import {FileChecksum} from '../activestorage/file_checksum' window.WCC ||= {} $ = window.jQuery Dropzone.autoDiscover = off class window.WCC.Dropzone extends window.Dropzone uploadFile: (file) -> xhr = new XMLHttpRequest file.xhr = xhr # Set in our custom accept method file.uploadMethod, file.uploadURL, true response = null handleError = => @_errorProcessing [file], response || @options.dictResponseError.replace("{{statusCode}}", xhr.status), xhr updateProgress = (e) => if e? progress = 100 * e.loaded / file.upload = progress: progress total: bytesSent: e.loaded else # Called when the file finished uploading allFilesFinished = yes progress = 100 allFilesFinished = no unless file.upload.progress == 100 and file.upload.bytesSent == file.upload.progress = progress file.upload.bytesSent = # Nothing to do, all files already at 100% return if allFilesFinished @emit "uploadprogress", file, progress, file.upload.bytesSent xhr.onload = (e) => return if file.status == WCC.Dropzone.CANCELED return unless xhr.readyState is 4 response = xhr.responseText if xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type") and ~xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type").indexOf "application/json" try response = JSON.parse response catch e response = "Invalid JSON response from server." updateProgress() unless 200 <= xhr.status < 300 handleError() else @_finished [file], response, e xhr.onerror = => return if file.status == WCC.Dropzone.CANCELED handleError() # Some browsers do not have the .upload property progressObj = xhr.upload ? xhr progressObj.onprogress = updateProgress headers = "Accept": "application/json", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", $.extend headers, @options.headers if @options.headers $.extend headers, file.uploadHeaders if file.uploadHeaders xhr.setRequestHeader headerName, headerValue for headerName, headerValue of headers @emit "sending", file, xhr xhr.send file uploadFiles: (files) -> @uploadFile(file) for file in files WCC.Dropzone.uploadPendingWarning = "File uploads have not yet completed. If you submit the form now they will not be saved. Are you sure you want to continue?" WCC.Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.url = "UNUSED" WCC.Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictDefaultMessage = "Drop files or click to upload." WCC.Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.accept = (file, done) -> dz = $(file._removeLink).closest('.tessa-upload').first() tessaParams ='tessa-params') or {} postData = name: size: file.size mime_type: file.type postData = $.extend postData, tessaParams FileChecksum.create file, (error, checksum) -> return done(error) if error postData['checksum'] = checksum $.ajax '/tessa/uploads', type: 'POST', data: postData, success: (response) -> file.uploadURL = response.upload_url file.uploadMethod = response.upload_method file.uploadHeaders = response.upload_headers file.assetID = response.asset_id done() error: (response) -> done("Failed to initiate the upload process!") window.WCC.tessaInit = (sel) -> sel = sel || 'form:has(.tessa-upload)' $(sel).each (i, form) -> $form = $(form) $form.bind 'submit', (event) -> safeToSubmit = true $form.find('.tessa-upload').each (j, dropzoneElement) -> $(dropzoneElement.dropzone.files).each (k, file) -> if file.status? and (file.status != WCC.Dropzone.SUCCESS) safeToSubmit = false if not safeToSubmit and not confirm(WCC.Dropzone.uploadPendingWarning) return false $('.tessa-upload', sel).each (i, item) -> $item = $(item) args = maxFiles: 1 addRemoveLinks: true $.extend args, $"dropzone-options") args.maxFiles = null if $item.hasClass("multiple") inputPrefix = $"asset-field-prefix") dropzone = new WCC.Dropzone item, args $item.find('input[type="hidden"]').each (j, input) -> $input = $(input) mockFile = $"meta") mockFile.accepted = true, mockFile), mockFile, mockFile.url) dropzone.emit("complete", mockFile) dropzone.files.push mockFile updateAction = (file) -> return unless file.assetID? inputID = "#tessa_asset_action_#{file.assetID}" actionInput = $(inputID) unless actionInput.length actionInput = $('') .attr id: inputID name: "#{inputPrefix}[#{file.assetID}][action]" .appendTo item actionInput.val file.action dropzone.on 'success', (file) -> file.action = "add" updateAction(file) dropzone.on 'removedfile', (file) -> file.action = "remove" updateAction(file) $ -> window.WCC.tessaInit()