module Sufia module GenericFile module Characterization extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do has_metadata "characterization", type: FitsDatastream has_attributes :mime_type, datastream: :characterization, multiple: false has_attributes :format_label, :file_size, :last_modified, :filename, :original_checksum, :rights_basis, :copyright_basis, :copyright_note, :well_formed, :valid, :status_message, :file_title, :file_author, :page_count, :file_language, :word_count, :character_count, :paragraph_count, :line_count, :table_count, :graphics_count, :byte_order, :compression, :color_space, :profile_name, :profile_version, :orientation, :color_map, :image_producer, :capture_device, :scanning_software, :exif_version, :gps_timestamp, :latitude, :longitude, :character_set, :markup_basis, :markup_language, :bit_depth, :channels, :data_format, :offset, :frame_rate, datastream: :characterization, multiple: true end def width characterization.width.blank? ? characterization.video_width : characterization.width end def height characterization.height.blank? ? characterization.video_height : characterization.height end def duration characterization.duration.blank? ? characterization.video_duration : characterization.duration end def sample_rate characterization.sample_rate.blank? ? characterization.video_sample_rate : characterization.sample_rate end ## Extract the metadata from the content datastream and record it in the characterization datastream def characterize self.characterization.ng_xml = self.content.extract_metadata self.append_metadata self.filename = self.label save end # Populate descMetadata with fields from FITS (e.g. Author from pdfs) def append_metadata terms = self.characterization_terms Sufia.config.fits_to_desc_mapping.each_pair do |k, v| if terms.has_key?(k) # coerce to array to remove a conditional terms[k] = [terms[k]] unless terms[k].is_a? Array terms[k].each do |term_value| proxy_term = self.send(v) if proxy_term.kind_of?(Array) proxy_term << term_value unless proxy_term.include?(term_value) else # these are single-valued terms which cannot be appended to self.send("#{v}=", term_value) end end end end end def characterization_terms h = {} self.characterization.class.terminology.terms.each_pair do |k, v| next unless v.respond_to? :proxied_term term = v.proxied_term begin value = self.send( h[] = value unless value.empty? rescue NoMethodError next end end h end end end end