command :download do |c| c.syntax = 'download-profiles' c.summary = 'Download provisioning profiles' c.description = "By default, downloads and installs all (development, distribution, iOS, Mac) provisioning profiles. Pass appropriate options to constrain." c.option '--platform [PLATFORM]', [:ios, :mac, :all], "Platform of profile (ios, mac or all)" c.option '--type [TYPE]', [:development, :distribution, :all], "Type of profile (development, distribution or all)" c.action do |args, options| # parse options platform = options.platform ? options.platform.downcase.to_sym : :all type = options.type ? options.type.downcase.to_sym : :all platforms = (platform == :all) ? [:ios, :mac] : [platform] types = (type == :all) ? [:development, :distribution] : [type] # get list of profiles profiles = platforms.product(types).flat_map { |platform, type| try{agent.list_profiles(platform, type)} } .select { |profile| profile.status == 'Active'} say_warning "No active #{type} profiles found." and abort if profiles.empty? # download failure = false profiles.each do |profile| if filename = agent.download_profile(profile) say "Downloaded #{filename}" else say_error "Could not download profile: '#{}'" failure = true end end if failure say_warning "Not all profiles downloaded successfully" else say_ok "All profiles downloaded successfully" end end end