# ********** Copyright Viacom, Inc. Apache 2.0 ********** module RokuBuilder MISSING_DEVICES = 1 MISSING_DEVICES_DEFAULT = 2 DEVICE_DEFAULT_BAD = 3 MISSING_PROJECTS = 4 MISSING_PROJECTS_DEFAULT = 5 PROJECTS_DEFAULT_BAD = 6 DEVICE_MISSING_IP = 7 DEVICE_MISSING_USER = 8 DEVICE_MISSING_PASSWORD = 9 PROJECT_MISSING_APP_NAME = 10 PROJECT_MISSING_DIRECTORY = 11 PROJECT_MISSING_FOLDERS = 12 PROJECT_FOLDERS_BAD = 13 PROJECT_MISSING_FILES = 14 PROJECT_FILES_BAD = 15 STAGE_MISSING_BRANCH = 16 STAGE_MISSING_SCRIPT = 17 PROJECT_STAGE_METHOD_BAD = 18 KEY_MISSING_PATH = 19 KEY_MISSING_PASSWORD = 20 INVALID_MAPPING_INFO = 21 MISSING_KEY = 22 MISSING_STAGE_METHOD = -1 # Validate Config File class ConfigValidator # Validates the roku config # @param config [Hash] roku config object # @return [Array] error codes for valid config (see self.error_codes) def self.validate_config(config:) codes = [] validate_structure(codes: codes, config: config) if config[:devices] config[:devices].each {|device, device_config| next if device == :default validate_device(codes: codes, device: device_config) } end if config[:projects] config[:projects].each {|project,project_config| next if project == :default validate_project(codes: codes, project: project_config) if project_config[:stages] project_config[:stages].each {|_stage, stage_config| validate_stage(codes: codes, stage: stage_config, project: project_config, config: config) } end } end if config[:keys] config[:keys].each {|_key,key_config| validate_key(codes: codes, key: key_config) } end if config[:input_mapping] config[:input_mapping].each_value {|info| validate_mapping(codes: codes, mapping: info) } end codes.uniq! codes.push(0) if codes.empty? codes end # Error code messages for config validation # @return [Array] error code messages def self.error_codes() [ #===============FATAL ERRORS===============# "Valid Config.", "Devices config is missing.", "Devices default is missing.", "Devices default is not a hash.", "Projects config is missing.", "Projects default is missing.", #5 "Projects default is not a hash.", "A device config is missing its IP address.", "A device config is missing its username.", "A device config is missing its password.", "A project config is missing its app_name.", #10 "A project config is missing its directorty.", "A project config is missing its folders.", "A project config's folders is not an array.", "A project config is missing its files.", "A project config's files is not an array.", #15 "A project stage is missing its branch.", "A project stage is missing its script.", "A project as an invalid stage method.", "A key is missing its keyed package path.", "A key is missing its password.", #20 "A input mapping is invalid", "A key is missing from the keys section", #===============WARNINGS===============# "A project is missing its stage method." ] end # Validates the roku config structure # @param codes [Array] array of error codes # @param config [Hash] roku config object def self.validate_structure(codes:, config:) errors = [ [MISSING_DEVICES, !config[:devices]], [MISSING_DEVICES_DEFAULT, (config[:devices] and !config[:devices][:default])], [DEVICE_DEFAULT_BAD, (config[:devices] and config[:devices][:default] and !config[:devices][:default].is_a?(Symbol))], [MISSING_PROJECTS, (!config[:projects])], [MISSING_PROJECTS_DEFAULT, (config[:projects] and !config[:projects][:default])], [MISSING_PROJECTS_DEFAULT, (config[:projects] and config[:projects][:default] == "".to_sym)], [PROJECTS_DEFAULT_BAD, (config[:projects] and config[:projects][:default] and !config[:projects][:default].is_a?(Symbol))] ] process_errors(codes: codes, errors: errors) end private_class_method :validate_structure # Validates a roku config device # @param codes [Array] array of error codes # @param device [Hash] device config object def self.validate_device(codes:, device:) errors = [ [DEVICE_MISSING_IP, (!device[:ip])], [DEVICE_MISSING_IP, (device[:ip] == "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx")], [DEVICE_MISSING_IP, (device[:ip] == "")], [DEVICE_MISSING_USER, (!device[:user])], [DEVICE_MISSING_USER, (device[:user] == "")], [DEVICE_MISSING_USER, (device[:user] == "")], [DEVICE_MISSING_PASSWORD, (!device[:password])], [DEVICE_MISSING_PASSWORD, (device[:password] == "")], [DEVICE_MISSING_PASSWORD, (device[:password] == "")] ] process_errors(codes: codes, errors: errors) end private_class_method :validate_device # Validates a roku config project # @param codes [Array] array of error codes # @param project [Hash] project config object def self.validate_project(codes:, project:) errors= [ [PROJECT_MISSING_APP_NAME, (!project[:app_name])], [PROJECT_MISSING_DIRECTORY, (!project[:directory])], [PROJECT_MISSING_FOLDERS, (!project[:folders])], [PROJECT_FOLDERS_BAD, (project[:folders] and !project[:folders].is_a?(Array))], [PROJECT_MISSING_FILES, (!project[:files])], [PROJECT_FILES_BAD, (project[:files] and !project[:files].is_a?(Array))], [MISSING_STAGE_METHOD, ( !project[:stage_method])], [PROJECT_STAGE_METHOD_BAD, (![:git, :script, nil].include?(project[:stage_method]))] ] process_errors(codes: codes, errors: errors) end private_class_method :validate_project # Validates a roku config project # @param codes [Array] array of error codes # @param project [Hash] project config object def self.validate_stage(codes:, stage:, project:, config:) errors= [ [STAGE_MISSING_BRANCH, (!stage[:branch] and project[:stage_method] == :git)], [STAGE_MISSING_SCRIPT, (!stage[:script] and project[:stage_method] == :script)], [MISSING_KEY, (!!stage[:key] and stage[:key].class == String and (!config[:keys] or !config[:keys][stage[:key].to_sym]))] ] process_errors(codes: codes, errors: errors) end private_class_method :validate_stage # Validates a roku config project # @param codes [Array] array of error codes # @param project [Hash] project config object def self.validate_key(codes:, key:) errors= [ [KEY_MISSING_PATH, (!key[:keyed_pkg])], [KEY_MISSING_PATH, (key[:keyed_pkg] == "")], [KEY_MISSING_PASSWORD, (!key[:password])], [KEY_MISSING_PASSWORD, (key[:password] == "")], ] process_errors(codes: codes, errors: errors) end private_class_method :validate_key def self.validate_mapping(codes:, mapping:) errors=[ [INVALID_MAPPING_INFO, (mapping.count != 2)] ] process_errors(codes: codes, errors: errors) end private_class_method :validate_mapping def self.process_errors(codes:, errors:) errors.each do |error| codes.push(error[0]) if error[1] end end end end