@edit @articles Feature: Edit a ModsAsset object As a Depositor I want to see appropriate information for editing ModsAsset objects Scenario: Edit Page for Mods Asset Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the edit document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then the "person_0_first_name" field should contain "GIVEN NAMES" And I should see a "Continue" button Scenario: Visit Document Edit Page and see the file assets Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the edit files page for libra-oa:1 And I select "1" from "number_of_files" And I press "Continue" # Then the "title_info_main_title" field should contain "The Smallest Victims of the " Then I should see "gibson.pdf" within "tr.file_asset" And I should see a "Delete" button Scenario: Viewing browse/edit buttons Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then I should see a "div" tag with a "class" attribute of "edit-browse" Scenario: Entering a non-valid embargo date Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit additional_info page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 And I fill in "embargo_embargo_release_date" with "25-25-25" And I press "Continue" Then I should see "You must enter a valid release date." Scenario: Entering different date formats for embargo Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit additional_info page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 And I fill in "embargo_embargo_release_date" with "11/1/2010" When I press "Continue" And I am on the edit additional_info page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then the "embargo_embargo_release_date" field within "#release_date_field" should contain "2010-11-01" When I fill in "embargo_embargo_release_date" with "November 1st 2010" And I press "Continue" When I am on the edit additional_info page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then the "embargo_embargo_release_date" field within "#release_date_field" should contain "2010-11-01" # The last 2 lines are just clean up. Then I fill in "embargo_embargo_release_date" with "" And I press "Continue" Scenario: Save and Finish Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit additional_info page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 When I press "Save and Finish" Then I should see "Switch to edit view" And I should see "Your changes have been saved" Scenario: html5 valid Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then the page should be HTML5 valid # the mockups for Libra did not have a delete confirmation @overwritten Scenario: Delete Confirmation on Edit Page Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" When I am on the edit document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then I should see a "div" tag with a "class" attribute of "delete-asset"