require 'optparse' module Flipper class CLI < OptionParser def = ARGV) end # Path to the local Rails application's environment configuration. DEFAULT_REQUIRE = "./config/environment" def initialize super # Program is always flipper, no matter how it's invoked @program_name = 'flipper' @require = ENV.fetch("FLIPPER_REQUIRE", DEFAULT_REQUIRE) @commands = {} %w[enable disable].each do |action| command action do |c| c.banner = "Usage: #{c.program_name} [options] " c.description = "#{action.to_s.capitalize} a feature" values = [] c.on('-a id', '--actor=id', "#{action} for an actor") do |id| values << end c.on('-g name', '--group=name', "#{action} for a group") do |name| values << end c.on('-p NUM', '--percentage-of-actors=NUM', Numeric, "#{action} for a percentage of actors") do |num| values << end c.on('-t NUM', '--percentage-of-time=NUM', Numeric, "#{action} for a percentage of time") do |num| values << end c.on('-x expressions', '--expression=NUM', "#{action} for the given expression") do |expression| begin values << rescue JSON::ParserError => e warn "JSON parse error: #{e.message}" exit 1 rescue ArgumentError => e warn "Invalid expression: #{e.message}" exit 1 end end c.action do |feature| f = Flipper.feature(feature) if values.empty? f.send(action) else values.each { |value| f.send(action, value) } end puts feature_details(f) end end end command 'list' do |c| c.description = "List defined features" c.action do puts feature_summary(Flipper.features) end end command 'show' do |c| c.description = "Show a defined feature" c.action do |feature| puts feature_details(Flipper.feature(feature)) end end command 'help' do |c| c.load_environment = false c.action do |command = nil| puts command ? @commands[command].help : help end end on_tail('-r path', "The path to load your application. Default: #{@require}") do |path| @require = path end # Options available on all commands on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Print help message') do puts help exit end # Set help documentation self.banner = "Usage: #{program_name} [options] " separator "" separator "Commands:" pad = + 2 @commands.each do |name, command| separator " #{name.to_s.ljust(pad, " ")} #{command.description}" if command.description end separator "" separator "Options:" end def run(argv) command, *args = order(argv) if @commands[command] load_environment! if @commands[command].load_environment @commands[command].run(args) else puts help if command warn "Unknown command: #{command}" exit 1 end end rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e warn e.message exit 1 end # Helper method to define a new command def command(name, &block) @commands[name] = "#{program_name} #{name}")[name]) end def load_environment! ENV["FLIPPER_CLOUD_LOGGING_ENABLED"] ||= "false" require File.expand_path(@require) # Ensure all of flipper gets loaded if it hasn't already. require 'flipper' rescue LoadError => e warn e.message exit 1 end def feature_summary(features) features = Array(features) padding = { |f| f.key.to_s.length }.max do |feature| summary = case feature.state when :on colorize("⏺ enabled", [:GREEN]) when :off "⦸ disabled" else "#{colorize("◯ enabled", [:YELLOW])} for " + do |gate| case when :actor pluralize feature.actors_value.size, 'actor', 'actors' when :group pluralize feature.groups_value.size, 'group', 'groups' when :percentage_of_actors "#{feature.percentage_of_actors_value}% of actors" when :percentage_of_time "#{feature.percentage_of_time_value}% of time" when :expression "an expression" end end.join(', ') end colorize("%-#{padding}s" % feature.key, [:BOLD, :WHITE]) + " is #{summary}" end end def feature_details(feature) summary = case feature.state when :on colorize("⏺ enabled", [:GREEN]) when :off "⦸ disabled" else lines = do |gate| case when :actor [ pluralize(feature.actors_value.size, 'actor', 'actors') ] + { |actor| "- #{actor}" } when :group [ pluralize(feature.groups_value.size, 'group', 'groups') ] + { |group| " - #{group}" } when :percentage_of_actors "#{feature.percentage_of_actors_value}% of actors" when :percentage_of_time "#{feature.percentage_of_time_value}% of time" when :expression json = indent(JSON.pretty_generate(feature.expression_value), 2) "the expression: \n#{colorize(json, [:MAGENTA])}" end end "#{colorize("◯ conditionally enabled", [:YELLOW])} for:\n" + indent(lines.flatten.join("\n"), 2) end "#{colorize(feature.key, [:BOLD, :WHITE])} is #{summary}" end def pluralize(count, singular, plural) "#{count} #{count == 1 ? singular : plural}" end def colorize(text, colors) if defined?(Bundler) Bundler.ui.add_color(text, *colors) else text end end def indent(text, spaces) text.gsub(/^/, " " * spaces) end class Command < OptionParser attr_accessor :description, :load_environment def initialize(program_name: nil) super() @program_name = program_name @load_environment = true @action = lambda { } end def run(argv) # Parse argv and call action with arguments*permute(argv)) end def action(&block) @action = block end end end end