# encoding: utf-8 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe CarrierWave::SanitizedFile do before do unless File.exists?(file_path('llama.jpg')) FileUtils.cp(file_path('test.jpg'), file_path('llama.jpg')) end end after(:all) do if File.exists?(file_path('llama.jpg')) FileUtils.rm(file_path('llama.jpg')) end FileUtils.rm_rf(public_path) end describe '#empty?' do it "should be empty for nil" do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(nil) @sanitized_file.should be_empty end it "should be empty for an empty string" do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new("") @sanitized_file.should be_empty end it "should be empty for an empty StringIO" do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(StringIO.new("")) @sanitized_file.should be_empty end it "should be empty for a file with a zero size" do empty_file = mock('emptyfile') empty_file.should_receive(:size).at_least(:once).and_return(0) @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(empty_file) @sanitized_file.should be_empty end end describe '#original_filename' do it "should default to the original_filename" do file = mock('file', :original_filename => 'llama.jpg') sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file) sanitized_file.original_filename.should == "llama.jpg" end it "should defer to the base name of the path if original_filename is unavailable" do file = mock('file', :path => '/path/to/test.jpg') sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file) sanitized_file.original_filename.should == "test.jpg" end it "should be nil otherwise" do file = mock('file') sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file) sanitized_file.original_filename.should be_nil end end describe '#basename' do it "should return the basename for complicated extensions" do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file_path('complex.filename.tar.gz')) @sanitized_file.basename.should == "complex.filename" end it "should be the filename if the file has no extension" do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file_path('complex')) @sanitized_file.basename.should == "complex" end end describe '#extension' do it "should return the extension for complicated extensions" do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file_path('complex.filename.tar.gz')) @sanitized_file.extension.should == "tar.gz" end it "should return the extension for real-world user file names" do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file_path('Photo on 2009-12-01 at 11.12.jpg')) @sanitized_file.extension.should == "jpg" end it "should return the extension for basic filenames" do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file_path('something.png')) @sanitized_file.extension.should == "png" end it "should be an empty string if the file has no extension" do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file_path('complex')) @sanitized_file.extension.should == "" end end describe '#filename' do before do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(nil) end it "should default to the original filename if it is valid" do @sanitized_file.should_receive(:original_filename).at_least(:once).and_return("llama.jpg") @sanitized_file.filename.should == "llama.jpg" end it "should remove slashes from the filename" do @sanitized_file.should_receive(:original_filename).at_least(:once).and_return("../../very_tricky/foo.bar") @sanitized_file.filename.should_not =~ /[\\\/]/ end it "should remove the path prefix on Windows" do @sanitized_file.should_receive(:original_filename).at_least(:once).and_return('c:\temp\foo.txt') @sanitized_file.filename.should == "foo.txt" end end shared_examples_for "all valid sanitized files" do describe '#empty?' do it "should not be empty" do @sanitized_file.should_not be_empty end end describe '#original_filename' do it "should return the original filename" do @sanitized_file.original_filename.should == "llama.jpg" end end describe '#filename' do it "should return the filename" do @sanitized_file.filename.should == "llama.jpg" end end describe '#basename' do it "should return the basename" do @sanitized_file.basename.should == "llama" end end describe '#extension' do it "should return the extension" do @sanitized_file.extension.should == "jpg" end end describe "#read" do it "should return the contents of the file" do @sanitized_file.read.should == "this is stuff" end end describe "#size" do it "should return the size of the file" do @sanitized_file.size.should == 13 end end describe '#move_to' do after do FileUtils.rm(file_path('gurr.png')) end it "should be moved to the correct location" do @sanitized_file.move_to(file_path('gurr.png')) File.exists?( file_path('gurr.png') ).should be_true end it "should have changed its path when moved" do @sanitized_file.move_to(file_path('gurr.png')) @sanitized_file.path.should == file_path('gurr.png') end it "should have changed its filename when moved" do @sanitized_file.move_to(file_path('gurr.png')) @sanitized_file.filename.should == 'gurr.png' end it "should have changed its basename when moved" do @sanitized_file.move_to(file_path('gurr.png')) @sanitized_file.basename.should == 'gurr' end it "should have changed its extension when moved" do @sanitized_file.move_to(file_path('gurr.png')) @sanitized_file.extension.should == 'png' end it "should set the right permissions" do @sanitized_file.move_to(file_path('gurr.png'), 0755) @sanitized_file.should have_permissions(0755) end end describe '#copy_to' do after do FileUtils.rm(file_path('gurr.png')) end it "should be copied to the correct location" do @sanitized_file.copy_to(file_path('gurr.png')) File.exists?( file_path('gurr.png') ).should be_true file_path('gurr.png').should be_identical_to(file_path('llama.jpg')) end it "should not have changed its path when copied" do running { @sanitized_file.copy_to(file_path('gurr.png')) }.should_not change(@sanitized_file, :path) end it "should not have changed its filename when copied" do running { @sanitized_file.copy_to(file_path('gurr.png')) }.should_not change(@sanitized_file, :filename) end it "should return an object of the same class when copied" do new_file = @sanitized_file.copy_to(file_path('gurr.png')) new_file.should be_an_instance_of(@sanitized_file.class) end it "should adjust the path of the object that is returned when copied" do new_file = @sanitized_file.copy_to(file_path('gurr.png')) new_file.path.should == file_path('gurr.png') end it "should adjust the filename of the object that is returned when copied" do new_file = @sanitized_file.copy_to(file_path('gurr.png')) new_file.filename.should == 'gurr.png' end it "should adjust the basename of the object that is returned when copied" do new_file = @sanitized_file.copy_to(file_path('gurr.png')) new_file.basename.should == 'gurr' end it "should adjust the extension of the object that is returned when copied" do new_file = @sanitized_file.copy_to(file_path('gurr.png')) new_file.extension.should == 'png' end it "should set the right permissions" do new_file = @sanitized_file.copy_to(file_path('gurr.png'), 0755) new_file.should have_permissions(0755) end end end shared_examples_for "all valid sanitized files that are stored on disk" do describe '#move_to' do it "should not raise an error when moved to its own location" do running { @sanitized_file.move_to(@sanitized_file.path) }.should_not raise_error end it "should remove the original file" do original_path = @sanitized_file.path @sanitized_file.move_to(public_path('blah.txt')) File.exist?(original_path).should be_false end end describe '#copy_to' do it "should return a new instance when copied to its own location" do running { new_file = @sanitized_file.copy_to(@sanitized_file.path) new_file.should be_an_instance_of(@sanitized_file.class) }.should_not raise_error end it "should not remove the original file" do new_file = @sanitized_file.copy_to(public_path('blah.txt')) File.exist?(@sanitized_file.path).should be_true File.exist?(new_file.path).should be_true end end describe '#exists?' do it "should be true" do @sanitized_file.exists?.should be_true end end describe '#delete' do it "should remove it from the filesystem" do File.exists?(@sanitized_file.path).should be_true @sanitized_file.delete File.exists?(@sanitized_file.path).should be_false end end end describe "with a valid Hash" do before do @hash = { "tempfile" => stub_merb_tempfile('llama.jpg'), "filename" => "llama.jpg", "content_type" => 'image/jpeg' } @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(@hash) end it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files" it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files that are stored on disk" describe '#path' do it "should return the path of the tempfile" do @sanitized_file.path.should_not be_nil @sanitized_file.path.should == @hash["tempfile"].path end end describe '#is_path?' do it "should be false" do @sanitized_file.is_path?.should be_false end end end describe "with a valid Tempfile" do before do @tempfile = stub_tempfile('llama.jpg', 'image/jpeg') @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(@tempfile) end it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files" it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files that are stored on disk" describe '#is_path?' do it "should be false" do @sanitized_file.is_path?.should be_false end end describe '#path' do it "should return the path of the tempfile" do @sanitized_file.path.should_not be_nil @sanitized_file.path.should == @tempfile.path end end end describe "with a valid StringIO" do before do @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(stub_stringio('llama.jpg', 'image/jpeg')) end it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files" describe '#exists?' do it "should be false" do @sanitized_file.exists?.should be_false end end describe '#is_path?' do it "should be false" do @sanitized_file.is_path?.should be_false end end describe '#path' do it "should be nil" do @sanitized_file.path.should be_nil end end describe '#delete' do it "should not raise an error" do running { @sanitized_file.delete }.should_not raise_error end end end describe "with a valid File object" do before do FileUtils.cp(file_path('test.jpg'), file_path('llama.jpg')) @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(stub_file('llama.jpg', 'image/jpeg')) @sanitized_file.should_not be_empty end it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files" it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files that are stored on disk" describe '#is_path?' do it "should be false" do @sanitized_file.is_path?.should be_false end end describe '#path' do it "should return the path of the file" do @sanitized_file.path.should_not be_nil @sanitized_file.path.should == file_path('llama.jpg') end end end describe "with a valid path" do before do FileUtils.cp(file_path('test.jpg'), file_path('llama.jpg')) @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(file_path('llama.jpg')) @sanitized_file.should_not be_empty end it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files" it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files that are stored on disk" describe '#is_path?' do it "should be true" do @sanitized_file.is_path?.should be_true end end describe '#path' do it "should return the path of the file" do @sanitized_file.path.should_not be_nil @sanitized_file.path.should == file_path('llama.jpg') end end end describe "with a valid Pathname" do before do FileUtils.copy_file(file_path('test.jpg'), file_path('llama.jpg')) @sanitized_file = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(Pathname.new(file_path('llama.jpg'))) @sanitized_file.should_not be_empty end it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files" it_should_behave_like "all valid sanitized files that are stored on disk" describe '#is_path?' do it "should be true" do @sanitized_file.is_path?.should be_true end end describe '#path' do it "should return the path of the file" do @sanitized_file.path.should_not be_nil @sanitized_file.path.should == file_path('llama.jpg') end end end describe "that is empty" do before do @empty = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(nil) end describe '#empty?' do it "should be true" do @empty.should be_empty end end describe '#exists?' do it "should be false" do @empty.exists?.should be_false end end describe '#is_path?' do it "should be false" do @empty.is_path?.should be_false end end describe '#size' do it "should be zero" do @empty.size.should be_zero end end describe '#path' do it "should be nil" do @empty.path.should be_nil end end describe '#original_filename' do it "should be nil" do @empty.original_filename.should be_nil end end describe '#filename' do it "should be nil" do @empty.filename.should be_nil end end describe '#basename' do it "should be nil" do @empty.basename.should be_nil end end describe '#extension' do it "should be nil" do @empty.extension.should be_nil end end describe '#delete' do it "should not raise an error" do running { @empty.delete }.should_not raise_error end end end describe "that is an empty string" do before do @empty = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new("") end describe '#empty?' do it "should be true" do @empty.should be_empty end end describe '#exists?' do it "should be false" do @empty.exists?.should be_false end end describe '#is_path?' do it "should be false" do @empty.is_path?.should be_false end end describe '#size' do it "should be zero" do @empty.size.should be_zero end end describe '#path' do it "should be nil" do @empty.path.should be_nil end end describe '#original_filename' do it "should be nil" do @empty.original_filename.should be_nil end end describe '#filename' do it "should be nil" do @empty.filename.should be_nil end end describe '#basename' do it "should be nil" do @empty.basename.should be_nil end end describe '#extension' do it "should be nil" do @empty.extension.should be_nil end end describe '#delete' do it "should not raise an error" do running { @empty.delete }.should_not raise_error end end end end