# frozen_string_literal: true require 'tmpdir' RSpec.shared_context 'isolated environment', :isolated_environment do around do |example| Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| original_home = Dir.home original_xdg_config_home = ENV.fetch('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', nil) # Make sure to expand all symlinks in the path first. Otherwise we may # get mismatched pathnames when loading config files later on. tmpdir = File.realpath(tmpdir) virtual_home = File.expand_path(File.join(tmpdir, 'home')) Dir.mkdir(virtual_home) ENV['HOME'] = virtual_home ENV.delete('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') base_dir = example.metadata[:project_inside_home] ? virtual_home : tmpdir root = example.metadata[:root] working_dir = root ? File.join(base_dir, 'work', root) : File.join(base_dir, 'work') # Make upwards search for .rubocop.yml files stop at this directory. RuboCop::FileFinder.root_level = working_dir begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(working_dir) Dir.chdir(working_dir) { example.run } ensure ENV['HOME'] = original_home ENV['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] = original_xdg_config_home RuboCop::FileFinder.root_level = nil end end end end RSpec.shared_context 'maintain registry', :restore_registry do around(:each) { |example| RuboCop::Cop::Registry.with_temporary_global { example.run } } def stub_cop_class(name, inherit: RuboCop::Cop::Base, &block) klass = Class.new(inherit, &block) stub_const(name, klass) klass end end # This context assumes nothing and defines `cop`, among others. RSpec.shared_context 'config', :config do # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength ### Meant to be overridden at will let(:cop_class) do unless described_class.is_a?(Class) && described_class < RuboCop::Cop::Base raise 'Specify which cop class to use (e.g `let(:cop_class) { RuboCop::Cop::Base }`, ' \ 'or RuboCop::Cop::Cop for legacy)' end described_class end let(:cop_config) { {} } let(:other_cops) { {} } let(:cop_options) { {} } ### Utilities def source_range(range, buffer: source_buffer) Parser::Source::Range.new(buffer, range.begin, range.exclude_end? ? range.end : range.end + 1) end ### Useful intermediary steps (less likely to be overridden) let(:processed_source) { parse_source(source, 'test') } let(:source_buffer) { processed_source.buffer } let(:all_cops_config) do rails = { 'TargetRubyVersion' => ruby_version } rails['TargetRailsVersion'] = rails_version if rails_version rails end let(:cur_cop_config) do RuboCop::ConfigLoader .default_configuration.for_cop(cop_class) .merge({ 'Enabled' => true, # in case it is 'pending' 'AutoCorrect' => true # in case defaults set it to false }) .merge(cop_config) end let(:config) do hash = { 'AllCops' => all_cops_config, cop_class.cop_name => cur_cop_config }.merge!(other_cops) RuboCop::Config.new(hash, "#{Dir.pwd}/.rubocop.yml") end let(:cop) { cop_class.new(config, cop_options) } end RSpec.shared_context 'mock console output' do before do $stdout = StringIO.new $stderr = StringIO.new end after do $stdout = STDOUT $stderr = STDERR end end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 2.0', :ruby20 do let(:ruby_version) { 2.0 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 2.1', :ruby21 do let(:ruby_version) { 2.1 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 2.2', :ruby22 do let(:ruby_version) { 2.2 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 2.3', :ruby23 do let(:ruby_version) { 2.3 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 2.4', :ruby24 do let(:ruby_version) { 2.4 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 2.5', :ruby25 do let(:ruby_version) { 2.5 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 2.6', :ruby26 do let(:ruby_version) { 2.6 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 2.7', :ruby27 do let(:ruby_version) { 2.7 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 3.0', :ruby30 do let(:ruby_version) { 3.0 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 3.1', :ruby31 do let(:ruby_version) { 3.1 } end RSpec.shared_context 'ruby 3.2', :ruby32 do let(:ruby_version) { 3.2 } end