User and group as string names. # File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1004 # File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1004 # FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', 'src0.txt') # File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1006 # File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1005 # # # User and group as uid and gid. # FileUtils.chown(1004, 1004, 'src0.txt') # File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1004 # File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1004 # # # Array of paths. # FileUtils.chown(1006, 1005, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat']) # # # Directory (not recursive). # FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', '.') # # Keyword arguments: # # * `noop: true` - does not change permissions; returns `nil`. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', 'src0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.chown(1004, 1004, 'src0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.chown(1006, 1005, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'], noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', path, noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', '.', noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # chown user2:group1 src0.txt # chown 1004:1004 src0.txt # chown 1006:1005 src0.txt src0.dat # chown user2:group1 src0.txt # chown user2:group1 . # # # Related: FileUtils.chown_R. # def self?.chown: (String? user, String? group, pathlist list, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # Like FileUtils.chown, but changes owner and group recursively. # def self?.chown_R: (String? user, String? group, pathlist list, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish, ?force: boolish) -> void # # Returns an array of the string method names of the methods that accept the # given keyword option `opt`; the argument must be a symbol: # # FileUtils.collect_method(:preserve) # => ["cp", "copy", "cp_r", "install"] # def self.collect_method: (Symbol opt) -> Array[String] # # Returns an array of the string names of FileUtils methods that accept one or # more keyword arguments: # # FileUtils.commands.sort.take(3) # => ["cd", "chdir", "chmod"] # def self.commands: () -> Array[String] # # Returns `true` if the contents of files `a` and `b` are identical, `false` # otherwise. # # Arguments `a` and `b` should be [interpretable as a # path](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # FileUtils.identical? and FileUtils.cmp are aliases for FileUtils.compare_file. # # Related: FileUtils.compare_stream. # def self?.compare_file: (path a, path b) -> bool # # alias self.cmp self.compare_file # # alias cmp compare_file # # alias self.identical? self.compare_file # # alias identical? compare_file # # Returns `true` if the contents of streams `a` and `b` are identical, `false` # otherwise. # # Arguments `a` and `b` should be [interpretable as a # path](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # Related: FileUtils.compare_file. # def self?.compare_stream: (IO a, IO b) -> bool # # Recursively copies files from `src` to `dest`. # # Arguments `src` and `dest` should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # If `src` is the path to a file, copies `src` to `dest`: # # FileUtils.touch('src0.txt') # File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false # FileUtils.copy_entry('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt') # File.file?('dest0.txt') # => true # # If `src` is a directory, recursively copies `src` to `dest`: # # tree('src1') # # => src1 # # |-- dir0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- dir1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # FileUtils.copy_entry('src1', 'dest1') # tree('dest1') # # => dest1 # # |-- dir0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- dir1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # # The recursive copying preserves file types for regular files, directories, and # symbolic links; other file types (FIFO streams, device files, etc.) are not # supported. # # Keyword arguments: # # * `dereference_root: true` - if `src` is a symbolic link, follows the link. # * `preserve: true` - preserves file times. # * `remove_destination: true` - removes `dest` before copying files. # # # Related: [methods for copying](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying). # def self?.copy_entry: (path src, path dest, ?boolish preserve, ?boolish dereference_root, ?boolish remove_destination) -> void # # Copies file from `src` to `dest`, which should not be directories. # # Arguments `src` and `dest` should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # Examples: # # FileUtils.touch('src0.txt') # FileUtils.copy_file('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt') # File.file?('dest0.txt') # => true # # Keyword arguments: # # * `dereference: false` - if `src` is a symbolic link, does not follow the # link. # * `preserve: true` - preserves file times. # * `remove_destination: true` - removes `dest` before copying files. # # # Related: [methods for copying](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying). # def self?.copy_file: (path src, path dest, ?boolish preserve, ?boolish dereference) -> void # # Copies IO stream `src` to IO stream `dest` via # [IO.copy_stream](rdoc-ref:IO.copy_stream). # # Related: [methods for copying](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying). # def self?.copy_stream: (_Reader src, _Writer dest) -> void # # Copies files. # # Arguments `src` (a single path or an array of paths) and `dest` (a single # path) should be [interpretable as paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # If `src` is the path to a file and `dest` is not the path to a directory, # copies `src` to `dest`: # # FileUtils.touch('src0.txt') # File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false # FileUtils.cp('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt') # File.file?('dest0.txt') # => true # # If `src` is the path to a file and `dest` is the path to a directory, copies # `src` to `dest/src`: # # FileUtils.touch('src1.txt') # FileUtils.mkdir('dest1') # FileUtils.cp('src1.txt', 'dest1') # File.file?('dest1/src1.txt') # => true # # If `src` is an array of paths to files and `dest` is the path to a directory, # copies from each `src` to `dest`: # # src_file_paths = ['src2.txt', 'src2.dat'] # FileUtils.touch(src_file_paths) # FileUtils.mkdir('dest2') # FileUtils.cp(src_file_paths, 'dest2') # File.file?('dest2/src2.txt') # => true # File.file?('dest2/src2.dat') # => true # # Keyword arguments: # # * `preserve: true` - preserves file times. # * `noop: true` - does not copy files. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.cp('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.cp('src1.txt', 'dest1', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.cp(src_file_paths, 'dest2', noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # cp src0.txt dest0.txt # cp src1.txt dest1 # cp src2.txt src2.dat dest2 # # # Raises an exception if `src` is a directory. # # FileUtils.copy is an alias for FileUtils.cp. # # Related: [methods for copying](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying). # def self?.cp: (pathlist src, path dest, ?preserve: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # alias self.copy self.cp # # alias copy cp # # Creates [hard links](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_link). # # Arguments `src` (a single path or an array of paths) and `dest` (a single # path) should be [interpretable as paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # If `src` is the path to a directory and `dest` does not exist, creates links # `dest` and descendents pointing to `src` and its descendents: # # tree('src0') # # => src0 # # |-- sub0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- sub1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # File.exist?('dest0') # => false # FileUtils.cp_lr('src0', 'dest0') # tree('dest0') # # => dest0 # # |-- sub0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- sub1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # # If `src` and `dest` are both paths to directories, creates links `dest/src` # and descendents pointing to `src` and its descendents: # # tree('src1') # # => src1 # # |-- sub0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- sub1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # FileUtils.mkdir('dest1') # FileUtils.cp_lr('src1', 'dest1') # tree('dest1') # # => dest1 # # `-- src1 # # |-- sub0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- sub1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # # If `src` is an array of paths to entries and `dest` is the path to a # directory, for each path `filepath` in `src`, creates a link at # `dest/filepath` pointing to that path: # # tree('src2') # # => src2 # # |-- sub0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- sub1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # FileUtils.mkdir('dest2') # FileUtils.cp_lr(['src2/sub0', 'src2/sub1'], 'dest2') # tree('dest2') # # => dest2 # # |-- sub0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- sub1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # # Keyword arguments: # # * `dereference_root: false` - if `src` is a symbolic link, does not # dereference it. # * `noop: true` - does not create links. # * `remove_destination: true` - removes `dest` before creating links. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.cp_lr('src0', 'dest0', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.cp_lr('src1', 'dest1', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.cp_lr(['src2/sub0', 'src2/sub1'], 'dest2', noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # cp -lr src0 dest0 # cp -lr src1 dest1 # cp -lr src2/sub0 src2/sub1 dest2 # # # Raises an exception if `dest` is the path to an existing file or directory and # keyword argument `remove_destination: true` is not given. # # Related: [methods for copying](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying). # def self?.cp_lr: (pathlist src, path dest, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish, ?dereference_root: boolish, ?remove_destination: boolish) -> void # # Recursively copies files. # # Arguments `src` (a single path or an array of paths) and `dest` (a single # path) should be [interpretable as paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # The mode, owner, and group are retained in the copy; to change those, use # FileUtils.install instead. # # If `src` is the path to a file and `dest` is not the path to a directory, # copies `src` to `dest`: # # FileUtils.touch('src0.txt') # File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false # FileUtils.cp_r('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt') # File.file?('dest0.txt') # => true # # If `src` is the path to a file and `dest` is the path to a directory, copies # `src` to `dest/src`: # # FileUtils.touch('src1.txt') # FileUtils.mkdir('dest1') # FileUtils.cp_r('src1.txt', 'dest1') # File.file?('dest1/src1.txt') # => true # # If `src` is the path to a directory and `dest` does not exist, recursively # copies `src` to `dest`: # # tree('src2') # # => src2 # # |-- dir0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- dir1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # FileUtils.exist?('dest2') # => false # FileUtils.cp_r('src2', 'dest2') # tree('dest2') # # => dest2 # # |-- dir0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- dir1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # # If `src` and `dest` are paths to directories, recursively copies `src` to # `dest/src`: # # tree('src3') # # => src3 # # |-- dir0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- dir1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # FileUtils.mkdir('dest3') # FileUtils.cp_r('src3', 'dest3') # tree('dest3') # # => dest3 # # `-- src3 # # |-- dir0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- dir1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # # If `src` is an array of paths and `dest` is a directory, recursively copies # from each path in `src` to `dest`; the paths in `src` may point to files # and/or directories. # # Keyword arguments: # # * `dereference_root: false` - if `src` is a symbolic link, does not # dereference it. # * `noop: true` - does not copy files. # * `preserve: true` - preserves file times. # * `remove_destination: true` - removes `dest` before copying files. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.cp_r('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.cp_r('src1.txt', 'dest1', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.cp_r('src2', 'dest2', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.cp_r('src3', 'dest3', noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # cp -r src0.txt dest0.txt # cp -r src1.txt dest1 # cp -r src2 dest2 # cp -r src3 dest3 # # # Raises an exception of `src` is the path to a directory and `dest` is the path # to a file. # # Related: [methods for copying](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying). # def self?.cp_r: (pathlist src, path dest, ?preserve: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish, ?dereference_root: boolish, ?remove_destination: boolish) -> void # # Returns `true` if method `mid` accepts the given option `opt`, `false` # otherwise; the arguments may be strings or symbols: # # FileUtils.have_option?(:chmod, :noop) # => true # FileUtils.have_option?('chmod', 'secure') # => false # def self.have_option?: (Symbol mid, Symbol opt) -> bool # # Copies a file entry. See # [install(1)](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/install.1.html). # # Arguments `src` (a single path or an array of paths) and `dest` (a single # path) should be [interpretable as paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments); # # If the entry at `dest` does not exist, copies from `src` to `dest`: # # File.read('src0.txt') # => "aaa\n" # File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false # FileUtils.install('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt') # File.read('dest0.txt') # => "aaa\n" # # If `dest` is a file entry, copies from `src` to `dest`, overwriting: # # File.read('src1.txt') # => "aaa\n" # File.read('dest1.txt') # => "bbb\n" # FileUtils.install('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt') # File.read('dest1.txt') # => "aaa\n" # # If `dest` is a directory entry, copies from `src` to `dest/src`, overwriting # if necessary: # # File.read('src2.txt') # => "aaa\n" # File.read('dest2/src2.txt') # => "bbb\n" # FileUtils.install('src2.txt', 'dest2') # File.read('dest2/src2.txt') # => "aaa\n" # # If `src` is an array of paths and `dest` points to a directory, copies each # path `path` in `src` to `dest/path`: # # File.file?('src3.txt') # => true # File.file?('src3.dat') # => true # FileUtils.mkdir('dest3') # FileUtils.install(['src3.txt', 'src3.dat'], 'dest3') # File.file?('dest3/src3.txt') # => true # File.file?('dest3/src3.dat') # => true # # Keyword arguments: # # * `group: *group`* - changes the group if not `nil`, using # [File.chown](rdoc-ref:File.chown). # * `mode: *permissions`* - changes the permissions. using # [File.chmod](rdoc-ref:File.chmod). # * `noop: true` - does not copy entries; returns `nil`. # * `owner: *owner`* - changes the owner if not `nil`, using # [File.chown](rdoc-ref:File.chown). # * `preserve: true` - preserve timestamps using # [File.utime](rdoc-ref:File.utime). # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.install('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.install('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.install('src2.txt', 'dest2', noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # install -c src0.txt dest0.txt # install -c src1.txt dest1.txt # install -c src2.txt dest2 # # # Related: [methods for copying](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying). # def self?.install: (path src, path dest, ?mode: mode?, ?owner: String?, ?group: String?, ?preserve: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # Creates [hard links](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_link); returns `nil`. # # Arguments `src` and `dest` should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # If `src` is the path to a file and `dest` does not exist, creates a hard link # at `dest` pointing to `src`: # # FileUtils.touch('src0.txt') # File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false # FileUtils.link_entry('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt') # File.file?('dest0.txt') # => true # # If `src` is the path to a directory and `dest` does not exist, recursively # creates hard links at `dest` pointing to paths in `src`: # # FileUtils.mkdir_p(['src1/dir0', 'src1/dir1']) # src_file_paths = [ # 'src1/dir0/t0.txt', # 'src1/dir0/t1.txt', # 'src1/dir1/t2.txt', # 'src1/dir1/t3.txt', # ] # FileUtils.touch(src_file_paths) # File.directory?('dest1') # => true # FileUtils.link_entry('src1', 'dest1') # File.file?('dest1/dir0/t0.txt') # => true # File.file?('dest1/dir0/t1.txt') # => true # File.file?('dest1/dir1/t2.txt') # => true # File.file?('dest1/dir1/t3.txt') # => true # # Keyword arguments: # # * `dereference_root: true` - dereferences `src` if it is a symbolic link. # * `remove_destination: true` - removes `dest` before creating links. # # # Raises an exception if `dest` is the path to an existing file or directory and # keyword argument `remove_destination: true` is not given. # # Related: FileUtils.ln (has different options). # def self?.link_entry: (path src, path dest, ?boolish dereference_root, ?boolish remove_destination) -> void # # Creates [hard links](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_link). # # Arguments `src` (a single path or an array of paths) and `dest` (a single # path) should be [interpretable as paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # When `src` is the path to an existing file and `dest` is the path to a # non-existent file, creates a hard link at `dest` pointing to `src`; returns # zero: # # Dir.children('tmp0/') # => ["t.txt"] # Dir.children('tmp1/') # => [] # FileUtils.ln('tmp0/t.txt', 'tmp1/t.lnk') # => 0 # Dir.children('tmp1/') # => ["t.lnk"] # # When `src` is the path to an existing file and `dest` is the path to an # existing directory, creates a hard link at `dest/src` pointing to `src`; # returns zero: # # Dir.children('tmp2') # => ["t.dat"] # Dir.children('tmp3') # => [] # FileUtils.ln('tmp2/t.dat', 'tmp3') # => 0 # Dir.children('tmp3') # => ["t.dat"] # # When `src` is an array of paths to existing files and `dest` is the path to an # existing directory, then for each path `target` in `src`, creates a hard link # at `dest/target` pointing to `target`; returns `src`: # # Dir.children('tmp4/') # => [] # FileUtils.ln(['tmp0/t.txt', 'tmp2/t.dat'], 'tmp4/') # => ["tmp0/t.txt", "tmp2/t.dat"] # Dir.children('tmp4/') # => ["t.dat", "t.txt"] # # Keyword arguments: # # * `force: true` - overwrites `dest` if it exists. # * `noop: true` - does not create links. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.ln('tmp0/t.txt', 'tmp1/t.lnk', verbose: true) # FileUtils.ln('tmp2/t.dat', 'tmp3', verbose: true) # FileUtils.ln(['tmp0/t.txt', 'tmp2/t.dat'], 'tmp4/', verbose: true) # # Output: # # ln tmp0/t.txt tmp1/t.lnk # ln tmp2/t.dat tmp3 # ln tmp0/t.txt tmp2/t.dat tmp4/ # # # Raises an exception if `dest` is the path to an existing file and keyword # argument `force` is not `true`. # # FileUtils#link is an alias for FileUtils#ln. # # Related: FileUtils.link_entry (has different options). # def self?.ln: (pathlist src, path dest, ?force: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # alias self.link self.ln # # alias link ln # # Creates [symbolic links](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link). # # Arguments `src` (a single path or an array of paths) and `dest` (a single # path) should be [interpretable as paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # If `src` is the path to an existing file: # # * When `dest` is the path to a non-existent file, creates a symbolic link at # `dest` pointing to `src`: # # FileUtils.touch('src0.txt') # File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false # FileUtils.ln_s('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt') # File.symlink?('dest0.txt') # => true # # * When `dest` is the path to an existing file, creates a symbolic link at # `dest` pointing to `src` if and only if keyword argument `force: true` is # given (raises an exception otherwise): # # FileUtils.touch('src1.txt') # FileUtils.touch('dest1.txt') # FileUtils.ln_s('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt', force: true) # FileTest.symlink?('dest1.txt') # => true # # FileUtils.ln_s('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt') # Raises Errno::EEXIST. # # # If `dest` is the path to a directory, creates a symbolic link at `dest/src` # pointing to `src`: # # FileUtils.touch('src2.txt') # FileUtils.mkdir('destdir2') # FileUtils.ln_s('src2.txt', 'destdir2') # File.symlink?('destdir2/src2.txt') # => true # # If `src` is an array of paths to existing files and `dest` is a directory, for # each child `child` in `src` creates a symbolic link `dest/child` pointing to # `child`: # # FileUtils.mkdir('srcdir3') # FileUtils.touch('srcdir3/src0.txt') # FileUtils.touch('srcdir3/src1.txt') # FileUtils.mkdir('destdir3') # FileUtils.ln_s(['srcdir3/src0.txt', 'srcdir3/src1.txt'], 'destdir3') # File.symlink?('destdir3/src0.txt') # => true # File.symlink?('destdir3/src1.txt') # => true # # Keyword arguments: # # * `force: true` - overwrites `dest` if it exists. # * `relative: false` - create links relative to `dest`. # * `noop: true` - does not create links. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.ln_s('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.ln_s('src1.txt', 'destdir1', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.ln_s('src2.txt', 'dest2.txt', force: true, noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.ln_s(['srcdir3/src0.txt', 'srcdir3/src1.txt'], 'destdir3', noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # ln -s src0.txt dest0.txt # ln -s src1.txt destdir1 # ln -sf src2.txt dest2.txt # ln -s srcdir3/src0.txt srcdir3/src1.txt destdir3 # # # FileUtils.symlink is an alias for FileUtils.ln_s. # # Related: FileUtils.ln_sf. # def self?.ln_s: (pathlist src, path dest, ?force: boolish, ?relative: boolish, ?target_directory: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # alias self.symlink self.ln_s # # alias symlink ln_s # # Like FileUtils.ln_s, but always with keyword argument `force: true` given. # def self?.ln_sf: (pathlist src, path dest, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # Like FileUtils.ln_s, but create links relative to `dest`. # def self?.ln_sr: (pathlist src, path dest, ?target_directory: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # Creates directories at the paths in the given `list` (a single path or an # array of paths); returns `list` if it is an array, `[list]` otherwise. # # Argument `list` or its elements should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # With no keyword arguments, creates a directory at each `path` in `list` by # calling: `Dir.mkdir(path, mode)`; see [Dir.mkdir](rdoc-ref:Dir.mkdir): # # FileUtils.mkdir(%w[tmp0 tmp1]) # => ["tmp0", "tmp1"] # FileUtils.mkdir('tmp4') # => ["tmp4"] # # Keyword arguments: # # * `mode: *mode`* - also calls `File.chmod(mode, path)`; see # [File.chmod](rdoc-ref:File.chmod). # * `noop: true` - does not create directories. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.mkdir(%w[tmp0 tmp1], verbose: true) # FileUtils.mkdir(%w[tmp2 tmp3], mode: 0700, verbose: true) # # Output: # # mkdir tmp0 tmp1 # mkdir -m 700 tmp2 tmp3 # # # Raises an exception if any path points to an existing file or directory, or if # for any reason a directory cannot be created. # # Related: FileUtils.mkdir_p. # def self?.mkdir: (pathlist list, ?mode: Integer?, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # Creates directories at the paths in the given `list` (a single path or an # array of paths), also creating ancestor directories as needed; returns `list` # if it is an array, `[list]` otherwise. # # Argument `list` or its elements should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # With no keyword arguments, creates a directory at each `path` in `list`, along # with any needed ancestor directories, by calling: `Dir.mkdir(path, mode)`; see # [Dir.mkdir](rdoc-ref:Dir.mkdir): # # FileUtils.mkdir_p(%w[tmp0/tmp1 tmp2/tmp3]) # => ["tmp0/tmp1", "tmp2/tmp3"] # FileUtils.mkdir_p('tmp4/tmp5') # => ["tmp4/tmp5"] # # Keyword arguments: # # * `mode: *mode`* - also calls `File.chmod(mode, path)`; see # [File.chmod](rdoc-ref:File.chmod). # * `noop: true` - does not create directories. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.mkdir_p(%w[tmp0 tmp1], verbose: true) # FileUtils.mkdir_p(%w[tmp2 tmp3], mode: 0700, verbose: true) # # Output: # # mkdir -p tmp0 tmp1 # mkdir -p -m 700 tmp2 tmp3 # # # Raises an exception if for any reason a directory cannot be created. # # FileUtils.mkpath and FileUtils.makedirs are aliases for FileUtils.mkdir_p. # # Related: FileUtils.mkdir. # def self?.mkdir_p: (pathlist list, ?mode: mode?, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # alias self.makedirs self.mkdir_p # # alias makedirs mkdir_p # # alias self.mkpath self.mkdir_p # # alias mkpath mkdir_p # # Moves entries. # # Arguments `src` (a single path or an array of paths) and `dest` (a single # path) should be [interpretable as paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # If `src` and `dest` are on different file systems, first copies, then removes # `src`. # # May cause a local vulnerability if not called with keyword argument `secure: # true`; see [Avoiding the TOCTTOU # Vulnerability](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Avoiding+the+TOCTTOU+Vulnerability). # # If `src` is the path to a single file or directory and `dest` does not exist, # moves `src` to `dest`: # # tree('src0') # # => src0 # # |-- src0.txt # # `-- src1.txt # File.exist?('dest0') # => false # FileUtils.mv('src0', 'dest0') # File.exist?('src0') # => false # tree('dest0') # # => dest0 # # |-- src0.txt # # `-- src1.txt # # If `src` is an array of paths to files and directories and `dest` is the path # to a directory, copies from each path in the array to `dest`: # # File.file?('src1.txt') # => true # tree('src1') # # => src1 # # |-- src.dat # # `-- src.txt # Dir.empty?('dest1') # => true # FileUtils.mv(['src1.txt', 'src1'], 'dest1') # tree('dest1') # # => dest1 # # |-- src1 # # | |-- src.dat # # | `-- src.txt # # `-- src1.txt # # Keyword arguments: # # * `force: true` - if the move includes removing `src` (that is, if `src` and # `dest` are on different file systems), ignores raised exceptions of # StandardError and its descendants. # * `noop: true` - does not move files. # * `secure: true` - removes `src` securely; see details at # FileUtils.remove_entry_secure. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.mv('src0', 'dest0', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.mv(['src1.txt', 'src1'], 'dest1', noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # mv src0 dest0 # mv src1.txt src1 dest1 # # # FileUtils.move is an alias for FileUtils.mv. # def self?.mv: (pathlist src, path dest, ?force: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish, ?secure: boolish) -> void # # alias self.move self.mv # # alias move mv # # Returns an array of the string keyword names: # # FileUtils.options.take(3) # => ["noop", "verbose", "force"] # def self.options: () -> Array[String] # # Returns an array of the string keyword name for method `mid`; the argument may # be a string or a symbol: # # FileUtils.options_of(:rm) # => ["force", "noop", "verbose"] # FileUtils.options_of('mv') # => ["force", "noop", "verbose", "secure"] # def self.options_of: (Symbol mid) -> Array[String] # # Returns a string containing the path to the current directory: # # FileUtils.pwd # => "/rdoc/fileutils" # # FileUtils.getwd is an alias for FileUtils.pwd. # # Related: FileUtils.cd. # def self?.pwd: () -> String # # alias self.getwd self.pwd # # alias getwd pwd # # Recursively removes the directory entry given by `path`, which should be the # entry for a regular file, a symbolic link, or a directory. # # Argument `path` should be [interpretable as a # path](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # Optional argument `force` specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of # StandardError and its descendants. # # Related: [methods for deleting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting). # def self?.remove_dir: (path path, ?boolish force) -> void # # Removes the entry given by `path`, which should be the entry for a regular # file, a symbolic link, or a directory. # # Argument `path` should be [interpretable as a # path](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # Optional argument `force` specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of # StandardError and its descendants. # # Related: FileUtils.remove_entry_secure. # def self?.remove_entry: (path path, ?boolish force) -> void # # Securely removes the entry given by `path`, which should be the entry for a # regular file, a symbolic link, or a directory. # # Argument `path` should be [interpretable as a # path](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # Avoids a local vulnerability that can exist in certain circumstances; see # [Avoiding the TOCTTOU # Vulnerability](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Avoiding+the+TOCTTOU+Vulnerability). # # Optional argument `force` specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of # StandardError and its descendants. # # Related: [methods for deleting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting). # def self?.remove_entry_secure: (path path, ?boolish force) -> void # # Removes the file entry given by `path`, which should be the entry for a # regular file or a symbolic link. # # Argument `path` should be [interpretable as a # path](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # Optional argument `force` specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of # StandardError and its descendants. # # Related: [methods for deleting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting). # def self?.remove_file: (path path, ?void force) -> void # # Removes entries at the paths in the given `list` (a single path or an array of # paths) returns `list`, if it is an array, `[list]` otherwise. # # Argument `list` or its elements should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # With no keyword arguments, removes files at the paths given in `list`: # # FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat']) # FileUtils.rm(['src0.dat', 'src0.txt']) # => ["src0.dat", "src0.txt"] # # Keyword arguments: # # * `force: true` - ignores raised exceptions of StandardError and its # descendants. # * `noop: true` - does not remove files; returns `nil`. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.rm(['src0.dat', 'src0.txt'], noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # rm src0.dat src0.txt # # # FileUtils.remove is an alias for FileUtils.rm. # # Related: [methods for deleting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting). # def self?.rm: (pathlist list, ?force: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # alias self.remove self.rm # # alias remove rm # # Equivalent to: # # FileUtils.rm(list, force: true, **kwargs) # # Argument `list` (a single path or an array of paths) should be [interpretable # as paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # See FileUtils.rm for keyword arguments. # # FileUtils.safe_unlink is an alias for FileUtils.rm_f. # # Related: [methods for deleting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting). # def self?.rm_f: (pathlist list, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # alias self.safe_unlink self.rm_f # # alias safe_unlink rm_f # # Removes entries at the paths in the given `list` (a single path or an array of # paths); returns `list`, if it is an array, `[list]` otherwise. # # Argument `list` or its elements should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # May cause a local vulnerability if not called with keyword argument `secure: # true`; see [Avoiding the TOCTTOU # Vulnerability](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Avoiding+the+TOCTTOU+Vulnerability). # # For each file path, removes the file at that path: # # FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat']) # FileUtils.rm_r(['src0.dat', 'src0.txt']) # File.exist?('src0.txt') # => false # File.exist?('src0.dat') # => false # # For each directory path, recursively removes files and directories: # # tree('src1') # # => src1 # # |-- dir0 # # | |-- src0.txt # # | `-- src1.txt # # `-- dir1 # # |-- src2.txt # # `-- src3.txt # FileUtils.rm_r('src1') # File.exist?('src1') # => false # # Keyword arguments: # # * `force: true` - ignores raised exceptions of StandardError and its # descendants. # * `noop: true` - does not remove entries; returns `nil`. # * `secure: true` - removes `src` securely; see details at # FileUtils.remove_entry_secure. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.rm_r(['src0.dat', 'src0.txt'], noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.rm_r('src1', noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # rm -r src0.dat src0.txt # rm -r src1 # # # Related: [methods for deleting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting). # def self?.rm_r: (pathlist list, ?force: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish, ?secure: boolish) -> void # # Equivalent to: # # FileUtils.rm_r(list, force: true, **kwargs) # # Argument `list` or its elements should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # May cause a local vulnerability if not called with keyword argument `secure: # true`; see [Avoiding the TOCTTOU # Vulnerability](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Avoiding+the+TOCTTOU+Vulnerability). # # See FileUtils.rm_r for keyword arguments. # # FileUtils.rmtree is an alias for FileUtils.rm_rf. # # Related: [methods for deleting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting). # def self?.rm_rf: (pathlist list, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish, ?secure: boolish) -> void # # alias self.rmtree self.rm_rf # # alias rmtree rm_rf # # Removes directories at the paths in the given `list` (a single path or an # array of paths); returns `list`, if it is an array, `[list]` otherwise. # # Argument `list` or its elements should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # With no keyword arguments, removes the directory at each `path` in `list`, by # calling: `Dir.rmdir(path)`; see [Dir.rmdir](rdoc-ref:Dir.rmdir): # # FileUtils.rmdir(%w[tmp0/tmp1 tmp2/tmp3]) # => ["tmp0/tmp1", "tmp2/tmp3"] # FileUtils.rmdir('tmp4/tmp5') # => ["tmp4/tmp5"] # # Keyword arguments: # # * `parents: true` - removes successive ancestor directories if empty. # * `noop: true` - does not remove directories. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.rmdir(%w[tmp0/tmp1 tmp2/tmp3], parents: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.rmdir('tmp4/tmp5', parents: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # rmdir -p tmp0/tmp1 tmp2/tmp3 # rmdir -p tmp4/tmp5 # # # Raises an exception if a directory does not exist or if for any reason a # directory cannot be removed. # # Related: [methods for deleting](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting). # def self?.rmdir: (pathlist list, ?parents: boolish, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish) -> void # # Updates modification times (mtime) and access times (atime) of the entries # given by the paths in `list` (a single path or an array of paths); returns # `list` if it is an array, `[list]` otherwise. # # By default, creates an empty file for any path to a non-existent entry; use # keyword argument `nocreate` to raise an exception instead. # # Argument `list` or its elements should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments). # # Examples: # # # Single path. # f = File.new('src0.txt') # Existing file. # f.atime # => 2022-06-10 11:11:21.200277 -0700 # f.mtime # => 2022-06-10 11:11:21.200277 -0700 # FileUtils.touch('src0.txt') # f = File.new('src0.txt') # f.atime # => 2022-06-11 08:28:09.8185343 -0700 # f.mtime # => 2022-06-11 08:28:09.8185343 -0700 # # # Array of paths. # FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat']) # # Keyword arguments: # # * `mtime: *time`* - sets the entry's mtime to the given time, instead of the # current time. # * `nocreate: true` - raises an exception if the entry does not exist. # * `noop: true` - does not touch entries; returns `nil`. # * `verbose: true` - prints an equivalent command: # # FileUtils.touch('src0.txt', noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'], noop: true, verbose: true) # FileUtils.touch(path, noop: true, verbose: true) # # Output: # # touch src0.txt # touch src0.txt src0.dat # touch src0.txt # # # Related: FileUtils.uptodate?. # def self?.touch: (pathlist list, ?noop: boolish, ?verbose: boolish, ?mtime: (Time | Numeric)?, ?nocreate: boolish) -> void # # Returns `true` if the file at path `new` is newer than all the files at paths # in array `old_list`; `false` otherwise. # # Argument `new` and the elements of `old_list` should be [interpretable as # paths](rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Path+Arguments): # # FileUtils.uptodate?('Rakefile', ['Gemfile', 'README.md']) # => true # FileUtils.uptodate?('Gemfile', ['Rakefile', 'README.md']) # => false # # A non-existent file is considered to be infinitely old. # # Related: FileUtils.touch. # def self?.uptodate?: (path new, pathlist old_list) -> bool end