class JobInvocationComposer attr_accessor :params, :job_invocation, :host_ids, :search_query attr_reader :job_template_ids delegate :job_name, :targeting, :to => :job_invocation def initialize(job_invocation = @job_invocation = job_invocation end def compose_from_params(params) @params = params @host_ids = validate_host_ids(params[:host_ids]) @search_query = targeting_base[:search_query] job_invocation.job_name = validate_job_name(job_invocation_base[:job_name]) job_invocation.job_name ||= available_job_names.first if job_invocation.new_record? job_invocation.targeting = build_targeting @job_template_ids = validate_job_template_ids(job_templates_base.keys.compact) self end def compose_from_invocation(invocation) @params = {} job_invocation.job_name = validate_job_name(invocation.job_name) job_invocation.targeting = invocation.targeting.dup @search_query = targeting.search_query unless targeting.bookmark_id.present? @job_template_ids = @template_invocations = dup_template_invocations(invocation) self end def valid? targeting.valid? & job_invocation.valid? & ! end def save valid? && end def available_templates JobTemplate.authorized(:view_job_templates) end def available_templates_for(job_name) available_templates.where(:job_name => job_name) end def available_job_names available_templates.reorder(:job_name).group(:job_name).pluck(:job_name) end def available_provider_types available_templates_for(job_name).reorder(:provider_type).group(:provider_type).pluck(:provider_type) end def available_template_inputs TemplateInput.where(:template_id => job_template_ids.nil? ? available_templates_for(job_name).map(&:id) : job_template_ids) end def needs_provider_type_selection? available_provider_types.size > 1 end def only_one_template_available? !needs_provider_type_selection? && templates_for_provider(available_provider_types.first).size == 1 end def displayed_provider_types # TODO available_provider_types based on targets available_provider_types end def templates_for_provider(provider_type) available_templates_for(job_name).select { |t| t.provider_type == provider_type } end def selected_job_templates available_templates_for(job_name).where(:id => job_template_ids) end def preselect_disabled_for_provider(provider_type) (templates_for_provider(provider_type) & selected_job_templates).empty? end def template_invocations if job_invocation.new_record? @template_invocations ||= build_template_invocations else job_invocation.template_invocations # TODO update if base present? that would solve updating end end def displayed_search_query if @search_query.present? @search_query elsif host_ids.present? targeting.build_query_from_hosts(host_ids) elsif targeting.bookmark_id if (bookmark = available_bookmarks.where(:id => targeting.bookmark_id).first) bookmark.query else '' end else '' end end def available_bookmarks Bookmark.authorized(:view_bookmarks).my_bookmarks end def targeted_hosts_count Host.authorized(:view_hosts, Host).search_for(displayed_search_query).count rescue 0 end def template_invocation_input_value_for(input) invocations = template_invocations default = if (invocation = invocations.detect { |i| i.template_id == input.template_id }) invocation.input_values.detect { |iv| iv.template_input_id == } || default else default end end private def dup_template_invocations(job_invocation) do |template_invocation| duplicate = template_invocation.dup { |value| :value => value.value, :template_input_id => value.template_input_id } duplicate end end def targeting_base @params.fetch(:targeting, {}) end def job_invocation_base @params.fetch(:job_invocation, {}) end def input_values_base @params.fetch(:input_values, []) end def providers_base job_invocation_base.fetch(:providers, {}) end # parses params to get job templates in form of id => attributes for selected job templates, e.g. # { # "459" => {}, # "454" => { # "input_values" => { # "2" => { # "value" => "" # }, # "5" => { # "value" => "" # } # } # } # } def job_templates_base Hash[ { |jt| [jt['job_template_id'], (jt['job_templates'] || {})[jt['job_template_id']] || {}] }] end # builds input values for a given templates id based on params # omits inputs that belongs to unavailable templates def build_input_values_for(job_template_id) job_templates_base[job_template_id.to_s].fetch('input_values', {}).map do |input_id, attributes| input = available_template_inputs.find_by_id(input_id) input ? : nil end.compact end def build_targeting # if bookmark was used we compare it to search query, # when it's the same, we delete the query since it is used from bookmark # when no bookmark is set we store the query bookmark_id = targeting_base[:bookmark_id] bookmark = available_bookmarks.where(:id => bookmark_id).first query = targeting_base[:search_query] if bookmark.present? && query.present? if query.strip == bookmark.query.strip query = nil else bookmark_id = nil end elsif query.present? query = targeting_base[:search_query] bookmark_id = nil end :user => User.current, :bookmark_id => bookmark_id, :targeting_type => targeting_base[:targeting_type], :search_query => query ) end def build_template_invocations do |job_template_id| template_invocation = => job_template_id) template_invocation.input_values = build_input_values_for(job_template_id) template_invocation end end # returns nil if user can't see any job template with such name # existing job_name string otherwise def validate_job_name(name) available_job_names.include?(name) ? name : nil end def validate_job_template_ids(ids) available_templates_for(job_name).where(:id => ids).pluck(:id) end def validate_host_ids(ids) Host.authorized(:view_hosts, Host).where(:id => ids).pluck(:id) end end