module Plexus module UndirectedGraphBuilder module Algorithms include Search include Biconnected include Comparability # UndirectedGraph is by definition undirected, always returns false def directed?() false; end # Redefine degree (default was sum) def degree(v) in_degree(v); end # A vertex of an undirected graph is balanced by definition def balanced?(v) true; end # UndirectedGraph uses Edge for the edge class. def edge_class() @parallel_edges ? Plexus::MultiEdge : Plexus::Edge; end def remove_edge!(u, v=nil) unless u.kind_of? Plexus::Arc raise ArgumentError if @parallel_edges u = edge_class[u,v] end super(u.reverse) unless u.source == super(u) end # A triangulated graph is an undirected perfect graph that every cycle of length greater than # three possesses a chord. They have also been called chordal, rigid circuit, monotone transitive, # and perfect elimination graphs. # # Implementation taken from Golumbic's, "Algorithmic Graph Theory and # Perfect Graphs" pg. 90 def triangulated? a = {|h,k| h[k]}; sigma=lexicograph_bfs inv_sigma = sigma.inject({}) {|acc,val| acc[val] = sigma.index(val); acc} sigma[0..-2].each do |v| x = adjacent(v).select {|w| inv_sigma[v] < inv_sigma[w] } unless x.empty? u = sigma[ {|y| inv_sigma[y]}.min] a[u].merge(x - [u]) end return false unless a[v].all? {|z| adjacent?(v,z)} end true end def chromatic_number return triangulated_chromatic_number if triangulated? raise NotImplementedError end # An interval graph can have its vertices into one-to-one # correspondence with a set of intervals F of a linearly ordered # set (like the real line) such that two vertices are connected # by an edge of G if and only if their corresponding intervals # have nonempty intersection. def interval?() triangulated? and complement.comparability?; end # A permutation diagram consists of n points on each of two parallel # lines and n straight line segments matchin the points. The intersection # graph of the line segments is called a permutation graph. def permutation?() comparability? and complement.comparability?; end # An undirected graph is defined to be split if there is a partition # V = S + K of its vertex set into a stable set S and a complete set K. def split?() triangulated? and complement.triangulated?; end private # Implementation taken from Golumbic's, "Algorithmic Graph Theory and # Perfect Graphs" pg. 99 def triangulated_chromatic_number chi = 1; s= {|h,k| h[k]=0} sigma=lexicograph_bfs inv_sigma = sigma.inject({}) {|acc,val| acc[val] = sigma.index(val); acc} sigma.each do |v| x = adjacent(v).select {|w| inv_sigma[v] < inv_sigma[w] } unless x.empty? u = sigma[ {|y| inv_sigma[y]}.min] s[u] = [s[u], x.size-1].max chi = [chi, x.size+1].max if s[v] < x.size end end; chi end end end end