namespace :ci do desc "Spin up CI server on amazon" task :server_start do require 'fog' require 'yaml' require 'socket' aws_conf_location = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'ci.yml') aws_conf = YAML.load_file(aws_conf_location) aws_credentials = aws_conf['credentials'] ec2_server_access = aws_conf['ec2_server_access'] server_config = aws_conf['server'] security_group_name = server_config['security_group'] aws_connection = :provider => aws_credentials['provider'], :aws_access_key_id => aws_credentials['aws_access_key_id'], :aws_secret_access_key => aws_credentials['aws_secret_access_key'] ) security_group = aws_connection.security_groups.get(security_group_name) if security_group.nil? puts "Could not find security group named '#{security_group_name}'. Creating..." security_group = => security_group_name, :description => 'ci servers group auto-created by lobot') security_group.reload p security_group end PORTS_TO_OPEN = [22, 443, 80] PORTS_TO_OPEN.each do |port| is_in_security_group = !!security_group.ip_permissions.detect{|group| (group['fromPort']['toPort']).include?(port) && group['ipRanges'].detect{|range| range["cidrIp"]== "" } } unless is_in_security_group puts "Allowing port #{port} into '#{security_group_name}' security group" security_group.authorize_port_range(port..port) end end ec2_key_pair_name = ec2_server_access['key_pair_name'] || "ci" public_key_local_path = File.expand_path("#{ec2_server_access['id_rsa_path']}.pub") current_key_pair = aws_connection.key_pairs.get(ec2_key_pair_name) if current_key_pair puts "Using existing '#{ec2_key_pair_name}' keypair" else raise "Unable to upload keypair, missing #{public_key_local_path}!" unless File.exist?(public_key_local_path) puts "Creating '#{ec2_key_pair_name}' keypair, uploading #{public_key_local_path} to aws" :name => ec2_key_pair_name, :public_key =>"#{public_key_local_path}") ).save end number_of_servers ={ |server| server.state == 'running' }.length puts "you have #{number_of_servers} server(s) already running in this account" if number_of_servers > 0 puts "Launching server... (this costs money until you stop it)" server = aws_connection.servers.create( :image_id => 'ami-d4de25bd', :flavor_id => server_config['flavor_id'] || 'm1.large', :key_name => ec2_key_pair_name, :groups => [security_group_name] ) unless aws_conf['server']['elastic_ip'] =~ /\d.\.\d.\.\d.\.\d./ elastic_ip = aws_connection.addresses.create aws_conf['server']['elastic_ip'] = elastic_ip.public_ip puts "Allocated elastic IP address #{aws_conf['server']['elastic_ip']}" end server.wait_for { ready? } aws_connection.associate_address(, aws_conf['server']['elastic_ip']) socket = false Timeout.timeout(180) do print "Server booted, waiting for SSH to come up on #{aws_conf['server']['elastic_ip']}: " until socket begin Timeout.timeout(5) do socket =['server']['elastic_ip'], 22) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Timeout::Error end putc "." sleep 1 end end puts "" puts "Server is ready:" p server puts "Writing server instance_id(#{}) and elastic IP(#{aws_conf['server']['elastic_ip']}) to ci.yml" aws_conf["server"].merge!("instance_id" => f =, "w") f.write(aws_conf.to_yaml) f.close end desc "terminate the CI Server and release IP" task :terminate do puts "Terminating the CI Server and releasing IP..." require 'fog' require 'yaml' require 'socket' aws_conf_location = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'ci.yml') aws_conf = YAML.load_file(aws_conf_location) aws_credentials = aws_conf['credentials'] server_config = aws_conf['server'] aws_connection = :provider => aws_credentials['provider'], :aws_access_key_id => aws_credentials['aws_access_key_id'], :aws_secret_access_key => aws_credentials['aws_secret_access_key'] ) aws_connection.release_address(aws_conf['server']['elastic_ip']) => server_config['instance_id']).destroy end desc "stop(suspend) the CI Server" task :stop do puts "Stopping (suspending) the CI Server..." require 'fog' require 'yaml' require 'socket' aws_conf_location = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'ci.yml') aws_conf = YAML.load_file(aws_conf_location) aws_credentials = aws_conf['credentials'] server_config = aws_conf['server'] aws_connection = :provider => aws_credentials['provider'], :aws_access_key_id => aws_credentials['aws_access_key_id'], :aws_secret_access_key => aws_credentials['aws_secret_access_key'] ) => server_config['instance_id']).stop end desc "start(resume) the CI Server" task :start do require 'fog' require 'yaml' require 'socket' aws_conf_location = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'ci.yml') aws_conf = YAML.load_file(aws_conf_location) aws_credentials = aws_conf['credentials'] server_config = aws_conf['server'] aws_connection = :provider => aws_credentials['provider'], :aws_access_key_id => aws_credentials['aws_access_key_id'], :aws_secret_access_key => aws_credentials['aws_secret_access_key'] ) server = => server_config['instance_id']) server.start server.wait_for { ready? } aws_connection.associate_address(server_config['instance_id'], server_config['elastic_ip']) if server_config['elastic_ip'] end desc "open the CI interface in a browser" task :open do aws_conf_location = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'ci.yml') aws_conf = YAML.load_file(aws_conf_location) server_config = aws_conf['server'] exec "open http://#{server_config['elastic_ip']}" end desc "ssh to CI" task :ssh do aws_conf_location = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'ci.yml') aws_conf = YAML.load_file(aws_conf_location) server_config = aws_conf['server'] ssh_port = server_config['ssh_port'] || 22 cmd = "ssh -i #{aws_conf['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path']} #{aws_conf['app_user']}@#{server_config['elastic_ip']} -p #{ssh_port}" puts cmd exec cmd end desc "Get build status" task :status do require 'nokogiri' aws_conf_location = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'ci.yml') ci_conf = YAML.load_file(aws_conf_location) jenkins_rss_feed = `curl -s --user #{ci_conf['basic_auth'][0]['username']}:#{ci_conf['basic_auth'][0]['password']} --anyauth http://#{ci_conf['server']['elastic_ip']}/rssAll` if latest_build = Nokogiri::XML.parse(jenkins_rss_feed.downcase).css('feed entry:first').first title = latest_build.css("title").first.content else title = "not available yet" end status = !!(title =~ /success|stable|back to normal/) if status puts "Great Success (#{title})" else puts "Someone needs to fix the build (#{title})" end status ? exit(0) : exit(1) end desc "Print cimonitor and ccmenu setup information" task :info do ci_conf_location = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'ci.yml') ci_conf = YAML.load_file(ci_conf_location) if ci_conf['server']['elastic_ip'] puts "CI Monitor Config:" puts "\tURL:\t\thttp://#{ci_conf['server']['elastic_ip']}/job/#{ci_conf['app_name']}/rssAll" puts "\tProject Type:\tHudson/Jenkins" puts "\tFeed Username:\t#{ci_conf['basic_auth'][0]['username']}" puts "\tFeed Password:\t#{ci_conf['basic_auth'][0]['password']}" puts "\t-- Lobot Setup --" puts "\tEC2 Instance ID:\t#{ci_conf['server']['instance_id']}" puts "\tEC2 Elastic IP Address:\t#{ci_conf['server']['elastic_ip']}" puts "\tEC2 Access Key ID:\t#{ci_conf['credentials']['aws_access_key_id']}" puts "\tEC2 Secret Access Key :\t#{ci_conf['credentials']['aws_secret_access_key']}" puts "" puts "CC Menu Config:" puts "\tURL:\thttp://#{ci_conf['basic_auth'][0]['username']}:#{ci_conf['basic_auth'][0]['password']}@#{ci_conf['server']['elastic_ip']}/cc.xml" else puts "EC2 instance information not available. Did you run rake ci:server_start?" end end desc "Run a command with a virtual frame buffer" task :headlessly, :command do |task, args| # headless is your friend on linux - begin Headless rescue NameError puts "Headless not available, did you add it to your Gemfile?" exit 1 end unless args[:command] puts "Usage: rake ci:headlessly[command] " exit 1 end exit_code = 1 => 42) do |headless| begin system(args[:command]) exit_code = $?.exitstatus ensure headless.destroy end end exit exit_code end end