# Design of Gir-FFI ## Basic Idea Gir-FFI uses FFI to read information from the GObject Introspection Repository. Based on that it creates bindings for the information read. ## Class and method creation GirFFI::Builder creates classes and modules at runtime and adds appropriate method_missing methods to them to generate methods and perhaps other classes when required. The following options were discarded, at least for now. * Create classes and all of their methods at runtime. This would be very similar to the method chosen, but would concentrate all the overhead at start-up, some of which would be used for creating methods that will never get called. * Allow offline creation of ruby source generated from the GIR. This is still in interesting idea, but off-line source code generation is not really the Ruby way. ## Method Naming Probably, get_x/set_x pairs should become x and x= to be more Ruby-like. This should be done either by defining them as such directly, or by aliasing. Blindly going by the name leads to weird results thoough, like having x, x= and x_full= as a set. Also, some get_ or set_ methods take extra arguments. These probably shouldn't become accessors either. Boolean-valued methods could get a ? at the end. This requires a lot more thought. For now, the full method names as defined in the GIR are used. ## Ruby-GNOME Compatibility Full Ruby-GNOME compatibility cannot be achieved automatically, since its object hierarchy differs from that of standard GObject: It puts Object in the GLib namespace, and defines signal_connect and friends as methods of GLib::Instantiable; In standard GObject they are functions. Possibly, compatibility enhancing code can be added for these specific exceptions. ## Reference Counting Because we can always make sure GObjects are unref'd when the Ruby object is GC'd, the mechanism of floating references actually gets in the way a bit. Therefore, when floating GObjects are constructed, GirFFI will sink them. All GObjects can then safely be unref'd using a Ruby finalizer. GObjects obtained through other mechanisms than with a constructor will be ref'd once when wrapping them in a ruby object. ## Bootstrapping Class Design The interface to the GObject Introspection Repository itself is also introspectable. The interface is specified in terms of structs and functions rather than objects and methods. For now, the hard-coded Ruby bindings for this don't follow the introspected specification: Gir-FFI cannot bootstrap itself. ## Object initialization Each constructor method is implemented in Ruby by a pair of new/initialize methods. For example, a constructor `new_from_file` is implemented as a combination of the singleton method `new_from_file` and the instance method `initialize_from_file`. User-created subclasses override the appropriate initializer method and must call super with the appropriate arguments. Here is an example of the generated pair of methods: ```ruby class Regress::TestObj def self.new_from_file(*args) obj = allocate obj.__send__ :initialize_from_file, *args obj end def initialize_from_file(x) _v1 = GirFFI::InPointer.from(:utf8, x) _v2 = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer).write_pointer nil _v3 = Regress::Lib.regress_test_obj_new_from_file _v1, _v2 GirFFI::ArgHelper.check_error(_v2) store_pointer(_v3) end end