// Foundation by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source @import "../functions"; // // Foundation Variables // // Data attribute namespace // styles get applied to [data-mysite-plugin], etc $namespace: false !default; $experimental: true !default; // The default font-size is set to 100% of the browser style sheet (usually 16px) // for compatibility with browser-based text zoom or user-set defaults. // Since the typical default browser font-size is 16px, that makes the calculation for grid size. // If you want your base font-size to be different and not have it affect the grid breakpoints, // set $rem-base to $base-font-size and make sure $base-font-size is a px value. $base-font-size: 100% !default; // $base-line-height is 24px while $base-font-size is 16px $base-line-height: 150% !default; // // Global Foundation Mixins // // @mixins // // We use this to control border radius. // $radius - Default: $global-radius || 4px @mixin radius($radius:$global-radius) { @if $radius { @if $experimental { -webkit-border-radius: $radius; } border-radius: $radius; } } // @mixins // // We use this to create equal side border radius on elements. // $side - Options: left, right, top, bottom @mixin side-radius($side, $radius:$global-radius) { @if ($side == left or $side == right) { @if $experimental { -moz-border-radius-bottom#{$side}: $radius; -moz-border-radius-top#{$side}: $radius; -webkit-border-bottom-#{$side}-radius: $radius; -webkit-border-top-#{$side}-radius: $radius; } border-bottom-#{$side}-radius: $radius; border-top-#{$side}-radius: $radius; } @else { @if $experimental { -moz-border-radius-#{$side}left: $radius; -moz-border-radius-#{$side}right: $radius; -webkit-border-#{$side}-left-radius: $radius; -webkit-border-#{$side}-right-radius: $radius; } border-#{$side}-left-radius: $radius; border-#{$side}-right-radius: $radius; } } // @mixins // // We can control whether or not we have inset shadows edges. // $active - Default: true, Options: false @mixin inset-shadow($active:true) { @if $experimental { -webkit-box-shadow: $shiny-edge-size $shiny-edge-color inset; } box-shadow: $shiny-edge-size $shiny-edge-color inset; @if $active { &:active { @if $experimental { -webkit-box-shadow: $shiny-edge-size $shiny-edge-active-color inset; } box-shadow: $shiny-edge-size $shiny-edge-active-color inset; } } } // @mixins // // We use this to add transitions to elements // $property - Default: all, Options: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#animatable-properties // $speed - Default: 300ms // $ease - Default:ease-out, Options: http://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/t/transition-timing-function/ @mixin single-transition($property:all, $speed:300ms, $ease:ease-out) { @if $experimental { -webkit-transition: $property $speed $ease; -moz-transition: $property $speed $ease; } transition: $property $speed $ease; } // @mixins // // We use this to add box-sizing across browser prefixes @mixin box-sizing($type:border-box) { @if $experimental { -moz-box-sizing: $type; -webkit-box-sizing: $type; } box-sizing: $type; } // @mixins // // We use this to create equilateral triangles // $triangle-size - Used to set border-size. No default, set a px or em size. // $triangle-color - Used to set border-color which makes up triangle. No default // $triangle-direction - Used to determine which direction triangle points. Options: top, bottom, left, right @mixin css-triangle($triangle-size, $triangle-color, $triangle-direction) { content: ""; display: block; width: 0; height: 0; border: inset $triangle-size; @if ($triangle-direction == top) { border-color: $triangle-color transparent transparent transparent; border-top-style: solid; } @if ($triangle-direction == bottom) { border-color: transparent transparent $triangle-color transparent; border-bottom-style: solid; } @if ($triangle-direction == left) { border-color: transparent transparent transparent $triangle-color; border-left-style: solid; } @if ($triangle-direction == right) { border-color: transparent $triangle-color transparent transparent; border-right-style: solid; } } // We use this to do clear floats @mixin clearfix { *zoom:1; &:before, &:after { content: " "; display: table; } &:after { clear: both; } } // @mixins // // We use this to add a glowing effect to block elements // $selector - Used for selector state. Default: focus, Options: hover, active, visited // $fade-time - Default: 300ms // $glowing-effect-color - Default: fade-out($primary-color, .25) @mixin block-glowing-effect($selector:focus, $fade-time:300ms, $glowing-effect-color:fade-out($primary-color, .25)) { @if $experimental { -webkit-transition: -webkit-box-shadow $fade-time, border-color $fade-time ease-in-out; -moz-transition: -moz-box-shadow $fade-time, border-color $fade-time ease-in-out; } transition: box-shadow $fade-time, border-color $fade-time ease-in-out; &:#{$selector} { @if $experimental { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px $glowing-effect-color; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px $glowing-effect-color; } box-shadow: 0 0 5px $glowing-effect-color; border-color: $glowing-effect-color; } } // @mixins // // We use this to translate elements in 2D // $horizontal: Default: 0 // $vertical: Default: 0 @mixin translate2d($horizontal:0, $vertical:0) { @if $experimental { -webkit-transform: translate($horizontal,$vertical); -moz-transform: translate($horizontal,$vertical); -ms-transform: translate($horizontal,$vertical); -o-transform: translate($horizontal,$vertical); } transform: translate($horizontal,$vertical) } // @mixins // // Makes an element visually hidden, but accessible. // @see http://snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/hiding-content-for-accessibility @mixin element-invisible { position: absolute !important; height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); } // @mixins // // Turns off the element-invisible effect. @mixin element-invisible-off { position: static !important; height: auto; width: auto; overflow: visible; clip: auto; } // We use these to control various global styles $body-bg: #fff !default; $body-font-color: #222 !default; $body-font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default; $body-font-weight: normal !default; $body-font-style: normal !default; // We use this to control font-smoothing $font-smoothing: antialiased !default; // We use these to control text direction settings $text-direction: ltr !default; $default-float: left !default; $opposite-direction: right !default; @if $text-direction == ltr { $default-float: left; $opposite-direction: right; } @else { $default-float: right; $opposite-direction: left; } // We use these as default colors throughout $primary-color: #008CBA !default; $secondary-color: #e7e7e7 !default; $alert-color: #f04124 !default; $success-color: #43AC6A !default; $warning-color: #f08a24 !default; $info-color: #a0d3e8 !default; // We use these to make sure border radius matches unless we want it different. $global-radius: 3px !default; $global-rounded: 1000px !default; // We use these to control inset shadow shiny edges and depressions. $shiny-edge-size: 0 1px 0 !default; $shiny-edge-color: rgba(#fff, .5) !default; $shiny-edge-active-color: rgba(#000, .2) !default; // We use this to control whether or not CSS classes come through in the gem files. $include-html-classes: true !default; $include-print-styles: true !default; $include-html-global-classes: $include-html-classes !default; // Media Query Ranges $small-range: (0em, 40em) !default; $medium-range: (40.063em, 64em) !default; $large-range: (64.063em, 90em) !default; $xlarge-range: (90.063em, 120em) !default; $xxlarge-range: (120.063em, 99999999em) !default; $screen: "only screen" !default; $landscape: "#{$screen} and (orientation: landscape)" !default; $portrait: "#{$screen} and (orientation: portrait)" !default; $small-up: $screen !default; $small-only: "#{$screen} and (max-width: #{upper-bound($small-range)})" !default; $medium-up: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($medium-range)})" !default; $medium-only: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($medium-range)}) and (max-width:#{upper-bound($medium-range)})" !default; $large-up: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($large-range)})" !default; $large-only: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($large-range)}) and (max-width:#{upper-bound($large-range)})" !default; $xlarge-up: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($xlarge-range)})" !default; $xlarge-only: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($xlarge-range)}) and (max-width:#{upper-bound($xlarge-range)})" !default; $xxlarge-up: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($xxlarge-range)})" !default; $xxlarge-only: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($xxlarge-range)}) and (max-width:#{upper-bound($xxlarge-range)})" !default; // Legacy $small: $medium-up; $medium: $medium-up; $large: $large-up; //We use this as cursors values for enabling the option of having custom cursors in the whole site's stylesheet $cursor-crosshair-value: crosshair !default; $cursor-default-value: default !default; $cursor-pointer-value: pointer !default; $cursor-help-value: help !default; $cursor-text-value: text !default; @include exports("global") { @if $include-html-global-classes { meta.foundation-version { font-family: "/5.2.0/"; } // Used to provide media query values for javascript components. // Forward slash placed around everything to convince PhantomJS to read the value. meta.foundation-mq-small { font-family: "/" + unquote($small-only) + "/"; width: lower-bound($small-range); } meta.foundation-mq-medium { font-family: "/" + unquote($medium-up) + "/"; width: lower-bound($medium-range); } meta.foundation-mq-large { font-family: "/" + unquote($large-up) + "/"; width: lower-bound($large-range); } meta.foundation-mq-xlarge { font-family: "/" + unquote($xlarge-up) + "/"; width: lower-bound($xlarge-range); } meta.foundation-mq-xxlarge { font-family: "/" + unquote($xxlarge-up) + "/"; width: lower-bound($xxlarge-range); } meta.foundation-data-attribute-namespace { font-family: #{$namespace}; } // Must be 100% for off canvas to work html, body { height: 100%; } // Set box-sizing globally to handle padding and border widths *, *:before, *:after { @include box-sizing(border-box); } html, body { font-size: $base-font-size; } // Default body styles body { background: $body-bg; color: $body-font-color; padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: $body-font-family; font-weight: $body-font-weight; font-style: $body-font-style; line-height: 1; // Set to $base-line-height to take on browser default of 150% position: relative; cursor: $cursor-default-value; } a:hover { cursor: $cursor-pointer-value; } // Grid Defaults to get images and embeds to work properly img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } img { -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; } #map_canvas, .map_canvas { img, embed, object { max-width: none !important; } } // Miscellaneous useful HTML classes .left { float: left !important; } .right { float: right !important; } .clearfix { @include clearfix; } .hide { display: none; } // Font smoothing // Antialiased font smoothing works best for light text on a dark background. // Apply to single elements instead of globally to body. // Note this only applies to webkit-based desktop browsers and Firefox 25 (and later) on the Mac. .antialiased { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } // Get rid of gap under images by making them display: inline-block; by default img { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } // // Global resets for forms // // Make sure textarea takes on height automatically textarea { height: auto; min-height: 50px; } // Make select elements 100% width by default select { width: 100%; } } }