/** * @ngdoc object * @name Bastion.products.controller:ProductFormController * * @requires $scope * @requires $q * @requires $uibModal * @requires Product * @requires GPGKey * @requires SyncPlan * @requires FormUtils * * * @description * Provides the functionality specific to Products for use with the Nutupane UI pattern. * Defines the columns to display and the transform function for how to generate each row * within the table. */ angular.module('Bastion.products').controller('ProductFormController', ['$scope', '$q', '$uibModal', 'Product', 'GPGKey', 'SyncPlan', 'FormUtils', 'GlobalNotification', function ($scope, $q, $uibModal, Product, GPGKey, SyncPlan, FormUtils, GlobalNotification) { function fetchGpgKeys() { return GPGKey.queryUnpaged(function (gpgKeys) { $scope.gpgKeys = gpgKeys.results; }); } function fetchSyncPlans() { return SyncPlan.queryUnpaged(function (syncPlans) { $scope.syncPlans = syncPlans.results; }); } function success() { $scope.transitionTo('product.repositories', {productId: $scope.product.id}); } function error(response) { $scope.working = false; angular.forEach(response.data.errors, function (errors, field) { if ( $scope.productForm[field]) { $scope.productForm[field].$setValidity('server', false); $scope.productForm[field].$error.messages = errors; } else { GlobalNotification.setErrorMessage("An error occurred while saving the Product: " + field + " " + errors); } }); } $scope.product = $scope.product || new Product(); $scope.$watch('product.name', function () { if ($scope.productForm.name) { $scope.productForm.name.$setValidity('server', true); FormUtils.labelize($scope.product); } }); $scope.save = function (product) { product.$save(success, error); }; $q.all([fetchSyncPlans().$promise, fetchGpgKeys().$promise]).finally(function () { $scope.page.loading = false; }); $scope.openSyncPlanModal = function () { $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: 'products/new/views/new-sync-plan-modal.html', controller: 'NewSyncPlanModalController' }).result.then(function ($value) { fetchSyncPlans().$promise.then(function () { $scope.product['sync_plan_id'] = $value.id; }); }); }; }] );