////////////////////////////// // Find Object Keys // // Returns ////////////////////////////// @function find-object-keys($haystack) { $Keys: map-keys($haystack); $List: (); @each $Key in $Keys { @if $Key != -1px { @if unit($Key) == 'em' { $Key: $Key / 1em * 16px; } $List: append($List, $Key); } } @return quicksort($List); } ////////////////////////////// // Find Object // // Finds relevant object // Must be using Breakpoint to work properly ////////////////////////////// @function find-object($haystack, $user-object: null) { // If a user object has been passed in, bypass the whole function and just return that object. @if $user-object != null and $user-object != false { @return $user-object; } $Length: length($haystack); $Mobile-First: sgs-get('mobile first'); // Haystack must be map @if type-of($haystack) != 'map' { @warn "DEPRECATION: In order to remove global variable naming conflicts, Singularity's settings have been moved into the single `$singularity` variable. Please refer to our documentation (https://github.com/Team-Sass/Singularity/wiki) on how to update your settings. In the next version of Singularity, this warning will be removed. #{nth($haystack, 1)} has been returned."; @return nth($haystack, 1); } @if $Length > 1 { // Grab Breakpoint Context @if not function-exists(breakpoint-get-context) { @warn "Responsive contexts require Breakpoint (https://github.com/Team-Sass/breakpoint). Please ensure that Breakpoint is imported and available for Singularity to use. First item used."; @return map-get($haystack, -1px); } // Get Breakpoint Contexts $Query-Min: breakpoint-get-context('min-width'); $Query-Max: breakpoint-get-context('max-width'); @if length($Query-Min) == 1 { $Query-Min: nth($Query-Min, 1); } @else if length($Query-Min) > 1 { @warn "Responsive contexts are not available for `or` queries as which query to use is ambiguous. Please only use single context queries. Default context is used."; @return map-get($haystack, -1px); } @if length($Query-Max) == 1 { $Query-Max: nth($Query-Max, 1); } @else if length($Query-Max) > 1 { @warn "Responsive contexts are not available for `or` queries as which query to use is ambiguous. Please only use single context queries. Default context is used."; @return map-get($haystack, -1px); } // If there is no min or max context, return first item @if $Query-Min == false and $Query-Max == false { $RETURN: map-get($haystack, -1px); @return $RETURN; } // Convert to PX @if $Query-Min != false and unit($Query-Min) == 'em' { $Query-Min: $Query-Min / 1em * 16px; } @if $Query-Max != false and unit($Query-Max) == 'em' { $Query-Max: $Query-Max / 1em * 16px; } $Find-Haystack: find-object-keys($haystack); $Reverse-Haystack: reverse($Find-Haystack); $Smallest: nth($Find-Haystack, 1); $Largest: nth($Reverse-Haystack, 1); $Context: $Query-Min; @if not $Mobile-First { $Context: $Query-Max; } // Loop over each item in Context to find if any of the items pass. @each $Query-Context in $Context { @if $Query-Context != false { // If it's smallest than the smallest MQ, use the 1st grid @if $Query-Context < $Smallest { $RETURN: map-get($haystack, -1px); @return $RETURN; } // If it's larger than or equal to the largest MQ, use the last grid @else if $Query-Context >= $Largest { $RETURN: map-get($haystack, $Largest); @return $RETURN; } // If it's in between the smallest and largest, go run a check. @else { // Loop through each MQ. @for $j from 1 through length($Reverse-Haystack) { $Query: nth($Reverse-Haystack, $j); // If the MQ is greather than or equal to the the MQ in question, use it! (mobile first) @if ($Mobile-First) { @if $Query-Context >= $Query { $RETURN: map-get($haystack, nth($Reverse-Haystack, $j)); @return $RETURN; } } // If the MQ is less than or equal to the the MQ in question, use it! (not mobile first) @else { @if $Query-Context <= $Query { $RETURN: map-get($haystack, nth($Reverse-Haystack, $j)); @return $RETURN; } } } } } } } // All else fails, return the first item @else { $RETURN: map-get($haystack, -1px); @return $RETURN; } }