# Author:: Ernest Ellingson # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005 # These are extensions to the std-lib 'matrix' to allow an all ruby SVD require 'matrix' require 'mathn' class Array def sum(identity = 0, &block) return identity unless size > 0 if block_given? map(&block).sum else inject { |sum, element| sum + element }.to_f end end end class Vector def magnitude sumsqs = 0.0 self.size.times do |i| sumsqs += self[i] ** 2.0 end Math.sqrt(sumsqs) end def normalize nv = [] mag = self.magnitude self.size.times do |i| nv << (self[i] / mag) end Vector[*nv] end end class Matrix def Matrix.diag(s) Matrix.diagonal(*s) end alias :trans :transpose def SV_decomp(maxSweeps = 20) if self.row_size >= self.column_size q = self.trans * self else q = self * self.trans end qrot = q.dup v = Matrix.identity(q.row_size) azrot = nil mzrot = nil cnt = 0 s_old = nil mu = nil while true do cnt += 1 for row in (0...qrot.row_size-1) do for col in (1..qrot.row_size-1) do next if row == col h = Math.atan((2 * qrot[row,col])/(qrot[row,row]-qrot[col,col]))/2.0 hcos = Math.cos(h) hsin = Math.sin(h) mzrot = Matrix.identity(qrot.row_size) mzrot[row,row] = hcos mzrot[row,col] = -hsin mzrot[col,row] = hsin mzrot[col,col] = hcos qrot = mzrot.trans * qrot * mzrot v = v * mzrot end end s_old = qrot.dup if cnt == 1 sum_qrot = 0.0 if cnt > 1 qrot.row_size.times do |r| sum_qrot += (qrot[r,r]-s_old[r,r]).abs if (qrot[r,r]-s_old[r,r]).abs > 0.001 end s_old = qrot.dup end break if (sum_qrot <= 0.001 and cnt > 1) or cnt >= maxSweeps end # of do while true s = [] qrot.row_size.times do |r| s << Math.sqrt(qrot[r,r]) end #puts "cnt = #{cnt}" if self.row_size >= self.column_size mu = self * v * Matrix.diagonal(*s).inverse return [mu, v, s] else puts v.row_size puts v.column_size puts self.row_size puts self.column_size puts s.size mu = (self.trans * v * Matrix.diagonal(*s).inverse) return [mu, v, s] end end def []=(i,j,val) @rows[i][j] = val end end