module Configer class Object < Hash self.instance_methods.each do |sym| self.__send__ :protected, sym end def method_missing( method_name, *args ) if method_name[-1] == '=' self[method_name[0..-2]]= *args return self[method_name[0..-2]] else #> respond to method only if no value present if self[method_name.to_s].nil? && self.respond_to?(method_name) return self.__send__(method_name) else return self[method_name.to_s] end end end public :__send__,:public_send,:respond_to? #> some allowed Hash methods public :to_s,:inspect,:delete,:delete_if, :merge!,:merge,:keys,:values,:freeze #> allowed Enumerable methods public :each,:each_pair,:map,:reduce,:group_by, :select,:to_a,:grep,:count,:size #> allowed object methods public :class,:dup #> allowed boolean methods public :==,:===,:include? public def [] key key = key.to_s if key.class <= Symbol super || super(key.to_sym) end def []= key,value key = key.to_s if key.class <= Symbol super end #> parse object def self.parse(obj) return case when obj.class <= Hash obj.reduce({|m,h| m.merge!( (h[0].class <= Symbol ? h[0].to_s : h[0] ) => self.parse(h[1]) ) ;m} when obj.class <= Array{|o| self.parse(o) } else obj end end end module Data #> i dont know why , but if i catch this , # than somethimes some object happens to not get parsed def self.config_hash return Object.parse(Support.mount_config_and_lib_meta) end end class << self def new *args*args) end alias :init :new def parse(obj) self::Object.parse(obj) end end end