require 'rubygems' require 'isolate' engine = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) ? RUBY_ENGINE : 'ruby' path = "tmp/isolate/#{engine}-#{RUBY_VERSION}" opts = { :system => false, # we want "ruby-1.8.7" and not "ruby-1.8", so disable multiruby :multiruby => false, :path => path, } old_out = $stdout.dup $stdout.reopen($stderr)!(opts) do gem 'rainbows', '3.0.0' if engine == "ruby" gem 'sendfile', '1.0.0' # next Rubinius should support this gem 'iobuffer', '0.1.3' gem '', '1.0.0' gem 'eventmachine', '0.12.10' gem 'sinatra', '1.0.0' gem 'async_sinatra', '0.2.1' gem 'neverblock', '' end if defined?(::Fiber) && engine == "ruby" gem 'case', '0.5' gem 'revactor', '0.1.5' gem 'rack-fiber_pool', '0.9.0' end end $stdout.reopen(old_out) # don't load the old Rev if it exists, 1.0.0 is compatible with it, # even for everything Revactor uses. dirs = Dir["#{path}/gems/*-*/lib"] dirs.delete_if { |x| x =~ %r{/rev-[\d\.]+/lib} } puts { |x| File.expand_path(x) }.join(':')