# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge module Lexers class Apex < RegexLexer title "Apex" desc "The Apex programming language (provided by salesforce)" tag 'apex' filenames '*.cls' mimetypes 'text/x-apex' def self.keywords @keywords ||= Set.new %w( assert break case catch continue default do else finally for if goto instanceof new return switch this throw try while insert update delete ) end def self.declarations @declarations ||= Set.new %w( abstract const enum extends final implements native private protected public static super synchronized throws transient volatile with sharing without inherited virtual global testmethod ) end def self.soql @soql ||= Set.new %w( SELECT FROM WHERE UPDATE LIKE TYPEOF END USING SCOPE WITH DATA CATEGORY GROUP BY ROLLUP CUBE HAVING ORDER BY ASC DESC NULLS FIRST LAST LIMIT OFFSET FOR VIEW REFERENCE UPDATE TRACKING VIEWSTAT OR AND ) end def self.types @types ||= Set.new %w( String boolean byte char double float int long short var void ) end def self.constants @constants ||= Set.new %w(true false null) end id = /[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*/i state :root do rule %r/\s+/m, Text rule %r(//.*?$), Comment::Single rule %r(/\*.*?\*/)m, Comment::Multiline rule %r/(?:class|interface)\b/, Keyword::Declaration, :class rule %r/import\b/, Keyword::Namespace, :import rule %r/([@$.]?)(#{id})([:(]?)/io do |m| lowercased = m[0].downcase uppercased = m[0].upcase if self.class.keywords.include? lowercased token Keyword elsif self.class.soql.include? uppercased token Keyword elsif self.class.declarations.include? lowercased token Keyword::Declaration elsif self.class.types.include? lowercased token Keyword::Type elsif self.class.constants.include? lowercased token Keyword::Constant elsif lowercased == 'package' token Keyword::Namespace elsif m[1] == "@" token Name::Decorator elsif m[3] == ":" groups Operator, Name::Label, Punctuation elsif m[3] == "(" groups Operator, Name::Function, Punctuation elsif m[1] == "." groups Operator, Name::Property, Punctuation else token Name end end rule %r/"/, Str::Double, :dq rule %r/'/, Str::Single, :sq digit = /[0-9]_+[0-9]|[0-9]/ rule %r/#{digit}+\.#{digit}+([eE]#{digit}+)?[fd]?/, Num::Float rule %r/0b(?:[01]_+[01]|[01])+/i, Num::Bin rule %r/0x(?:\h_+\h|\h)+/i, Num::Hex rule %r/0(?:[0-7]_+[0-7]|[0-7])+/, Num::Oct rule %r/#{digit}+L?/, Num::Integer rule %r/[-+\/*~^!%&<>|=.?]/, Operator rule %r/[\[\](){},:;]/, Punctuation; end state :class do rule %r/\s+/m, Text rule id, Name::Class, :pop! end state :import do rule %r/\s+/m, Text rule %r/[a-z0-9_.]+\*?/i, Name::Namespace, :pop! end state :escape do rule %r/\\[btnfr\\"']/, Str::Escape end state :dq do mixin :escape rule %r/[^\\"]+/, Str::Double rule %r/"/, Str::Double, :pop! end state :sq do mixin :escape rule %r/[^\\']+/, Str::Double rule %r/'/, Str::Double, :pop! end end end end