# HTML writer # resource information # History: # Stan Smith 2018-04-06 changed taxonomy to an array # Stan Smith 2017-05-19 removed iso topicCategory (now presented as keywords) # Stan Smith 2017-03-25 refactored for mdTranslator 2.0 # Stan Smith 2015-07-16 refactored to remove global namespace $HtmlNS # Stan Smith 2015-03-24 original script require_relative 'html_resourceType' require_relative 'html_citation' require_relative 'html_usage' require_relative 'html_responsibility' require_relative 'html_temporalExtent' require_relative 'html_duration' require_relative 'html_spatialReference' require_relative 'html_spatialRepresentation' require_relative 'html_spatialResolution' require_relative 'html_keyword' require_relative 'html_taxonomy' require_relative 'html_graphic' require_relative 'html_constraint' require_relative 'html_coverageInfo' require_relative 'html_locale' require_relative 'html_format' require_relative 'html_maintenance' require_relative 'html_extent' module ADIWG module Mdtranslator module Writers module Html class Html_ResourceInfo def initialize(html) @html = html end def writeHtml(hResource) # classes used typeClass = Html_ResourceType.new(@html) citationClass = Html_Citation.new(@html) usageClass = Html_Usage.new(@html) responsibilityClass = Html_Responsibility.new(@html) temporalClass = Html_TemporalExtent.new(@html) durationClass = Html_Duration.new(@html) referenceClass = Html_SpatialReference.new(@html) representationClass = Html_SpatialRepresentation.new(@html) resolutionClass = Html_SpatialResolution.new(@html) keywordClass = Html_Keyword.new(@html) taxonomyClass = Html_Taxonomy.new(@html) graphicClass = Html_Graphic.new(@html) constraintClass = Html_Constraint.new(@html) coverageClass = Html_CoverageInfo.new(@html) localeClass = Html_Locale.new(@html) formatClass = Html_Format.new(@html) maintenanceClass = Html_Maintenance.new(@html) extentClass = Html_Extent.new(@html) # resource - type [] {resourceType} hResource[:resourceTypes].each do |hType| typeClass.writeHtml(hType) end # resource - status [] {statusCode} hResource[:status].each do |status| @html.em('Status:') @html.text!(status) @html.br end # resource - citation {citation} unless hResource[:citation].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Citation', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-citation', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do citationClass.writeHtml(hResource[:citation]) end end end # resource - abstract unless hResource[:abstract].nil? && hResource[:shortAbstract].nil? @html.details do @html.summary('Abstract', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-abstract', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do # short abstract unless hResource[:shortAbstract].nil? @html.em('Short Abstract:') @html.br @html.text!(hResource[:shortAbstract]) @html.br @html.br end # full abstract unless hResource[:abstract].nil? @html.em('Full Abstract:') @html.br @html.text!(hResource[:abstract]) end end end end # resource - purpose unless hResource[:purpose].nil? && hResource[:resourceUsages].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Purpose, Usage, and Limitations', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-purpose', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do # purpose unless hResource[:purpose].nil? @html.em('Purpose:') @html.br @html.text!(hResource[:purpose]) @html.br end # usage and limitation unless hResource[:resourceUsages].empty? counter = 0 hResource[:resourceUsages].each do |hUsage| counter += 1 @html.details do @html.summary('Usage and Limitation '+counter.to_s, {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do usageClass.writeHtml(hUsage) end end end end end end end # resource - graphic overview [] {graphicOverview} unless hResource[:graphicOverviews].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Graphic Overviews', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-overview', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do counter = 0 hResource[:graphicOverviews].each do |hGraphic| counter += 1 @html.details do @html.summary('Overview '+counter.to_s, 'class' => 'h5') @html.section(:class => 'block') do graphicClass.writeHtml(hGraphic) end end end end end end # resource - point of contact [] {responsibility} unless hResource[:pointOfContacts].empty? && hResource[:credits].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Resource Contacts', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-contacts', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do # contacts - responsibility hResource[:pointOfContacts].each do |hContact| @html.details do @html.summary(hContact[:roleName], 'class' => 'h5') @html.section(:class => 'block') do responsibilityClass.writeHtml(hContact) end end end # contacts - credits unless hResource[:credits].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Other Credits', 'class' => 'h5') @html.section(:class => 'block') do hResource[:credits].each do |credit| @html.em('Credit: ') @html.text!(credit) @html.br end end end end end end end # resource - temporal information unless hResource[:timePeriod].empty? && hResource[:temporalResolutions].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Temporal Information', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-temporal', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do # time period {timePeriod} unless hResource[:timePeriod].empty? temporalObj = {} temporalObj[:timeInstant] = {} temporalObj[:timePeriod] = hResource[:timePeriod] temporalClass.writeHtml(temporalObj) end # temporal resolution [] {resolution} unless hResource[:temporalResolutions].empty? hResource[:temporalResolutions].each do |hResolution| @html.details do @html.summary('Resolution', 'class' => 'h5') @html.section(:class => 'block') do durationClass.writeHtml(hResolution) end end end end end end end # resource - spatial information unless hResource[:spatialReferenceSystems].empty? && hResource[:spatialRepresentationTypes].empty? hResource[:spatialRepresentations].empty? hResource[:spatialResolutions].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Spatial Information', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-spatial', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do # representation type [] {spatialRepresentation} hResource[:spatialRepresentationTypes].each do |hRepType| @html.em('Spatial Representation Type: ') @html.text!(hRepType) @html.br end # spatial resolution [] {resolution} unless hResource[:spatialResolutions].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Spatial Resolutions', {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do # keep like resolution types together # find all scale factors hResource[:spatialResolutions].each do |hResolution| unless hResolution[:scaleFactor].nil? resolutionClass.writeHtml(hResolution) end end # find all measures hResource[:spatialResolutions].each do |hResolution| unless hResolution[:measure].empty? resolutionClass.writeHtml(hResolution) end end # find all coordinate resolutions hResource[:spatialResolutions].each do |hResolution| unless hResolution[:coordinateResolution].empty? resolutionClass.writeHtml(hResolution) end end # find all bearing distance resolutions hResource[:spatialResolutions].each do |hResolution| unless hResolution[:bearingDistanceResolution].empty? resolutionClass.writeHtml(hResolution) end end # find all geographic resolutions hResource[:spatialResolutions].each do |hResolution| unless hResolution[:geographicResolution].empty? resolutionClass.writeHtml(hResolution) end end end end end # reference system [] {spatialReference} hResource[:spatialReferenceSystems].each do |hRefSystem| @html.details do @html.summary('Spatial Reference System', {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do referenceClass.writeHtml(hRefSystem) end end end # spatial representation [] {spatialRepresentation} hResource[:spatialRepresentations].each do |hRepresentation| representationClass.writeHtml(hRepresentation) end end end end # resource - extent [] {extent} unless hResource[:extents].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Spatial, Temporal, and Vertical Extents', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-extent', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do hResource[:extents].each do |hExtent| @html.details do @html.summary('Extent', {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do extentClass.writeHtml(hExtent) end end end end end end # resource - keywords [] {keyword} unless hResource[:keywords].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Keywords', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-keyword', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do hResource[:keywords].each do |hKeyword| keywordClass.writeHtml(hKeyword) end end end end # resource - taxonomy {taxonomy} unless hResource[:taxonomy].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Taxonomy', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-taxonomy', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do counter = 0 hResource[:taxonomy].each do |hTaxonomy| counter += 1 @html.details do @html.summary('Taxonomic Structure '+counter.to_s, 'class' => 'h5') @html.section(:class => 'block') do taxonomyClass.writeHtml(hTaxonomy) end end end end end end # resource - constraints [] {constraint} unless hResource[:constraints].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Constraints', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-constraint', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do hResource[:constraints].each do |hConstraint| @html.details do @html.summary(hConstraint[:type].capitalize+' Constraint', {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do constraintClass.writeHtml(hConstraint) end end end end end end # resource - coverage description [] {coverageInfo} unless hResource[:coverageDescriptions].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Coverage Description', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-Coverage', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do hResource[:coverageDescriptions].each do |hCoverage| @html.details do @html.summary(hCoverage[:coverageName], {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do coverageClass.writeHtml(hCoverage) end end end end end end # resource - locale unless hResource[:defaultResourceLocale].empty? && hResource[:otherResourceLocales].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Resource Locales', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-locale', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do # default resource locales {locale} unless hResource[:defaultResourceLocale].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Default Locale', {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do localeClass.writeHtml(hResource[:defaultResourceLocale]) end end end # other resource locales [] {locale} hResource[:otherResourceLocales].each do |hLocale| @html.details do @html.summary('Other Locale', {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do localeClass.writeHtml(hLocale) end end end end end end # resource - formats [] {format} unless hResource[:resourceFormats].empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Resource Formats', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-format', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do hResource[:resourceFormats].each do |hFormat| @html.details do @html.summary('Format', {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do formatClass.writeHtml(hFormat) end end end end end end # resource - supplemental information unless hResource[:resourceMaintenance].empty? && hResource[:environmentDescription].nil? && hResource[:supplementalInfo].nil? @html.details do @html.summary('Supplemental Information', {'id' => 'resourceInfo-supplemental', 'class' => 'h3'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do # supplemental - maintenance [] {maintenance} hResource[:resourceMaintenance].each do |hMaint| @html.details do @html.summary('Resource Maintenance', {'class' => 'h5'}) @html.section(:class => 'block') do maintenanceClass.writeHtml(hMaint) end end end # supplemental - environment description unless hResource[:environmentDescription].nil? @html.em('Environment Description:') @html.section(:class => 'block') do @html.text!(hResource[:environmentDescription]) end end # supplemental - supplemental information unless hResource[:supplementalInfo].nil? @html.em('Supplemental Information:') @html.section(:class => 'block') do @html.text!(hResource[:supplementalInfo]) end end end end end end # writeHtml end # Html_ResourceInfo end end end end